The Eyes of the Eternal

Syrose fell through the tattered emerald doorway of the orphanage, his azure scales wet with blood; he crept upstairs to the attic, his room.

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Rails of Ice: Part Two

The wolf was also hiding in an open doorway, peering out every now and then. the husky leaned out quickly, bringing his .45 up and pulling the trigger. the gunman ducked into the doorway as nickel's round blew a hole in the wall next to him.

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 4

"there it is," exclaimed kate pointing across the car to an object they laid right next to the doorway on the other side of the car, which was also open.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Twenty Six

Closed or not, that was her doorway to the real world, and she was walking away from it. _the real world?_ she thought._all that's out there are the graylands!

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Ean Vasht Th'Err

Turning around to back into the wall next to the doorframe, ean inched up closer to the doorway. he turned to face the doorway in one concerted movement that took him past the door to the other side.

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The Journal: Chapter IV

The panther stepped through the doorway only to find that it was not warmer inside, it was colder. his fur bristled and became stiff in the cold.

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The Power of True Love - Chapter 2

All the two of them could see was the silhouette of the dragon in the doorway, the outline of his body and the two glowing embers for eyes.

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I sat adjacent to the doorway, able to notice anyone who walked in. the door was sort of strange as well, it was a dark, crimson red wood with gold embroided writing.

Lost & Forgotten 1: The Past Begins

Reaching the doorway, the being suddenly got flung back into the cabin, letting me go as we flew back against my grandpa and the two others.

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Against All Odds: Part 41 - Final Steps

His ears folded flat and tail tucked tight; the sight of the doorway and the familiar murmur of voices from the departure hall sending his uncertainty into overdrive.

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A Theory of Equilibrium, Book 1, Part 4: The boy & The Guardian

Backing to the doorway, gellos let his arms fall with a, "gah!" and he stumbled back as a wave of stone debris fell to block the doorway.

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Forced Entry (SFW Vers, Commission)

It was as if the wood of the doorway had wrapped around her legs like weeds, pulling her down and rooting her to the spot, trapping her in their grasp.

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