entry 13

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#13 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

So, I wanted to talk to Aaron today but he just sort of avoided me this morning... I was sort of mad about that, I figured he didn't want to talk to me because he'd gotten what he wanted, but I figured out how wrong I was around lunch time. I got out of class, went to my locker to put my books away and when I opened the locker I found a dozen roses! There was even a card with them that said this:

I enjoyed our little adventure. Meet me on the roof of the cafeteria after school, we'll be able to talk privately up there.

I did meet him up there, even ran up and gave him a hug for the flowers. Despite how he acts in front of people, he's really romantic. He had a radio up there when I met him, so we sat and talked, listened to some music, even danced a little until the sun went down. I'm really glad I met him and I'm glad my brother seems comfortable around him too... And who knows? Maybe we'll be able to make this strange little relationship between the three of us work somehow.