Midnight Raid - Chapter 1, Enemies Revealed
Greoz found himself unconscious, lost within the deep dark Void until, seeing the light in the distance, within his dream, Greoz ran towards it. He began panting heavily as he ran towards it as he reached out, his eyes flung open and he realized his...
First Mission to the Realm of the Living
"Third seat Miyazaki!" yelled Captain of Squad 2, Nokitake, High Commander of the Seretei Stealth Force "Yes, My Captain?" was the immediate and curt response from Sut?k?. Sut?k? was a very disciplined and powerful Shinigami. He had gotten out of the...
Story of Yojimbo Yamamora
Yojimbo Yamamora was 6 years old. He lived in Karakura Town with his Mom and his Dad. He loved playing with the other kids around the playground across from his house. His favorite part was making sand castles in the sand box. He was really excited...
Story of Sutoka Miyazaki.
At the age of 20 Sut?k? Miyazaki had everything he thought he ever wanted, yet he never seemed happy. One day his home was attacked by rogue, paramilitary forces in search for his money, and rumored weapons cache. Unfortunately, they outnumbered Sut?k?...
Knights of Alpha Squad
The sounds of the parade slowly drifted away as the reunited families stood in the alley. They all wanted to say so much, and yet they couldn't speak a word. Their excitement and relief from none of their fears being realized flooded out of them in the...
Introduction to the World of Arrinoth
This world used to be unsullied by war. The Gods and Goddesses freely roamed the surface, mingling with their worshipers, and even attending their own temples from time to time in order to teach their followers their ways, and aid them in any way they...