Christmas saved
The doctor was defeated and thanks to the help of Dave, Max, and Mark christmas was saved. They went back to the hotel to pack and say their goodbyes. Dave didn't want them to go they have gotten really close since the day they met. Mark and Max were packed when they did their final hugs and kisses to Dave. Max slipped him a card with his number on it and Dave smirked at him.
They were sad to leave and Dave was just as sad. They got to the airport and standing at the entrance was dave smiling at them. Dave said, "Surprise guys, I moved into your neighborhood" Max ran to Dave and Mark just chuckled as he walked to Dave. Max and Dave shared a passionate kiss, however it was cut short when they heard a beep between them. Mark laughed as he was glared at. Dave retorted, "Very funny kiddo quit beeping him". They got to the desk to get their tickets for the plane. The tickets were pre purchased and since they had only carry ons they could just go straight to the machine to get their tickets. They walked right past the security pretty fast since they had no metal based items or liquids. The plane was just boarding when they got to the gate. The flight was pretty fast and Mark fell asleep, however Max and Dave just cuddled.
Mark and Max was greeted by Sanchez and Caren. Caren looked at Dave and noticed the look in their eyes they loved each other. She knew it was time to tell Sanchez, however she didn't show it she was just as scared as Max was. Mark introduced Dave and how they met at the hotel for the conference. They started heading to the door when Mark got a major head ache. In a puff of smoke the doctor was standing there with a small handheld beeping and glowing red. The doctor said, " Miss me guys this time I will win" he grabbed Mark and disappeared. Dave focused hard on his powers to try to find Mark, however he was abruptly stopped short when the doctor used telekenisis on him and he was ported as well. Max knew he was the only one who could stop him. He grabbed the sword he had and powered up. He went black wolf and found where the others were. They were being tied up in some strange machine the doctor was no where to be found so he worked fast. The others were unconscious and he needed to work fast in case the doctor would soon return. In one hard thrust of his sword he broke the controller and the forcefeild around them went away. The doctor returned as the wolf was waking the two. Dave was the first to awake in a furious rage. Doctor Cornacopia said, "Do you like what I did the machine makes them pissed at anyone I tell them to". The doctor said, "Yes.... are you ready, are you ready, Transformation central can you feel it, you're changing, you're changing alright" he maniacally laughed and Dave wasn't himself.
Dave was looking more like a monster then the fox he really was, Max said, "Dave please come out of this, I don't want to hurt you". Dave powered himself to his dark form, he wasn't white at all anymore like the day they fought the doctor. He was pure black again and ready to fight. The doctor snapped his fingers and Dave attacked. He jumped up and kicked Max right in the chest. Max just fell to the ground, but just as fast he jumped up. He dodged almost every attack thrown at him. He jumped back and grabbed the sword that he had put down. He took aim and threw the sword at the helmet controlling his love. Max, however missed the helmet and Dave pounced on top of Max pinning him against the cold floor. Max kneed Dave in the chest pushing him off. Max now pinned Dave down and pushed the helmet off.
Dave came through and he was no longer a rage machine. Dave looked around and looked up at the wolf on top of him, he laughed and said, " heh, guess you always like to be the top" Max just chuckled as he bent down and kissed Dave. Mark was still sitting in the machine with his helmet on. The doctor knew the controls were broken and it was pointless so he ran. They ran to Mark and took the helmet off. He came through and went back to normal. they noticed the time and Dave said, "Crap guys we have to go they are still waiting for us" Max and Dave changed back to their previous regular forms. They teleported back to were they left the others. They drove to the neighborhood and two doors down Dave noticed his bueatiful new house. It was late so he grudgingly went up the drive to the house. Max went out and helped Dave in. He spent the night with Dave and the others went to their house. They got in reluctantly as well and went straight to bed.
There is my story for now I hope you liked it I sure had a small case of writers block.