Entry 5

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#5 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary, Yesterday was really fun, I got to go hang out with my friend Sarah and help her with her newest project. She's a Border Collie and a bit of a geek, but she's really cool, she's currently working on an animatronic display for Christmas, her family gets really into the decorating part of the season. Any time I get to hang out with her I learn new things about how to build or fix something, a few months back I wound up watching her upgrade her families computer which was impressive on its own.

So, while we were working on one of the systems we got to talking about what happened the other night and she nearly choked on her gum when I told her about what Nicolas did in his sleep. She said it's kinda creepy, but she was blushing too and I could tell. She's never really liked Nick, but I know she's into the idea of twins in those sort of situations, sort of hard not to know when I've seen the sort of stuff she draws.

I really don't know what to think about what happened that night, I mean I know it's wrong on a social level for siblings to enjoy that sort of thing or do those sort of things together, but I have to admit it felt really good. Am I a bad person for enjoying it as much as I did? I've been thinking about that all day, that and whether my brother was really asleep, I mean he did tare at me like that when he saw me naked a few days back. Maybe he's like Sarah and fantasizes about that sort of thing and him doing that in his sleep was just him like... Well, sleep-walking. Or sleep-groping, whatever you wanna call it. I'm going to try talking to him about it later today, see how things go.