One day I will have him Chpter 2

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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Edited by Wolfe Escada.

I was walking out of the music store when I accidentally bumped into Martin. I was so embarrassed; my blushing could not be hidden.

He chuckled, "You have a thing for bumping into people don't you".

I was at a loss of words, however I knew that was best because whatever I said might have came out wrong. I was about to leave when he stopped me.

"I would like to hang out sometime if you can give me a call," he gave me a peck on the cheek after and left.

I was speechless, however, I didn't notice my mother behind me. I felt a small chill run up my spine as I heard the growling from my mother behind me.

"I will not have a gay son. Do you hear me"? She barked angrily.

I just couldn't think of anything to say, but knew it was better not to upset her. She hasn't kicked me out yet because I was playing by her rules. If dad was still around I could stay with him. He decided to dump my mother when I was a young kit; the reason wasn't told to me till one day when I received a phone call. Dad had found a boyfriend and was moving out of the state. Mom gave me a shove forcing me to come out of the state of remembrance. She was being aggressive, forcing me into her car and driving back home.

Once we got home and, inside I went straight to my room. I like sitting on my bed to do some deep thinking, it's my favorite place to do so. When I can't think anymore, I bring forth my passion of drawing. Mom had come up to my room and threw open the door.

"Alright I have a date with this cute young dragon so cook your own damn meal tonight," she said, slamming my door behind her after her statement.

The art I had hanging on the wall had fallen causing me to jump forth to pick them up.

I made dinner and ate it as fast as I could before dashing to retrieve my phone to call Martin. We talked briefly, our conversation cut short as I heard his father screaming. Deciding to take the old bike I had since I was a boy, I tried making it to his house. The endless wave of street after street made me upset that he didn't live closer. I was almost there when I heard my phone ringing, stopping almost immediately to fish it out of my pocket. Martin was on the other end, but I could hear the distress in his voice. Without having the chance to say hello he began ranting about how he wanted to leave his house for good. I listened patiently to him speak; in the back of my mind I was glad that he was able to call me. When he finished, an idea popped straight into my head.

"Martin, why not move out? You and me could be roommates," I said as I awaited his answer.

I heard nothing for a moment until my phone beeped loudly to tell me the line was disconnected. I flipped the device closed and looked up to see where I was. Amazingly, I was at his house. With a smile, I looked up to his window, seeing him in his room, but being thrown against the wall. Fury coursed through my veins as I dropped my bike and ran inside without thinking. His mother, with a look of surprise in her eyes, saw me as I ran past and to his room. Kicking the door open with full force, I charged into the room. Martin and his father had a startled expression that didn't faze me at all as I glared directly at his father. With newfound strength, I reached for his father's collar and lifted him up in the air.

"Do not dare hurt him!" I barked with rage in my voice.

He started whimpering like a puppy who knew he did something wrong.

"It may be wrong to fight with someone, but I sure as hell won't hold back with you!" I growled as I took hold of Martin, who was now suffering with few bruises and bleeding.

I took him out of the house and began to call my mom to pick us up. Just as I was about to ask, Martin snatched my phone away and hung it up.

"No fox your mom is not driving I am," he said, grabbing a set of keys out of his pocket.

We got into his light blue, 67' Shelby. We drove to my house with the top down, the wind washing a chilled air over us. I glanced over to him, taking in the sweet scene of his fur fluttering through the air. I signaled for him to park in front of the old, decrepit house that was my home. The shingles were falling off, the chipped white paint worn down, the lawn that was starting to turn brown, and the drive way needed work as well; but this was the edifice that I called home. He did so, pulling up the top before shutting off the engine. The engine purred one last time before slowly growing to a silence. Sitting quietly with one another, I turned to him. Mustering all of my courage, I placed a kiss on his lips. I was entirely surprised when he didn't pull back. He held the kiss as long as he could, but the interruption of my mother broke it off.

"Mom," I said," this is Martin... he is my... Boyfriend".

She looked at him, noticing the bruises on his body, and just laughed before walking away. I clamored out of his car and caught up to her.

"I only came home to get my stuff. We are going to be living in a hotel until we can find a place to live," I said as I hurried past her and into my room.

I grabbed some artwork, my sketchpad and easel, and a few changes of clothes. As I walked past, I glared at her with no remorse. He started the engine and we drove to the nearest hotel.

Once settled in, I cared for his wounds. With a smile on both of our muzzles, we realized it was our first night together, slightly joyful, but still with an underlying fear. We climbed into bed afterwards, deciding to hold each other in our arms, making it better for both of us as we lay there cuddling. That night, the sleep I had was finally peaceful again.