All tied up

You knew that going too far off the beaten path in this unfamiliar part of the woods could be a bad idea, but you hadn't expected things to go so horribly wrong so quickly. First you were knocked out by something unseen, then you woke up to find...

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The Monster from the Maroon Lagoon

"Have you heard the story of _Cristatus, the Monster from the Maroon Lagoon?_" Sovrim asked, grinning at his companions around the dying campfire. The others simply groaned. "Isn't it the _Creature from the Black Lagoon_?" you said, "And besides, we...

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Desecrated by Desertion

It had been quite some time since Shira had dared to even walk into the domain of the tyrant, let alone attempted to enter the castle. Shi occasionally, longingly looked from afar but hadn't actually walked to his lands in some time. However, shi had...

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Midnight Azure

Shira yawned widely as hir night came to a close. The two-inch tall drake made hir way into hir bedroom which, ultimately, was a cozy if sparsely furnished one: A bed, a computer desk, a ceiling lamp, and a dresser were all shi had. There was no...

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Stopping Dragonien

"Oh god! He's going to kill us all!" one person screamed as he quickly ran down the street, fleeing from the towering red dragon that had wandered into downtown. The titan's name was Dragonien, as he'd rumbled out upon reaching the city limits. At...

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At the Protector's Feet

Breakfast I woke up to the feeling of the ground moving beneath me. The Protector had awakened to begin his morning routine. I took a moment to stretch my arms and legs, before moving the small patch of moss I used as a bed and shelter to the side. I...

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One moment, the city of New Chicago was enjoying a bright, sunny day, with a view far as the eye could see. The next, after a brilliant flash, the view was obscured by a white wall that stretched into the sky, with its top obscured by the...

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Goodnight, Goddess

Shira made hir way along a vast landscape of sapphire blue. It stretched on seemingly forever in almost every direction; all shi could see in front of hir and behind hir was an endless plane of that brilliant color, while far off in the distance shi...

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Hydreigon Hugs

"Hyyyyyyyyyyyy!" You nearly jumped out of your skin as you heard the roar of a Hydreigon. There were rumors that the three-headed dragon could be found near Lake Axewell but you'd assumed someone had just seen a few too many Deino hanging out...

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Minty Miss Kringle

"Aww, having second thoughts about that festive get-up, Minty?" Kairi grinned toothily at the magpie, as if a shark was capable of any other kind of grin. "See, you're the one who decided to make a bet about who could hold their breath longer. Given...

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Mare Anguis (Serpent Sea)

Mare Anguis is a lunar moon. Its name derives from the Latin for _Serpent Sea_. It has an appearance resembling that of a dragon in flight, wings outstretched, and it is an impressive 150 kilometers in diameter. (All the preceding paraphrased from...

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Insole exploration

You awaken to find yourself on a strange, seemingly alien landscape. Your vision is spinning as you slowly sit up and try to regain your bearings. You're naked, you soon realize. Were you naked before? No, no, you couldn't have been. You struggle to...

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