Bright Eyes Never Die pt. 4 - But Not Anymore

He arrived as soon as the dragoness's choir came on. he said hey to her family as he sat in the first row. the entire time she the choir was singing christmas songs, his eyes were glued to her.

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Heart of Ice

Are you in choir by any chance?" he asked, every eye in the classroom on me.

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Chapter 5- Friday

The four of us started casually talking about choir, asking questions about each other. we ended up actually gossiping like a bunch of girls about some scandalous members of our choirs.

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Demon Choir Chapter 2

Another chapter of demon choir done and over with. how'd you like it? comment, rate, fave ;) let me know what you think.

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New Feelings: Entry 5: Road Trip!

And today, we leave for san francisco for choir and elliott and i are roommates! better yet, it's just us two in a big, private room..........yum. heheh!

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Chapter 3- The First Rehearsal

To those who don't know, choirs are usually separated into four groups: bass, tenor, alto, & soprano. our main character, morgan, is a bass1, otherwise known as a baritone. i say this now to avoid confusion later.

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New Feelings

Well, it was last semester at school, outside of the preforming arts centre during a choir concert. i had walked outside because my tux was starting to get my fur all ruffled and messed up =/.

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A sample scene

The silence a war-choir for death, begging to seek the end life, to feel cold blood spurt from splitting appendages and evaporate in a burst of flame.

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Chapter 7- The Concert

There's a few other choir students down here, easily found wearing their own school choir uniforms. when we walk out the door, jarred puts on his shades and takes my paw. my heart flutters a bit as we walk down the sidewalk to find the little cafe.

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Bright Eyes Never Die

He arrived as soon as the dragoness's choir came on. he said hey to her family as he sat in the first row. the entire time she the choir was singing christmas songs, his eyes were glued to her.

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From that day forward, whenever the boys choir sang, she was there in rapt attention. and when the girls choir sang, rodrigo was there. each note sang by one filled the soul of the other. and yet juan maximo always seemed to be around.

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BEL chapter one

He had trig first, and i had choir. they were in different buildings, but i didn't mind being late. besides, the choir teacher was always late. she never noticed. we hobbled down the hallways and to the elevator.

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