Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 2)
#11 of Project Radikal
Noticing that we were on the third floor of the building and we needed to get to the sixth. Making our way towards the elevators, peeking around every corner as we walked throughout the building. Finally reaching the elevators to hear the familiar 'ding' of the doors before they opened. Quickly grabbing onto his paw and pulling him into a nearby room. Quickly closing the door and letting out a sigh as we turned around. Turning around to see a group of furs sitting in desks looking up at us. Noticing the two furs at the back slowly rising with their paws reaching over to their sides. Hearing a sudden sound of a holster clicking I raised my gun and fired at one of them, noticing the other fastening his motions as I tugged Luc's paw and dived behind a cubicle. Hearing gun shots being fired over my head, and some shouts and screams of people. I looked up and noticed a rounded mirror in the corner, noticing one had stopped firing and was slowly moving his way closer to us. Watching as the other stops to reload, I stood up, aiming at the one making his way towards us and fired two rounds into his chest. Feeling my heart pounding away at my chest, watching as he dropped to the floor, turning my head towards the other as I heard him sliding in the clip into his weapon. Quickly ducking down behind the cubicle wall again, breathing more heavily and looking up towards the door to see the knob slowly turning. Tapping Luc on the shoulder, to see him wide eyed and panicky. Giving him a small shake before he looked at me and nodded, grabbing onto his paw as the door flung open. Seeing two more furs walk in with guns pointing, tugging at Luc's paw as we made a dash for the door, firing rounds at the door as they dived into the room, one making it away as the other dropped to the floor again with that same thumping sound. Ducking my head as I heard shots being fired from behind me, grasping tightly onto Luc's paw as we ran out the doorway, quickly running towards the staircase beside the elevators. Passing by the elevator to see it opening with more suited furs, firing at the buttons making the door retain from opening all the way. My shaky paws grabbing onto the doorknob handle, pushing at the door to make it fly open as we ran through, closing it behind us as we panted and breathed heavily. Leaning Luc against the wall and pinning him there.
"You need to get yourself together, now!" Grabbing his shoulders and shaking him a little.
"Y-yes, I'm sorry, just all of this... It's crazy."
"You think we can get up to the sixth floor and get to the guy?"
"Yes. Quickly, let's go."
Seeing some determination in his eyes as he remembered what that guy did to his parents. Feeling him grab onto my paw as we started to run up the stairs again, looking behind us to notice the door being opened. Firing off a couple rounds at the door before continuing to run up the staircase. Looking up ahead to see the doorway was opening, the fifth floor door was opening up as we got closer I let go of Luc's paw and grabbed onto the man that walked through, as he raised up his paw, grabbing onto his forearm and pushing his arm off to the side as he fired off rounds, slamming his arm against the wall a few times before he dropped the gun, kneeing him into his stomach and throwing him off to the ground. Grabbing his gun and taking it and hitting him in the back of the head before looking down the stairs to see two more running up the steps. Firing off rounds with the guy's gun I just picked up, before hearing the clip end, tossing the gun at them before running up the staircase again. Reaching Luc, as he stood on the other side of the door, holding it open.
"Neon, that was brutal, and kind of sexy."
"Adrenaline is racing, hurry up." Blushing a little, running through the doorway.
Pushing a nearby table in front of the door before we ran off through the maze of hallways. Finally reaching a long hallway, with double doors down at the end. Quickly looking towards each other and nodded once again before hearing thumping behind us. Thinking it was the furs trying to burst through the door, we both ran down the hallway. Reaching the end and bursting through. It was quiet, standing still as I look into the room, there were two desks at the end, watching as both chairs spun around to look at us.
"D-dad?" Gasping to my own amazement as I look over my father.
"Yes, it is me." Watching as he slowly walks out from behind his desk
"Tsk tsk tsk, don't forget about me now." Watching as another fur stepped out from their desk, he was a husky, that looked strangely similar to me, only older.
"Who, are you?" Tilting my head a little.
"Oh, common now, your saying you don't remember your own brother?"
"I don't have.." Looking back towards my father
"Oh..? Have I been keeping some family secrets?" Watching as my father grinned deviously.
"This makes no sense...At all." Shaking my head a little in confusion.
"Well, this is a nice family reunion, it's a shame I have to break this up!" Luc interrupting as he raised his gun towards my father.
