Chapter 3 - Far Beyond The Stars

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#3 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 2 - The Hand of Gods

Chapter 3 - Far Beyond The Stars

"Throughout all my travels of the Universe, one one concept seems universal to me - Good and Evil" - Walter Aries â€" Explorer Legend, Terran Empire â€" 1970 - 2002

Location: Homeworld â€" 300,000 Light years from Terra â€" Unexplored Space

Far beyond the worlds of Terra and Silmeria where the struggle with Asgard was taking place lay a huge expanse known only as "Dead Space". This void was filled with no planets, no stars and no resources of any kind. Dead space was a massive expanse that was thousands of light years across and almost the same amount wide. This was an obstacle that had originally prevented early Terra from exploring in that direction due to the sheer numbers of ships that were lost in this emptiness.

At the end of the other side of the expanse was a small planetary system, a blue star with three planets of which only one could support life. This planet could barely support life, it had an oxygen atmosphere but contained very little vegetation and a very small water supply. However on one of the continents near the coast was a large, stone building, almost resembling a large building.

The building was the only structure on the entire world, however it was completely extravagant with images of fire laced in gold around the walls of this huge and complex building. The building's main roof was a huge dome with six towers built around it which seemed impractical considering the harsh winds and constant earthquakes provided by this world.

A cloaked figure approached the building. The rain was picking up considerable speed as it lashed the coastline of this unforgiving world. The figure struggled with high winds, fighting against them with all his might to reach the door of this extravagant building which stood firmly against the lashing provided by the winds. He approached the door and quickly pulled the knocker allowing him to snake inside through the crack in the door.

The inside of the building was even more magnificent then the outside. It was adorned with the finest gold that decorated the walls in great patterns which seemed to form some alien language. There were also great pillars of marble that ascended from the floor of this huge hall, so high that the tops or even the roof could not be seen.

The figure took down his cloak to reveal that he was a fox, with distinguished black fur and red eyes. He was easily recognisable as the same fox that had worked with Remmy during the uncovering of the Valkyrie on Terra and had also released the dormant Kestra from her cage.

He walked down the marble hall, his boots creating tapping sounds as he neared the redoubtably most beautiful feature in the massive hall. It was an amazing gold statue of a woman, that was huge in comparison to the small fox.

"Kashani!" shouted a female voice as another fox ran out to meet him. She was dressed in a black dress that was both simple and effective. Kashani received her with a hug and a slightly reluctant kiss on her lips, he still remembered their taste.

"You have returned!" she shouted with exaltation, her voice was unusually pleasant for somebody who lived in this environment. Kashani smiled as he turned away, much to the females annoyance as he approached back to the statue.

"I got it Illyana!" he chanted happily. "Buried deep in the earth on Parradeen but it was there... right where the vision told me it was..." Kashani pulled out from under his cloak, what looked like a simple stick but upon closer inspection it had detailed alien writings down on side of it.

Illyana gave a convincing smile as she looked at Kashani's triumph with exultation. "You followed the Goddess well... she will be most pleased" She quickly made a grab for the artefact that Kashani had brought. Holding it in her hands, she walked over to alter and knelt before it.

"Galladia... Lady of the Gods... Accept the Divine Lance Gungnir, let it sustain your soul and bring you into the mortal world!" shouted Illyana at the statue which appeared to flicker and suddenly crumble with a huge crash. Green energy smashed all around Illyana, causing her to be suspended in the air, she looked back at Kashani who staring their with an ominous smile.

"You.... AHHH! Told... Me!" screamed Illyana in pain as her fur began to sear from her flesh, the sensation was burningly painful. "Please... MAKE IT STOP!.... YOU SAID IT WOULDN'T BE PAINFUL! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Kashani just stroked his black fur as he watched Illyana in extreme pain, showing no sorrow and in reality he was actually pleased that he would both be rid of the annoying Illyana, she was too eager to please to be trustworthy and he had neglected to tell her about the sacrifice

Illyana had stopped screaming now, her flesh was burning as she was suspended by the luminescent green energy that swirled round her. Kashani watched with a sick pleasure, he had never seen her so beautiful, enshrouded in holy energy. He watched as he ribs exploded, her body twisted like a puppet. His grin widened as the energy emerged from her body and dropped her twisted dead body to the floor.

"You have done well" said a mysterious, almost seductive female voice the filled the room. Kashani looked round, intrigued that one of his gods were interested in speaking with him. "I never expected such ingenuity from a mere mortal." boomed the female voice through the room. Kashani felt a wave of emotion surge over him, he instantly dropped to his knees in front of the massive gold statue.

"Oh my Lady Galladia" he said, with a strange type of lust that was building in his eyes. "I only wish to serve you" The green energy swirled and began to take shape. Kashani had always desired to see the beauty of the Goddess Galladia and finally after her imprisonment on this remote world by Kestra Valentine, she would have the rightful vengeance that she deserved.

The energy began to form into the corporeal form of a beautiful human female with lush green hair and eyes that were as a red as fire and seemed to move and swirl inside her iris. Kashani instantly bow his head to her as this form approached him, it seemed that she was more beautiful then anything he had ever laid eyes on.

When Galladia spoke, her voice was feminine but powerful at the same time, it echoed through the place that had soon been her prison. "You released me!?" For the first time, Kashani questioned if he had done the right thing, somehow he expected Galladia to be a little more magnificent for the "Queen of the Gods" as he had read in the ancient texts.

"She does not seem that powerful?" thought Kashani but as soon as he thought that, Galladia shot out on of her arms, causing a powerful force to scoop Kashani into the air. "So..." said Galladia coldly. "I was released by a non-believer... who obviously does not know true power!"

"Impossible!?" thought Kashani as he struggled for air, suspended by an invisible force that slowly crushed into his lungs. "How can she read my mind!?". He looked down at Galladia, feeling powerless against her and not understanding completely what she was. But the only explanation he could think of at the moment was that she was infact a Goddess and of a power that was superior to him.

"I can sense your every thought... Altians are the easiest to read in all the galaxies... wait... your are a from Terra, my old dominion...?" Kashani nodded as much as he could through the force that pushed against him. Galladia put down her arm and released him to the floor, allowing him to breath again, her cold and dark green eyes scanning over the black fur of the fox. "You may continue to be useful to me... accursed one."

Chapter 2

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