the week after xmas

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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Mark and Sanchez were the first to wake. The Ipod charger and alarm clock played Cowboy by Chipz. The song started saying, " Cowboy, Cowboy riding in a rodeo can I be the one for you,cowboy cowboy you're my little Romeo let me be your cowgirl too". Sanchez stretched and let out a loud yawn, however Mark just rubbed his eyes and turned off the alarm. The day was going to be any normal day; Because it was the 29th.



Sanchez said, "Hey love, there is nothing to do for a bit since the barbeque and fire works aren't until Thursday want to just have some of our own fun"? Mark just nodded as he was still getting dressed. They both went into the kitchen that was downstairs, and decided to make some breakfast for the family. The boys made everything from ham to bacon and the smell drove through the house like a bulldozer waking Caren from her slumber.The cooking was not even done when the front door opened Max and Dave were standing there.



Max said, "Who said you could start breakfast without us"? Mark and Sanchez just laughed as they set up the table. Max and Dave grabbed the drinks from the fridge and set lay them on the table. The table was set up nicely with the apple and orange juice in the center, and the plates and cups around them. Caren finally came downstairs to see everyone set the last pieces on the table. She was speechless, but happy she didn't have to cook.



Dave said, "Let us eat and be merry for the holiday is still here". They grabbed some food put it on their plates filled the cups with their drinks and sat down and ate, while still talking amongst each other.Peace had finally came to the family. The nice feeling had left when Dave and Max told everyone the news. Sanchez was the only one who needed time to be alone so he excused himself, and ran upstairs locking himself into the room.



Mark went upstairs knocking on the door lightly he got no awnser so he picked the lock. Mark stood in the door and said, "Hey love we need to talk" Sanchez just threw a pillow at him and looked away. Mark replied, "Love please let me in I hate to see you hurting it isn't that bad, you didn't actually think your parents would be together forever their love was dying" Sanchez turned around still crying but mad so he hit Mark. Mark said, "That hurt but I can see you need to be alone I'll stay with my parents when you need me call please love".



Mark walked to the door and out, he tripped down the stairs and didn't suffer major damage but was limping out the door. Caren, Dave, and Max ran to him trying to get him to stay but he just left. He made it to the driveway and fell unconscious. Max yelled to call 911 and Dave grabbed the home phone off the table. Sanchez ran out of the room hearing the words. He leaned over his love and said, "I need you and now I understand please make it out of this" he started crying on Mark's arm. The ambulance could be heard loud and they knew they were close. They reached the house and pulled a stretcher out of the back, they pushed Sanchez out of the way and put mark on.



The family got into their car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Sanchez started crying when What Hurts the Most came on. The lyrics were strong, "Its hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go but im doing it, Its hard to force this smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone, Stil harder getting up getting dressed living with this regret but I know if I could do it over I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart that I left unspoken, what hurts the most was being so close".



They got to the hospital and rushed in with the doctors but were pushed out of the way and told to sit here and wait. Sanchez didn't want to wait but knew it was no use to fight. It was hours before they even got any news, the doctor said, "He will make it don't worry but we must keep him here for the week". Sanchez sighed and was starting to tear when the doctor replied, "You can go see him he is in the room awake in room 34b".



The gang went in but Sanchez rushed in ahead, he made it and saw his love eating. Mark saw Sanchez walk in and put his food down and looked away, however his attempt to ignore Sanchez failed miserably. Sanchez said, "Please love don't hate me I am so sorry" and kissed him on the cheek. Mark blushed and chuckled, Sanchez was happy to hear his love happy.



Mark said, "How could I possibly hate the one I love the most" he then replied with a long cute sappy speech,"My friends are always telling me to move on, to give up. But why? Why should I? They don't see you the way that I see you. They don't look into your eyes and see the world. Why would they understand? They can't possibly imagine what it means to look at your best friend and see all their hopes and dreams come true. I wish for once, just once, they could walk a mile in my shoes. But they wouldn't need to walk that far, they would just take one step and suddenly, they would take back every bit of 'getting over you' advice they had ever given me and realize you're my life, you were meant for me, and that moving on or giving up is simply not an option." Sanchez cried and hugged Mark.





Sanchez stopped hugging mark and said, "Its not that I can't live without you, but I don't want to try" Mark teared a little and they shared a passionate kiss. They broke it a few minutes later and sat their hugging one another. Their mom came into the room and saw the cute couple and awwed.



Caren said, "Ok Sanchez doctor said we have to go" They all said their goodbyes and drove home. Sanchez was more sad then ever to sleep alone at home by himself. He had a very nice dream which made him smile in his sleep. The thought of having his boyfriend be ok was comforting to him.

I hope you liked it thank you for reading the rest will come.