"Now now, let's play nice, wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now do we?" The fur beside my father, grinned, showing his sharp fangs.
"No, not yet at least." Trying to grab onto Luc's arm
"Let go of me Neon, these people aren't your family, they're killers. Murderers."
"Oh? And you boys aren't? Marching in here with your guns, shooting the men in your way." My father said, as he paced around a little.
"That's different." Luc said loudly, pointing his gun more towards my father
"How so?" grinning more towards him
"It just is."
"It... Just... Is, eh?"
"Enough chit chat."
Watching as Luc pull the trigger, firing off a couple rounds into my father, turning my head towards my dad as I see him stumble back and fall through the window behind him. Gasping and turning back towards the other fur in the room, as he lifts his gun and shoots once at Luc. Making a full out sprint towards him, tackling him back onto the desk as I lash out punching him across his muzzle, hearing him cackle and laugh out as I do so. Grabbing onto the barrel of his gun as I push it outwards, hearing him fire off all of his rounds before he let go of the gun to whip his paw out and throws a punch back out at me. Feeling his fist drag along the bottom side of my muzzle, nearly falling off of him as he rolls over on top of me. Lifting my gun up against the bottom of his muzzle, pushing him up and against a nearby wall.
"Can you do it? Shoot your own brother?" Feeling him grab onto the barrel of my gun
"But you can't be..."
"Well, I'll guess you'll never find out."
Feeling his paw trying to push my finger down on the trigger, waving the gun back away from his maw, waving it in the air before he pushes my finger down on the trigger. Hearing the silenced shot firing off into the ceiling, another, then another before I pushed it down, feeling him push us back onto the floor, the impact of the floor making me toss my head back, hearing another shot being fired. Opening my eyes to see his smile weakening, as he rolls off me, clutching onto his chest.
"Don't worry...It's true... I am... Your brother...And I do love you...Unlike... Fath-father..."
Grabbing onto his paw, squeezing it as I watched him cough up a little blood, biting my lip. Watching the shimmer in his eye disappear as his body went limp, his paw slipping out of mine. Quickly looking up at Luc to see him laying on the ground, propping his head up against the wall, looking at me, his paw holding onto his stomach. Quickly making my way over towards him, holding his head up as tears ran down my face. Looking down to his stomach, moving his paw away as I saw blood surrounding the wound, looking back up to see him smiling weakly up at me.
"I-I'm fine...and I'm s-sorry that I-I shot your d-dad.." Watching as he lifted his other paw, running it along my cheek
"It's okay...and your going to be fine." Leaning into his paw a little.
"D-don't worry about me..." Hearing him cough a little, his smile growing weaker.
"Luc, stay with me...Stay with me honey..."
Watching as his eyes looked around, and up towards the doorway. Turning my head to see two paramedics with a stretcher and Troy standing beside them, feeling Troy grab onto my shoulder as I watch them lift Luc up onto the stretcher.
"It's going to be okay now Luc, your going to be okay!" Wiping away some tears as I turn back towards Troy
"What happened here?"
"My father..."
Glancing behind him towards where my brothers body was to see it had vanished, looking around the room, and looking at the blood trail leading out the window.
"What're you looking for?"
"My brothers body..." "
"He was here, with my father... Look out the window!"
Walking over towards the window as we both looked out of it, my fathers body laying on the ground all mangled and twisted, with a pool of crimson blood surrounding him. Looking down the alleyway to see no signs of the husky that claimed to be my brother.
"So, where is your... brother?"
"He was on the floor behind us... but he's gone, I swear he died. All the life in his eyes had left."
"Strange... Well, at least Luc's culprit is dead."
Feeling another tear stream down my cheek as I looked at my fathers lifeless form. "He was my dad."
"Yes, and I'm sorry..."
"But he deserved this." Sniffling a little as I wipe my tear away.
"C'mon, lets go catch up Luc at the hospital."
Nodding as we left the building, hopping inside Troy's S.U.V., looking out my passenger window as we drove away, wiping away a few more tears that trailed down my face.
Sitting beside Luc as he laid in his hospital bed, holding onto his paw. Looking over towards Troy as he sat across the room, hearing Luc take a deep breath and sitting up.
"Careful now...We're safe, don't worry."
"What happened?" as he glances over towards Troy before looking at me
"The paramedics brought you here, and me and Troy caught up after over looking my the room."
