Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 4

Story by ArgoDD on SoFurry

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#4 of Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders

Kate enlists Humphrey to take a generator from a stopped train nearby.

Chapter 4: The Generator

Humphrey sat atop of the Overlook cliff, where the pack of five dogs were found a week before. A gusty wind blew through his fur as he looked out across the valley. Lily was not in their den when he woke up that morning, but he had given up looked for her. He felt that the best thing to do was to take the opportunity to spend some time to himself, which he had been doing a lot of lately. His friends were getting worried as he was spending less and less time with them and every time they would ask him if something was wrong Humphrey would only say that it was just the stress of marriage but that he would be fine. He never felt worse. Spending time with Lily became more and more of a chore, and he took no pleasure in the many excursions of his single life: sledding especially. Slowly he gazed down to the base of the cliff. Resting on the ground was the mangled remains of a yellow and black box that belonged to the dogs, which they claimed was the source of their magical powers. Humphrey sighed as he looked at the scrap. What a fall, rang through his mind, which he quickly put out by shaking his head. His eyes began to burn and his stomach began to turn.

"Humphrey!" Cried a voice from behind him. As soon as he heard it, he sprung to his feet and turned around. There, standing only a few feet from him, was a gorgeous female alpha. The sight of her beautiful gold fur and piercing yellow eyes stanched the pains from his body.


Kate walked up to him, "I need your help."

Humphrey could not contain his smile, "What's wrong?" Kate walked past Humphrey, looked down the edge of the cliff and pointed toward the strange wrecked box. "I was just down by the railroad. There's a train down there that's stopped. I saw in one of the cars one of those things those dogs call a generator."

Humphrey joined her side, again looking down at the trashed piece of rubble.

"It looked just like that," Kate continued, "Only it was red and black."

Humphrey looked over to her and placing his muzzle close to her ear, he said, "What do you need me for?"

Kate looked at Humphrey, their muzzles almost met, but they both quickly pulled themselves away in mild embarrassment. "I need you to help me get it."

Humphrey looked puzzled, "Me? Why are you...I mean...where's Garth?"

Kate looked down and to the side and said in a near pout, "I've been looking for him all morning. That's how I found the train. And...wait... where's Lily?"

"She's been gone all morning too."

Kate gave a worried look, but she quickly came around and said, "We'll look for them later. We got to get to that train before it takes off. Come on!"

At that, she sprung up and dashed down the cliff's grassy path. When Humphrey quickly ran after her, a feeling of relief swept through his body. It felt like he was chasing her. He liked that.


"Listen Rex, if you can't get this track fixed and get us out of this _Deliverance_nowhere by noon, YOU'LL FIND YOUR ASS NAILED TO MY OFFICE DOOR!!!!" a chubby human screamed into a little black box. Taking advantage of his screaming, Kate and Humphrey managed to slip passed the human and dive beneath one of the train cars.

"You're sure it's this one?" whispered Humphrey.

"Yea. Come on."

Kate led Humphrey to the other side of the car. The car door was open, allowing for the two wolves to pear inside.

"There it is," exclaimed Kate pointing across the car to an object they laid right next to the doorway on the other side of the car, which was also open. Whatever it was, to Humphrey it did indeed resemble the box at the base of the Overlook---from what he could tell considering how mangled it was---only, as Kate said, this one was red and black.

"Come on," said Kate as she jumped up into the car. When Humphrey tried to the same, but could only make it up to his middle, leaving his feet dangling.

"Uh...Kate...little help..."

Kate shook her head and pulled him up into the car with her teeth.


After Humphrey got to his feet, the two walked over to the other side of the cart. Kate peeked out of the open door looking over to where the stout human was standing. He had his back to her, still shouting into his little black box. Kate rolled her eyes and then gazed upon the peculiar machine in front of her. Humphrey was already musing over the thing, he looked so goofy doing running his muzzle around it that it made Kate pout out a subtle giggle. Humphrey grinned as he stood on top of the red and black box, "It checks out."

"Alright Humphrey, stop fooling around and let's get it out of here." Humphrey hopped down, "How?"

Kate looked out the open doorway again, the human was gone but she could still hear his voice. She then looked back over to the generator, there were two handles on each side with a soft phylum wrapped around each. She clamped down on the handle and began to tug. The weight was a lot more then she expected but she managed to move it a few inches.

"Com'n elp me," said Kate through her teeth. Humphrey grabbed handle with his jaws next to Kate and the two began to pull with all their might toward the open door. Once they were at the edge of the car doorway, the two got up and walked up to the other side of the generator.

"How are we gonna pull this entire thing back?" panted Humphrey. The two looked around.

"Hold on," said Humphrey, "check this out." Placed in the corner of the car was a rusty metal platform on four wheels and that had a handle sticking out of the front. Without hesitation, the two wolves got behind it and pushed it right out of the car door, making it crash to the ground, luckily landing on its wheels. Kate looked out the doorway again, the human was still gone and she could no longer hear him speaking. She then signaled for Humphrey to join her at the other side of the generator and the two began to push. Gently, they squeezed the generator over the edge, praying that it would not shatter when it hit the platform. Finally, the heave piece of metal slid off the side and gravity brought it down onto the platform with a loud bang.

"What the hell was that!!!" shouted the familiar voice of the human from afar.

"Time to go!" shouted Kate. The two wolves jumped down off the car and used their teeth to clutch both sides of the platform's handle.

"What the hell is going on!!!" It was the human, he returned and was charging right at the two.

"HURRY!!!" shouted Kate as clear as she could through the rusty metal handle. But their speed was no match for the large human as he closed in on them. Kate braced herself for a blow from the human's foot or... she then noticed the human pulling out a shiny, silver short cylinder out of his jacket.


Kate heard about them. They say that when a human points one at you, it bursts out in fire with the sound of thunder, enough to go right through your body. She froze. But suddenly, a black object flew right over her body, making her duck down. It was Humphrey, he had jumped right over her and was now standing in front of her, crouching as if to pouch and bearing his teeth. Kate's jaw dropped; he looked so...unfamiliar. His moment, however, did not stop the human's charge, who began to aim and steady his gun right on Humphrey.

"NO!!!" Kate screamed, jumping right in front of Humphrey, but Humphrey shoved her aside "GET OUT OF HERE!!!"

The human's eyes burned red, the gun in his hand began to shake as he grasped it with all his might. They waited. Frozen.

"FOUR!!!!" shouted another familiar voice. But before they could turn to see who it was, they saw a human hit across the face by a flying rock. And then another. And then another. After regaining their conscientious, Kate and Humphrey watched as the human fled in horror at a barrage of rocks coming right at him. Without hesitation, Kate once again clutched the handle and Humphrey joined her. They pulled with all their might up the hill as quickly as they could until they reached a flat spot at a safe distance. Once they released the handle from their mouths, they stood panting. This panting evolved into laughter.

"What was that?" asked Humphrey cheerfully.

Before Kate could answer, a goose and a duck came flying in, each with a golf club under their wings, landing right on top of the generator.

"Marcel? Paddy?"

The two smiled gleefully, "Glad to be of help," said Paddy.

"We desperately needed some target practice," laughed Marcel.