the war he calls it

_journal entry 210:_ _ my grandfather would be proud of me. I protected all i could of my family and made it to safety. I owe him my life his stories he told and told again helped me survive. To think long after he is dead he is still teaching me...

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Poem: Nuked

But i believe if you change to better yourself then do it, nuked broken down, torn to pieces, one broken promise, is all it takes. the love that was there, ripped apart, a lonely empty space, is all that's left.


The Fall of Olympia-CHP 3

At the sudden flash, Vol'sk immediatly sprung up from the ground, dropping his things. Upon trying to look at the source of extreme light, his eyes were forced shut by its intensity and he was flung completely off his feet just moments later....

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The ledges of granite were firm under paw as my fingers grasped their jagged surfaces. Boots held steady on small rock footholds as I squeezed myself as close as I possibly could the cliff's face. I was panting, muscles aching as the last couple of...

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Tale of Planet Omega 2064

The domes also had their own nukes and once the outsiders showed their power by destroying a small dome, killing everyone inside, the domes had enough of the outsiders and launched their nukes.

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My Story - Chapter 2

One was a 50 megaton nuke, and the other... well you'll find out about later.

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The Spy That Was

Scientist: one of the mega nukes exploded in the pacific ocean. with a blast that powerful underwater like that, it's bound to create a tsunami that can reach farther reaches from the ocean. ...............

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That country didn't expect all the other countries to reply with the threat of nukes. it was one big stand off, with everyone blaming everyone else.

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Furry Fallout

-holotape ends- prologue: china launches nukes!!!! more on p.10a december 20th 2015 that's all the headlines said this morning. nukes are on the way. not just from china but from every nation in the world.

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The Unthinkable

The disease out there can spread even farther so that another nuke wouldn't be worth shit and--omph...... (shadow elbowed blaze in his side as drake came around a corner.) drake: and what blaze?

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Theory of Everything

It gives us math and rocket science that we use to maximize profits and drop nukes on one another. it gives us video games so we waste away our fucking lives with no practical skills while the rich run rampant. and we?

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Cahpter 3-Firedrake Xalanth

"the trucks didn't kill him",taro replied,"he was the warlord we hunted for so long,he was the one who set off the nuke that should have killed you,and he nearly killed me."

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