The Chronicles of Tidaka Chapter Three: Dave, The Empire’s 2ed in command.

"you do not have the gift to work the arcane arts." replied tidaka. "why?" asked charr. "some have it some don't, it is one of the few things i do not understand." tidaka stated meekly.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (14)

) - _relationship status:_ _ **arcane arts.** _ _below, write which school(s) of study you wish to attend._ _list your natural proficiencies (optional):_ _ **ars magica academy offers the following schools of study.** _ _abjuration;_ - _countermagic

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World of Osmis: Classes

Arcanist: weilders of the arcane arts and basic magic. conjurer: specialised in calling forth the powers of lesser spirits to aid them in battle.

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Ferina III - A Note from the Author

Furious at having their most advanced arcane arts stolen, they strove their hardest to improve upon them. the elves, as we men understand, are an industrious, urban people.

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Elementary Level Magic

But here at the switch city school of arcane arts we're always willing to make reasonable accommodations to help our students fit in better.

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Ezreal's Journey.txt

This sealed the deal on ezreal's path in life - he would eschew the arcane arts in favor of archaeology. since then, countless of ezreal's adventures have been written about as romanticized stories.

Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)

The exiled sorcerer had both incredible power at his disposal, and perhaps most importantly of all, unequalled knowledge in the arcane arts. if there was a weakness they could exploit, the heretic would know.

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The Book of Warlock 1. We begin with death.

He'd not had much exposure to the arcane arts, being a soldier. he was a sword and shield man through and through. magic was for mages, who wore flowing robes with big hoods, and waved long, fancy sticks around with mystical gems bound at the top.

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Those who Walk In Dream - Beginings, Part 2

Those in the room with knowledge of the arcane arts threw up wards to shield themselves from the elemental forces about to be released, those who did not fled in terror.

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Hypnosis Smosis

"i just told you, i'm the great ambrose of the arcane arts. i'm fairly notorious as an agent of karma around these parts." "is that so?" kickaha asked.

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The Book of Warlock 7. Magic vs Magick.

In the society i'm from, magick is only used by those trained in arcane arts, and it's rationed out carefully. it's... not like that here, huh?" general warlock held his hand out and let his power flow through into a blue swirling sphere in his palm.

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A New Life (Part 5)

"i've never heard of a taurhe using the arcane arts before..." "what about tireseus? she healed my arm." "that is completely different from what you have explained to me. shamans can only call upon the earth.

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