Internet love

#### The clock on the wall showed nine pm. I was cybering wth my hunk muffin. Sorry how silly of me. I am a nineteen year old fox and bright orange with a white muzzle leading down my abdomen. I went to to meet up...

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One day I will have him Chpter 2

# **Edited by Wolfe Escada.** I was walking out of the music store when I accidentally bumped into Martin. I was so embarrassed; my blushing could not be hidden. He chuckled, "You have a thing for bumping into people don't...

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One Day When I grow up chapter 1

# This story was edited by Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada. I don't know what will be, what the future brings me can somebody show me what my fortune will be. I was singing my favorite song when I accidentally bumped into the hottest fur at my school. He was...

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tragedys beggining

I felt the sharp pain in my abdomen as I fell down to the ground. This feeling was unlike any other, however I broke up with plenty of boyfriends I think he may have been the one for me. I just sat there thinking what I could have possibly done. I sat...


Single's fun

I am a 19 year old gay wolf with a great personality. I am single again, which is so strange for me since my last relationship lasted for a year, however I am happy we both moved on since I felt I should try a girl to see if I could pass as bi but it...

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New Years surprise

Sanchez awoke happy as ever, his dream was quite wonderful. His day was even about to get better. Sanchez got a call from the doctor that Mark has made a wonderful recovery and is able to go home. Sanchez played the song Say I'm your number one...

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the week after xmas

### Mark and Sanchez were the first to wake. The Ipod charger and alarm clock played Cowboy by Chipz. The song started saying, " Cowboy, Cowboy riding in a rodeo can I be the one for you,cowboy cowboy you're my little Romeo let me be your...

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Christmas saved

The doctor was defeated and thanks to the help of Dave, Max, and Mark christmas was saved. They went back to the hotel to pack and say their goodbyes. Dave didn't want them to go they have gotten really close since the day they met. Mark and Max...

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Holiday fun

 This is to Holiday Lurker however when commenting be nice and give criticism if it's something bad like misused punctuation or somewhere needs to be tell me nicely like say something like good story overall but bad punctuation dont be...

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