Introduction to the World of Arrinoth
#1 of Legends of Arrinoth
Just a brief, hastily thrown together overview of the history for the land within which the story will take place.
This world used to be unsullied by war. The Gods and Goddesses freely roamed the surface, mingling with their worshipers, and even attending their own temples from time to time in order to teach their followers their ways, and aid them in any way they saw reasonable. Of course, they could not do everything for the very beings they had created, which began to cause strife in the land. Many began to question their devotions, and more and more began to take refuge amongst those deities that promoted such a growing intent for an uprising, or general mischief.
It wasn't long before the power and influence of evil began to rise. With this rise to power came the retreat of the Deities as they agreed among themselves to retreat to their respective homes outside the realm they had created. They believed this the best option in order to save their creations from certain destruction. However, not all of the deities believed this was the best strategy, or even in their best interests, and as such continued to press their followers in order to achieve what they wanted.
Thus ended the era of peace upon the land. Small bands of thugs began to gather together, taking what they thought belonged to them and leaving whatever meager scraps they may not have wanted behind. Such growing corruption began to spawn hard ships that never before had been seen in the land. Droughts grew more and more frequent, with drought came the disease and various plagues that no one knew how to treat or care for. It was during this time, that magic was gifted to Arrinoth.
The Gods and Goddesses heard the prayers of their followers, and gave a select few, namely their priests, priestesses, and a few other high-ranking members of their various clergy, a small sliver of their power. As such members gained the ability to heal others, through means of their prayers, they grew more and more stuck on their newfound powers. Many became corrupted and required some form of payment, or they would not heal the sick, however, in all cases, they began to take up apprentices that were deemed to hold the proper potential.
As generations of apprentices passed, and times grew more and more trying, they tinkered with what they were taught, coming up with new forms of magics. Eventually, a 'Divine' Council was formed called the 'Grand Tribunal.' This Council was in charge of keeping lands and their rulers in check, and started out solely comprised of the most skilled users of the various magics. Impressed by the ability for their creation to create something with so much potential good, much in contrast to how they had watched their creation being torn asunder, the Gods granted a means for the Council to meet. Thus, 'The Grand Sanctum' was created for them to meet in. The only condition of such a gift, was that all heads of the various factions and guilds that had begun to form, would be allowed to take part in such decisions.
This proved to be a slight problem to those who already made up the Grand Tribunal, but the agreement was made, and thus the Council was split into many branches, with the Grand Tribunal being the highest point. Consisting of the various heads of factions, the Grand Tribunal began to regulate a sort of partial era of peace in the world. Until, of course, one man chose to break the highest rule set in place by the Grand Tribunal. He began to delve deeply into the realm of Necromancy, raising those who had been long dead in order to do his bidding.
Over time, he began to garner followers that wished to learn such dark magics, the more followers he gained, the more power and influence he gained, until finally, the Grand Tribunal, who had been unable to track him down, were forced by their very agreement to the Gods to allow him into their number. From that point on, they seemed never able to settle upon any rulings, his ability to talk others into decisions they would not normally make, was alarmingly well practiced.
In only a few short years, the corruption in the land began to grow at an alarming rate. The druids were given a permanent request to always roam the land in hopes to quell some of the darkness that seemed to cover the land. The forces of evil began to amass and attempt to take over the world with their own ideals, and thus began the Great War.
This War has yet to truly end, small bastions of hope stay shining through the darkness, scattered throughout the lands with no safe means of travel between any two points. Even now, the darkness, still backed by those evil Deities that put these events into motion centuries ago, grows stronger with each passing day. The forces of light finding it harder and harder to stay secluded behind the walls of their citadels. Those who stay out of such conflicts, namely the druids, are finding it harder and harder to stay neutral in the face of the current events.
Thus is a brief recollection of the World of Arrinoth. A land plunged deep into darkness by every creatures innate desires for more.