An goddess

As a dragon, there are things that are forever burned into your soul. Primal nature, instinct, however you choose to word it, they are the things we live by, beyond our own control. The 'rules of life' that long withstand time. To preserve our race,...

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The Creation Theory

They wept for days and days praying to their goddesses for guidance. finally after the twenty first day answer came in the form of a wolf and rabbit. these two emissaries told the pair of the desires of their goddesses.


The Guardian of the Northern Light - Prologue

In the dawn of time, the world was full of magic, gods and goddesses roamed the lands, bringing life into this world. they created mountains, forests, rivers, and valleys.

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goddess dragon

the dragon goddess named Kaina never liked baby abuse of any kind. Thus she never let it happen without punishment of the pup or cub being taken from parent. the baby cub or pup was always given to a loving family unless the cub or pup needed goddess...

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Great Sea Chronicles: Prologue

But this peace didn't last long however, the king broke from his prison and wrecked havoc on the land once more, the people prayed, cried and begged to the goddesses and they answered.

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Unexpected Ascending

Hello, everyone. Janus did a wonderful picture of my namesake, and it just occurred to me I never posted any of the story that started it. Well, it's time to fix that. Hope you enjoy! "Well, Dan, let's take an assessment of your life right now,...

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Chronicles of B-Man - Lucifer Part 1

Lucifer - Part 1 - Threat Anew B-man stepped into Dixie's diner, looking almost back to full health but not entirely. He was still pretty shaken up by what happened a few weeks ago, and only just recently had enough nerve to venture out of his...

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Cosmic Maternity

Risha leaned forward, pressing a forepaw to the goddesses' fluffy chest as she planted a soft kiss on her fuzzy cheek.

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Introduction to the World of Arrinoth

The gods and goddesses heard the prayers of their followers, and gave a select few, namely their priests, priestesses, and a few other high-ranking members of their various clergy, a small sliver of their power.

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Divinity, Mortality, and the Stars.- Introduction

The very curse that the gods and goddesses give him, is the key to bringing it all together.

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Goddess of Gluttony

It was The Age of End, a time for all gods, deities, and other creators when their universe had reached its limit and was on a decline. These things were inevitable, but not entirely detrimental, as the gods knew well how to handle disposal in order to...

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Goddess Complex

Goddess Complex By: Theo Winters Written for GhostBlackburn Snow stood under the shade of the trees, watching the humans as they moved in the distance, they weren't hunters but they would still shoot any tiger they saw. A white tigress like...

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