One Day When I grow up chapter 1

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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This story was edited by Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada.

I don't know what will be, what the future brings me can somebody show me what my fortune will be. I was singing my favorite song when I accidentally bumped into the hottest fur at my school. He was sweet and I am a very innocent fox.

"I am s-s-so sorry. I didn't see you," I said as he looked at me and put out his paw.

I grabbed as he pulled me up; in my heart I knew he was the one. He most likely didn't feel the same way I thought, he was the most popular wolf of the school.

I asked shyly, "I um... was wondering why help me? I'm no popular."

"Because it was an accident. I understand... and by the way my name is Martin," He told me with a warm, sincere tone.

I just stood there frozen, but extended my paw and we shook firmly.

Martin perked his ears in excitement, "By the way great song you were singing I know it."

I smiled gently as we walked.

"Will I be somebody at the top, whatever you want, whatever you do wherever you end up, it is up to you just never give up and reach for the top make your dream come true," he sang.

'He has the voice of an angel,' I thought to myself and also thought I need to see if he was gay and single.

I tried everything to get his attention that week, but nothing worked. We haven't even seen each other except at lunch even though we have the same classes. I had no real friends, more like acquaintances, and wanted at least a friend even if he didn't love me. I grabbed my plate and headed outside to eat.

I started singing my favorite new song, "Shake my hand, come on boys will you shake a poor sinners hand!"

I started watching were I was going this time, but sang again. It was a beautiful day, the warm sun and gentle breeze feeling wonderful through my fur.

I started watching were I was going this time, but sang again, "Yes... Are you ready, are you ready, transformation central, can you feel it your changing alright, I hope your satisfied, but if you wait don't blame me blame my friends on the other side!" I maniacally laughed after the last line.

Martin approached from behind me, scaring me with a quick and low growl. I jumped as he started laughing while I shook myself off from the shock.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist, but you have a great voice and evil laugh. You should be in the school drama's department," He said as he regained his composure.

I sighed and started to walk away until he got in front of me, making me hit his chest.

He chuckled, "Just think about it, we could use you."

I thought about it deeply before I sighed and said, "I would love to, but sadly I can't. Mom says no extra activities it's all work, work, work."

Martin looked at me, the look of profound sadness in his eyes, before he walked away. I couldn't let him go, so I ran to him. However, he was fast; I did my best but accidentally fell into him when I tripped.

He turned quickly before laughing once more and saying, "Falling for someone hard, aren't we?"

I just smirked at him and nodded. He chuckled lightly as he helped me to my foot paws.

"Good, cause I think you are one hot fox," He said as I rose to meet him at eye level.

I blushed, turning away as I tried not to let him see my innocence.

With a chuckle he said, "Don't try to hide from me cutie."

A full-faced grin broke over his muzzle as he handed me his card, leaving me with a wink. On the front of the card it had his name and number. I was so full of joy that I skipped off, the smile on my face holding me all the way to my next class and through the rest of the day.

The day went by faster thinking about him.

'I would love to have a boyfriend,' I thought to myself, 'he is a very hot wolf and the fact he thinks I'm cute is a great thing.' I caught the bus and went home, my mom waiting for me when I entered.

"Did you forget you have a piano lesson today?" She said in an annoyed tone.

I just shook my head 'no' and went upstairs to change. Slipping into my tuxedo, my mom came into the room and slapped me. "That is the ugliest thing I've ever seen," I just looked down as she began to yell, "Look at me when I am talking to you."

I didn't want to and started crying.

She continued her verbal assault, "Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about!"

I whimpered and shut the door after she stormed out of the room so I could change into my casual clothing with some privacy.

I went to my lesson; I didn't even like playing, but mom made me. I noticed Martin at the sports centre as we passed. I wanted to wave to him, but didn't want to deal with the backlash from my mother. He probably would not have seen me anyways. The lesson was a few blocks over from there. She parked in the lot and rushed me out of the car to the 2-hour lesson that she required of me. My life was going downhill so fast that I just wanted it to end.

Starting a story but I am being dragged off by friends so I will get to start the rest later.