The Centurion
The Centurion _By_ _Argo D.D._ "_Since many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us...I too have write it that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received_."...
The Rainbow Regiment (Preview)
"You get back here now, Shiloh!" Shiloh, a young Cheetah cub, could hear her mother shouting from behind as her legs swiftly carried her up the grassy hill just beyond her little wooden home. Her mother was gaining on her, but after birthing five...
Epilogue The months flew by, and before he could realize it, Marcus found himself standing next to Joji behind a podium; Joji's arm encompassing him in a presentation of triumph. They were in the wide reception area of a local restaurant. The room was...
Duty Chapter 29: The Help
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Help Marcus tried to pull Reis up, but his strength gave into the weight of the large wolf with each thrust. Still, he pulled and shouted for Reis to get up, his eyes filling with tears in frustration. "For God's sake Reis,...
Duty Chapter 28: Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Reunion 8:56pm Reis's body was sour. The feeling of thick plastic against his back, cool metal under his arms, and inability to sit back in the chair he was sitting in, that was bolted against the wall, was the only thing...
Duty Chapter 27: Due Process
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Due Process The only light in the court room was the orange sunlight that came from the high windows which only extended a few feet from the ceiling. The sunlight shined in straight, directional rays which illuminated billions of...
Duty Chapter 25: A Needed Calm
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Needed Calm Joji and Reis entered Joji's dark office. The blinds were down but open about a fourth of the way, allowing thin, separate rays of sun light to cascade through the room. Joji went over to his desk and opened the...
Duty Chapter 24: Emergence
Chapter Twenty-Four: Emergence The doorway from the gym leading to the outside was open, but no one could see beyond it considering how smoky it was. Apparently, several bombs were set off in the gym which burned up some of the old wood and the smoke...
Duty Chapter 22: Action
eis was brought back to Joji's police car, standing with Toni who was discretely pressing his gun to his back. Reis stood there, staring at the school, looking at the bellowing smoke, hearing the screams and sirens, and thinking how useless he felt....
Duty Chapter 21: Try or Die
Chapter Twenty-One: Try or Die All eight of them were crammed into the coach's office, which only had one window on the door. The office was located in back of the Boy's Locker Room. Some of them were still wearing their gym shorts and t-shirts. They...
Duty Chapter 20: Crossroads of Crisis
Chapter Twenty: Crossroads of Crisis Sirens echoed off the walls. A fire alarm wailed from inside the school. Helicopter blades hummed from above. The screams from the kid on the stretcher still rung in the ears of Joji and Reis. Joji stood paralyzed...
Duty Chapter 19: Breaking News
Chapter Nineteen: Breaking News Marcus stood in the wide men's room mirror. He brushed off his black jacket and tightened his tie. He then took out a paper towel and dried off his hands and face, which he had just soaked with water. _Less than thirty...