Entry 2

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#2 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary

Today was interesting, but a little embarrassing too. I'm suspended for a week, but my parents still work and my brother still goes to school, so I've had the empty house to myself all day. Now I don't know if this is strange or not, but I enjoy being naked so today I decided just to lounge around playing video games with nothing on.

Well, the first embarrassing part of the day was actually while I was trying to cook my breakfast. Duke, our family dog decided to get a little friendly with his begging and put that cold ass nose of his RIGHT up between my legs. I'm so glad no one was around to hear me squeak like that. That though isn't really anything strange, Dukes always been too friendly like that and it's not the first time he's decided to goose someone in the family for attention.

The real embarrassing moment came just a little while ago, I was in our room hanging out and playing Dark Souls Two with a headset on and I lost track of time. Now let me explain first that I have a twin brother, Nicolas. We're technically mirror twins, down to the fact that my heart is on the wrong side. Same birthmark but on opposite sides too, same fur patterns, everything so if we're standing face to face? You'd swear we were reflections in a mirror. The only difference between us is that he's normal.

So I'm fighting a red spirit (That's a player who invaded and is trying to kill me, FYI) and cussing up a storm and in walks Nick. Apparently I lost track of time and because of the headset? I didn't hear him walk in. I don't know how long he was standing there, or if he was there when I got up out of the desk chair in my little victory dance because I won (Yes, yes I know, I'm a dork.) but when I noticed him he was just standing there, staring at me... I've never been so embarrassed in my life.