The Hybrid War Part 4

Arm around laura and held her close as they walked, laura felt safer, "i could use a nice hot bath" fox said, laura suddenly remembered their bet "we all could use one" strawberry replied "especially you, strawberry" laura laughed; strawberry

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Dragon's Heart Prologue REDUX

A little while later, laura and ray were outside, comet asleep in his room. "laura... it's going to hurt me, being away from you all," ray whispered, holding his wife close. laura nodded. "i know," she replied.

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Dragon's Heart Ch. 5

laura decided to tread into the situation cautiously. "which brother, and do i know you?" laura inquired back, her voice not showing a trace of the fear that laura felt inside.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 38

"i've got work to do, laura, i have to fix this."

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 38

"i've got work to do, laura, i have to fix this."

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The Summer of a life time: Chapter 4 - A Secret Revealed

And he's polite too" with that, laura's mom walked off back into the kitchen to continue with house work or something. meanwhile james followed bekki and laura upstairs.

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Warren High: An Elephant Never Forgets - Chapter 2

"psst, laura." his ears perked up as he heard mention of the rabbit. looking over his shoulder, he saw laura and his neighbor, ashley, sitting about three rows back. he didn't know laura had this class.

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A Dragon for Christmas Part Six: Can it get any worse?

Roger was by his feet and laura was by his head. it suddenly hit him. "you put something in that food didn't you?" he was looking from laura to roger. they had blank stares on their faces. "how dare y.........!"

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Volume 4 Parlay is cheap

Then laura spotted clara. a flash of cold steel and laura's pistols were draw and trained on clara. erik was stunned but stepped in front of laura. "what are you doing?!" erik yelled.

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