Goodnight, Goddess

Story by Sovrim Terraquian on SoFurry

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A gift for FA: Sapphy , since she's such a wonderful dragoness. :)

Shira just makes hirself comfy for the night in a rather strange landscape. Yes, landscape. That's the only word that properly describes this, isn't it?

Shira made hir way along a vast landscape of sapphire blue. It stretched on seemingly forever in almost every direction; all shi could see in front of hir and behind hir was an endless plane of that brilliant color, while far off in the distance shi saw a towering blue wall that seemed to stretch into the heavens. The ground beneath the micro-sized herm was curved, which made walking a challenge, and it led into a deep crevasse if shi strayed too far off the path. It was too dark to see the ground beneath the valley shi was nestled into; above hir the light was too bright for hir to even clearly see the sky.

All around the tiny, shining scaled drake a potent scent made itself clear. It seemed to emanate from everywhere at once, in the form of an ankle-deep layer of liquid beneath hir feet. Some of this had soaked into the white drake's own scales, tinting them slightly, but Shira didn't mind at all. Shi instead embraced it and occasionally leaned over to kiss an insignificant portion of that brilliant azure surface. The scent was so potent that it was difficult to even recognize, so strong that Shira could even taste it when shi wasn't drinking the liquid to keep hirself hydrated, but the micro couldn't think of anything else shi wanted more.

By some distortion of time, the micro found hirself at the end of hir path much sooner than shi expected. Shi leaned back against the vast, warm surface and looked back at where shi had been. Two blue monoliths stretched out, forming an impossibly deep abyss between them. They seemed to go on nearly forever, disappearing into the distance. Everything moved at once, and Shira found hirself holding on carefully even though shi found hirself slightly stuck by all the liquids around hir. It was jarring, but not entirely unexpected; the tiny one knew exactly where shi was and such movements were just one of the hazards here.

"Goodnight, Goddess Sapphy," shi called out to the heavens, before planting another kiss on the sapphire surface beneath hir.

"Goodnight my cute bit of toe lint," a feminine voice responded, loud enough to be almost deafening yet gentle and soothing. It was a simple statement of fact, said with a smile, and it was a fact that both dragonesses were delighted by. Shira looked over the toes of hir Goddess once again just to admire their beauty. The sweat that soaked hir body marked hir as property of the unfathomably massive blue dragoness Shira had offered hirself to, and the tiny drake could think of few things shi desired more, in this moment, but to rest between those magnificent toes for the night. With a yawn and a final, deep breath of hir Goddess's scent, Shira curled hir tail beneath hir head to serve as a pillow as shi lay back to sleep.