During The Snapped Years

After the snap, it's either all reruns or testimonials from family members milking you for sympathy. cap swiped off a sweat from his brow. rocket did have point at least.

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Gods Chosen- The Snapping

Nor am i to reveal the client or the identity and species of the person being snapped. there is no reference at all in the contract saying that i was to witness a vityla snap, only a snapping," their voice returns to normal.

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EyeWatch: Dollar Snap

They memorized and copied it in a snap. i was impressed with them that i found myself unknowingly smiling just as they arrive back towards me. with that done, i turned around and grabbed onto the doorknob.

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Snapped Love : CH1

#1 of snapped love this is the first chapter of snapped love. e is a wolf who is going through a spiralling teenage drama with best friend nick, who he deeply loves, what will happen? nobody knows!

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Hero, Chapter 7 - Snap, Crackle, and

"well maybe he should have thought about it before he snapped sylvia's neck." 'he didn't snap her neck.' "whatever. it doesn't matter. you seem to keep missing my point. the rabbit is dead. the mole killed her.

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Hypnovember Day 30 - Aftercare

But if the snaps continued, more shockwaves of pleasure blasted through him, each one more powerful than the last snap. snap. snap. snap. snap. what were these feelings? the bat wasn't capable of understanding them or grappling with them.

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Children Chpt 10: Bloodied Soil

Jay snapped, pointing to the goggles and earmuffs on the counter behind the class.

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Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 14

When will didn't acknowledge his uncle...alex snapped out..."hey gay-wad! stop texting your boyfriend and answer unk!" "what?!" will snapped at alex then looked at chancy. "oh!.....sorry uncle i was just..."

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Childlike Joy

Calex grinned as he grabbed a few more snap dragons. "oh no you don't!" aurum shouted and reached for a separate pack of snap dragons. the two kittens then started to chase each other in a circle throwing snap dragons at the others paws.

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Gold Lightning…Part 8

I snap my fingers and nothih happens. soci do what any sane person does, shake him. i say snap out of it and he does not. next thing i know plant man, a villain steps out from a shadow. he says "he is under my control.".

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Five nights at Jack's 2 (part 5) THE END

_** **_\*laughing\* \*snap\* "oh god, my arm!!! what happened? oh, not now... not to me... oh how did this happen? i need to get out of here!"_** **_\*snap\* \*thump\* "oh fuck! my legs! i can't move!...

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