Breakroom Treats

The expansion stopped, leaving dave gasping for breath. eventually, he found the power to speak. "is everyone okay?" \* \* \* all of the people together filled up nearly the whole studio.

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Chapter 3 - Far Beyond The Stars

Dead space was a massive expanse that was thousands of light years across and almost the same amount wide.

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[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt

It was only natural for crime to go up with the expansion of a small community. usually, it was the outsiders that were to be bandits, but exceptions could be made. but it really didn't matter.

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This is a commission for xilimyth ( warning: this story contains growth, macro, mega macro, giga macro, tera macro, peta macro, etc. breast expansion, butt growth, muscle expansion and apotheosis.

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Astral High - Chapter 10

[ted] "dude, you need to get an expansion for this game." [daniel] "i want one, it's cool because every expansion adds another color, so the more expansions you have, the more people that can play."

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The Cursed City of Khern

. --- khern was one of the extended cities of the rya expansion, in eons past it was a fervent trade hub for the frontier, being right on the middle of r-05.

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An End of an Era

Air, water and earth joined forces with the gentle insistence of flora to weave their slow, but destructive magic upon the expansive carcass of the dying city.

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End of an Era

Air, water and earth joined forces with the gentle insistence of flora to weave their slow, but destructive magic upon the expansive carcass of the dying city.

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 21

''the mosiah expanse is a highly industrialised zone. it's outer reaches on the far side of the expanse one giant flea pit where you can buy anything and everything.

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I glanced out across the tan landscape, littered with sand blasted rocks and near smooth expanses of sand. without any specialized equipment nobody would have been able to detect the long lost base that resided among the jutting boulders.

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Naomi Finds Muddie

She peered into the center of the room, something lay slumped over in the open expanse. she squinted, all she could tell is it was a figure, of what, she could only imagine.

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During The Snapped Years

This so-called 'expansion' is what he has always desired during his eons long existence.

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