
wasted (06/12/2018) a generation hasn't gone, without becoming ruler's pawn, sent away to serve their need, fighting for their endless greed, hack and slash or shoot the gun, for there is nowhere they can run, win the fight and save

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The Wastes- Chapter 5: Get yourself acquainted, son.

It looked like it had once been the inside of a fast-food restaurant, and women sat around the counter and chairs, smoking hand-wrapped tobacco or other narcotics from the wastes.

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The Wastes- Chapter 7: East into the Sunset....

The bandits were dressed in a lazy selection of worn-out combat armor or leather sheets, which in truth did little help protecting against the dangers of the wastes.

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The Wastes- Chapter 3: They USED to call 'em foremen.

#3 of the wastes this chapter ended being shorter than i had hoped, but i do enjoy the cliff-hanger ending very, very much. enjoy, and thank you for reading.

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The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends

#6 of the wastes my deepest apologies for the incredibly long delay on this post, i lost track of the story and had to swivel it back into perspective. for those of you still inclined to read, please do enjoy. i think this is a good one...

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The Wastes- Chapter 2: Sins of Our Fathers

#2 of the wastes here is chapter 2. hope you enjoy it! the drifter and his sister were born december 2nd, in the year 2213. they were twins, but not identical twins.

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The Wastes (Teaser)

That much done, the drifter then drew out a morphine hypo needle and a chemical powder that had become known around the wastes as "fix-up", which promoted very fast wound knitting and healing, from his courier bag.

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Pokemon Go!

Where did ya come from, where did ya go? Where did ya come from, Pidgeotto? Been playing a lot of Pokemon Go in the nice weather. Loads of people hate it and have been saying that they got hurt and or mugged and stuff because of the app but the main...

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A Friend In The Wastes: The encounter

#1 of a friend in the wastes a friend in the wastes: the encounter the husky walked into the room, a musty smell assaulting his nostrils. the room is dark and decrepit, the cement walls starting to crumble.

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Wasteful Death, CH 09

The final version of the story is available as an e-book and you can find the online stores where it is available via this link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wasteful-death-7586117 the first draft of the second book in the series, a familiar death, is available

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The Wastes- Chapter 1: To the Victor...

Around the back of the school were rusted remains of cars, buses, and the usual skeletal frames that were scattered across the wastes. looters wasted no time salvaging scraps of iron or plastic from the cars that had once stood here.

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when we waste away

Comments critiques faves and votes would be appreciated when we waste away we care not for time of day nor for the money in our pocket but for the love we hold in a heart shaped locket we hold it close to the brightest flames we will always remember

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