entry 13

Dear Diary, So, I wanted to talk to Aaron today but he just sort of avoided me this morning... I was sort of mad about that, I figured he didn't want to talk to me because he'd gotten what he wanted, but I figured out how wrong I was around lunch...

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entry 12

Dear Diary, I know it's late, but I can't really sleep too well. I keep thinking about yesterday and how everything happened so quickly. I did enjoy it, don't get me wrong but I have to wonder if it really meant anything. I know, it's not really...

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Entry 8

Dear Diary, So today was my first day back at school and just like I thought, Aaron and I got to hang out with Sarah at lunch. Not much really happened today, we talked about relatively normal things. Video games, animatronics and cooking.. Oh yeah,...

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Entry 7

Dear Diary, Today has been an interesting day so far, but not for the time I got to spend alone. I decided to go on a little adventure today, see there's a long stretch of area near the creek that's pretty wild, well, as wild as it gets in a city that...

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Entry 5

Dear Diary, Yesterday was really fun, I got to go hang out with my friend Sarah and help her with her newest project. She's a Border Collie and a bit of a geek, but she's really cool, she's currently working on an animatronic display for Christmas,...

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Entry 3

Dear Diary, So I had a really weird dream last night. Well, I actually can't remember the dream too well aside from some bits and pieces that were a little like what Ingress might look like if it were a Virtual Reality Game, but I do remember waking...

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Entry 2

Dear Diary Today was interesting, but a little embarrassing too. I'm suspended for a week, but my parents still work and my brother still goes to school, so I've had the empty house to myself all day. Now I don't know if this is strange or not, but I...

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Entry 1

Dear Diary, My name is Quin Mason, I'm a 12 years old Aardwolf with a simple family, a modest home and only a couple friends. I'm writing here because I've decided to start keeping a record of my life. So, lets get into it, shall we? Today was...

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Entry 35

It's too much to go into everything in one entry, but i'll be writing a little more of it as the days go by. i will however explain about some of the people we've met in the last month. first, theres emily.

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Entry 24

Dear Diary, So, I haven't written in a while and boy do I have a good reason. So lets start with why I've been gone for so long: My family up and moved us out into the middle of nowhere! That's right, we're living in the country now for two reasons....

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Entry 26

I'm putting a little snip-it in this entry too, i recorded what looked like a word out of one of the books.

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Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry

Well over 4 years ago at the time of writing this, i submitted this as an entry for an anthology called pawradisio which was meant to be stories based on dante's paradisio(the final part of his divine comedy which includes his more famous inferno) but furry

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