Breakroom Treats

dave said, getting up and going out into the floor. he was met with everyone else circled around tyrex and his boxes of sweets. "oh, cool, tyrex brought in goodies." dave said to himself before joining everyone in the room. "hey, dave." bod said.

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Being What You Eat

As dave attempted to step past the dragon, he put a hand on dave's shoulder, coming down hard. dave stifled another eek as he froze. "no problem, hrrrf. name's rukai. yours?" "uhh... name's dave." rukai grinned a large, toothy grin.

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Holiday fun

dave said, "not now mr.

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Christmas saved

They got to the airport and standing at the entrance was dave smiling at them. dave said, "surprise guys, i moved into your neighborhood" max ran to dave and mark just chuckled as he walked to dave.

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Day in... Day out

dave commented. "working with you does that." "say, i wonder what the orphans listen to?" dave suddenly said. "orphans?" brian asked, looking up. "yeah. you know. those cloned kids who were supposed to save humanity from extinction?" dave said.

Chapter 3: Back to school

For dave who quickly followed through "so how was your week-end" dave asked smiling.

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Chapter 4: how to react

The two furs got to dave turn "you want to come to mine?" tiger asked smiling gently in hope it would appeal to dave.

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Making The Most of It

dave hissed. john did, gasping through his nose. look at dave. look at dave. it was like a great holy aura surrounded dave, shielding him from the outside forces. people approached, ogling and asking question after question about john's get-up.


The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl

A rotted skeleton in the coffin greeted dave, a ceremonial headdress still attacked to its skull. the thing that interested dave, though, lay across the dead ruler's chest, clasped in his decrepit hands.


The Love of A Wolf

The boy never knew if he liked guys of girls, never even gave his sexuality a thought until he met dave. it was a romantic night when dave asked him on a date, and that night he knew he loved dave. "you do?" dave asked, looking up from the notebook.

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Striving for Attention

Of course, dave wasn't completely alone when his human left. lifting his head slightly, dave got a good look at the one sitting on the other side of his owner's lap: opal the siamese cat.

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