Watching as Luc lifted up his shirt, seeing no bullet hole or stitches
"H-how...? I remember being shot..."
"We don't know... The doctors took you in for operation and were amazed to see once they removed your shirt that the bullet had pushed itself out and the wound healed over within seconds. We are all confused and freaked out a little."
"My body did what?!"
"Yeah, strange. Extremely strange, but since we're in the government no one but Troy had sent in the weird report of you, to save us from being questioned."
"What's wrong with my body?"
"We don't know.. But there's been strange occurrences all over the world, things like this have been happening to people. There were reports of people seeing someone flying."
"That's completely crazy."
"Remember that one day, when we were at the house and we randomly passed out?"
"Yeah I remember, why?"
"Didn't you feel a wave like breeze before we fell onto the floor?"
"I thought that was only me..."
"That was the same day your parents were at the meteor site."
"You think it has something to do with the rock?"
"I'm not sure."
"Anyway, when can I leave this hospital?"
"Whenever, your completely healed, there's no reason for the hospital to keep you"
"What are we waiting for then?"
"You to be precise." Grinning and chuckling to himself as Troy stood up and opened the door, waiting for us.
"Look, he has a funny side." Luc said as he got out of the bed, grabbing onto my paw.
"Let's get back to the hotel and pack our things. Shall we?"
"Not just yet Lucas." Tugging his paw as we walked out the room, tugging him down the hallway.
"What? Where are we going?"
"You'll see." Walking up to a doorway before standing off to the side
"What're you do- Mom?! Dad?! How...?"
Watching as he ran into the room, hugging both of them before standing in front of them
"Oh, I see you guys are out of bed." Leaning up against the doorway.
"Yeah, we thought we better since our son was shot supposedly..."
"How did you guys...What happened?" Luc said anxiously, awaiting their reply.
"We're not sure, the explosion happened and it went all bright. Then we woke up here and we had minor burns and our fur was a bit burnt, but nothing. Since then, we've been recovering from bruises, sprains and burns."
"You guys just stayed in the hospital?"
"It's only been one day."
"They discovered us yesterday."
"It's been two days since the car explosion."
We had gotten back to the hotel, collapsing back onto our bed, Luc's parents agreed to meet us back home, they had to go back to headquarters. Looking over towards Luc to see him smile at me. Resting for a few moments before sitting up and bringing him along to the balcony. Holding his paw as we leaned against the silver pole railing.
"We need a much need vacation."
"Indeed we do."
"Where shall we go then?" Hearing Troy speak as he walks out onto the balcony.
"I was thinking...Tokyo."
"The three of us?" Luc said, looking over towards Troy
"Of course." I smiled and looked towards Troy as well.
"Oh, how sweet."
"Of course, we're friends now."
"Oh? Now we're friends..." The dark brown wolf smiled as he leaned against the railing as well.
"We were always friends, I mean."
Stepping off the jet as we landed back home, smiling and taking a deep breath as we all walked towards the parking lot. Running up and hugging the front of my jet black Skyline. Standing up and turning around to shake my keys, waiting for Luc.
"Text me later Troy, we'll meet up and head for Mexico tomorrow, tonight me and Luc are going to rest."
"Alright, I'll text you tomorrow morning."
"See ya later!"
Watching as Luc jumps through the window I just rolled down. Smiling and waving as we drive past him in his similar S.U.V. quickly speeding down the highway, eager to get home already. Rolling up the driveway as we stopped, noticing Luc's parents car was already inside the garage. Quickly getting out and running up the few steps and flinging the door open. Running inside and hugging his parents along with Luc.
"How did you guys beat us here?"
"After we were done with headquarters we flew home, on the same evening."
"Oh, mom, we're going to Tokyo tomorrow, we need a vacation."
"Really now?"
"Mom... We looked all over that town, got chased, chased people, got shot at, and shot at people. I think Neon and I deserve a vacation."
"Yes, but your dad and I do that on a daily basis and do we need a-"
"Yes, but that's your job. You signed up for it, we didn't."
"I suppose..."
"How much money you boys need?" Luc's dad speaking up, looking at us.
"Uh... Neon?"
"I don't know...Don't ask me" blushing a little
"How about five thousand dollars?"
"Okay!" The doberman beside me said eagerly, tail swaying.
"Alright, we'll transfer it into your bank account right away."
