Pandora's Box 05: The Grand Tour (Part 1)

_in this age, slave labor is apparently used in many industries and fields.

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The Presence Between the Pages

I thank you once more for your labor. your wages...your wages will be in the refectory... ah, preserve my soul." if the monk had looked crazed before, now he looked truly on the verge of madness.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth

A quarter of bio-morphs who go into labor lose their hearing temporarily. contractions during labor raises your blood pressure, which causes veins in your ears to close your ear canals.

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Sessility Gruffloafer Scoffrouse, the Conjurer Cat

While labour can be helpful, i maintain, for me, it's not, and if you try to make me budge, i'll kill you on the spot. "that's it. that's all the poem you're getting out of me!"

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The Strawberry Thief

The flock will enjoy the fruits of the labour of giants of this world.

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The Wastes- Chapter 2: Sins of Our Fathers

There was no way he would do what the labor hunters do, not in a million years. he would rather be their enemy than ever, ever, be an ally.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 29

Sarah's labour in this scene, although rather painful, was considerably quicker than the average human birth, which can last anywhere from 15 to 72 hours (yes, you read that right).

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Drachen und Dinosaurier World Kapitel 2

Es war die neueröffnung der genetischen labors, die ich vor 5 jahren zerstört hatte ... "das kann nicht gut sein", sagte ich mir.

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Still, the storm bore down on him, and the wind stole his already labored breaths from him.

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Moon Knight Episode 6: What If... Taweret had Beaten Ammit Herself (SPOILERS)

But what they don't realize is, labor can bring down even a goddess." layla shuddered. if that could bring down a goddess, she wasn't sure she wanted to know what that meant for mortals.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2

Castes had begun to form based on what matrices you had that subjected you to specific labor and life during the deluwith debate of 0115aw.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion

Only the most skilled craftsmen and labourers remain to oversee the korcyn slaves. not a single ounce of it shall be wasted on labour. leave it to the filthy boars.

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