"Yay!!" Hugging Luc as he wraps his arms around me and jumps around eagerly. Smiling and giggling softly, blushing as I look at his parents smiling at us.
"We'll be in our room."
"Oh, Neon! Your friend Blaze is here." Shouting at us as we head for the staircase
Nodding towards her as I feel Luc tugging on my paw as we head back downstairs, jumping down the steps and hopping over the back of the couch, flopping down beside Blaze.
"NEON! Where have you two been?!"
"Vacationing without me!?"
"Not really vacationing." As Luc butts in the conversation.
"Oh, well that's fine. Some kids here are still in school anyway..."
"Heh, anyway. We are going on vacation tomorrow, to Tokyo."
"Just the two of you?"
"With our friend..."
"You mean me? Oh, I couldn't..."
"No not you, dork."
"Oh, now I'm sad..."
"Shut up." Giving him a playful nudge on his arm, smiling.
"Anyway, Neon and I need to unpack and such, unless you want to do it for us."
"Naw, I think I'll watch."
"Oh but Blaze, your big and strong! You have to carry my heavy luggage inside for me" Giving him puppy dog eyes, whimpering playfully.
"Just get your man to do it then."
"Your no fun."
Feeling Luc tug me out the doorway and back to my car, grabbing our suitcases and other luggage back downstairs and into our room, grabbing Luc's and mine clothing, and tossing it into the washing machine to be washed. Walking back into the living room and flopping onto the couch, yawning and leaning my head against the back as I relax. Watching as Luc walk back into room and flopping down onto the bed, hearing him snore within minutes.
"Somebody's tired..." Blaze said giggling.
"We've had a long trip... We are tired."
"I bet, well I'll get going to let you do your laundry and sleep."
"Nice to see you Blaze."
Standing up and giving him a hug as he walks out the door, smiling and waving at him. Collapsing back onto the couch, waiting for the washing machine to finish as I watched random television. Finally after an hour of waiting, I threw the laundry into the dryer, walking into Luc's bedroom and collapsing down onto the bed face first. Not caring to crawl into the blankets or anything, closing my eyes as I felt safe and content in our own bed. Finally at ease.
"Your name is now legally changed to Near Radikal" Walking back outside the building with Luc and back into my car, making our way back to the airport.
"Tell me, why again did you change your name... To Near?"
"One, I like it, two, it's better now, so no one can easily find us."
"I guess that's why you also dyed your fur black as well?"
"Yeah, plus. I kind of like it."
"Me too."
Pulling into the Airport parking lot, stepping out and meeting up with Troy. Following closely behind him as we go through security. Not being question by our government badges as we go through the gates, walking into the big airplane, and walking to our seats. Rubbing my forehead as we took off into the air, a sudden bad feeling overcame me. As we flew over the sea. The feeling persisted, as I closed my eyes, feeling more tired, looking over towards Luc and Troy to see them watching a movie. Sighing and looking out the window, telling myself everything will be okay, feeling the ship shake and rumble all of a sudden. Widening my eyes and looking about. The front of the airplane suddenly dropping, our decent was speeding up, faster and faster.
"We can't be there yet..." Luc said looking over towards me
"No...I think we're crashing!"
Not even listening to what the pilot had said over the com before gripping onto the seats tighter, and looking up at the flight attendant. The sound of people screaming and the flight attendant were fading away, as I looked out the window to see the water quickly approaching, it was all happening too quickly. My head jerking forwards as we impacted the water, watching as the airplane cracked and split in half down the middle, the air attendant screaming at the top of her lungs along with everyone else, as she looses grip and falls into the water, looking down at her to see her surface the water before being hit by a piece of the plane, turning my head and closing my eyes. Feeling Luc tug on my sleeve before looking up and seeing Troy and Luc unbuckling their seatbelts. I shook my head as our half of the plane started going under, feeling the plane shake side to side. Smacking my head against the window and feeling everything getting fuzzy before closing my eyes, everything going dark.
Don't worry, incase you didn't read my notes there's an upcoming sequel. Although it might be a little delayed, since I'm still dealing with emotions right now. I'll post it whenever. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it and won't be angered too much by my decisions with the story plot. Anyway, don't worry about me and my boyfriend (ex now I suppose) it was, sort of my decision to let him go, blah blah blah, don't wanna get into personal details, it ended. So I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 10.