Demon Choir Chapter 2
#2 of Demon Choir
Here we go! Chapter 2 done and ready for your viewing pleasure! Have a nice read.
Chapter 2-Revenge and A New Acquaintance
"Ha! You think just 'cuz you can jump from some place that high that I'm gonna be scared of you kid?" Jesse spat, venom dripping from his fangs, "I killed you once already, but this time, I'll make sure you stay dead!" The cobra pulled out the pistol that had been hidden in the back of his snake fitted jeans, raising it towards my head and taking the shot.
Thanks to Deme, I knew how to defend myself properly; in the few days I had been with the wolf, I had learned many things; and now was the time to use them. I concentrated, and I blinked. Time in my eyes had slowed down. The blast from the gun could still be seen, the single bullet was slowed to the point to which it was easily definable in the air. Pulling out one of the knives from my side I threw it just like I had done so on the targets when practicing with Deme. The blade sliced the bullet in half and the tip of the dagger was now buried deep within the barrel of the gun.
Time had returned to normal. The split bullet now flew off in opposite directions and ricocheted off the brick walls from the two buildings that made up the alleyway. It took Jesse a moment to realize what had just happened. What had seemed slow to me was actually unnaturally fast for anyone else. Jesse's eyes went wide at that moment, instinctively dropping the gun.
"Wh-what the fuck are you?!" the snake whispered, the feint sound of fear in his voice.
"Why, I'm a demon you filthy little hatchling." both joy and malice could be heard in the words I spoke. If it was going to be this easy, I was going to at least make my revenge a little more fun.
Jesse was scared out of his mind. He had killed me and now I was back, and he knew that if he didn't do something, he was going to die. The cobra slithered his way over to the motionless hunk of a giraffe in the pile of filth in which he had been laid in only moments ago. He hoisted the mountain of muscle that was the giraffe, pulled out a pocket knife he only used in emergencies, and put it to his now hostage's throat.
"One step and it's all over for this pretty boy here." A small smile was now across the lips of the snake, Jesse thought he had found his escape plan.
This was the first time I could clearly see the face of the giraffe. His size was massive but it wasn't until I could see his face that I realized that I knew him! It's Wesley. Wesley Valentine was one of the pieces of eye-candy that I have eye-humped ever since high school. After graduation, I was surprised to find out that he had gotten an athletic scholarship for baseball at the same university I was going to. 'I have to admit, he is quite the stud; but why would he have been at a gay...oh...oh the irony that is the closet jock.' A smile now had crept over my muzzle.
"What are you smiling at?!" yelled the cobra to me, bringing me back to my senses, that I was here to kill him and not think about some jock.
"You think that just because you have a hostage, that I'm still not going to kill you?" I chuckled, "You're so stupid!"
"Why you little-"
Jesse didn't have time to finish his sentence. After I had called him stupid, I had already shot a line of my spider-wire out and had gotten it around the snakes arm, right on the crease of his elbow, the arm in which was holding the knife to Wesley's throat. Just like I had been taught, I transferred my demonic energy into the wire, and pulled. The wire came alive, a slight shimmer of light coming off the metallic string.
"AAAGGHH!" came the bloody scream of the snake.
This spider-wire was some pretty amazing stuff. It cuts through things so easily, like the flesh, muscle, and bone of a cobra's arm. Jesse had now fully let go of Wesley, whose body now lay face down in the cement of the damp alley; he will definitely be feeling that later. The snake's other hand had now gone to the nub that used to be his right forearm. He gripped the area tight, blood squirting from beneath his hand and dripping down over his clothes and to the ground below. He tried to escape, the cobra slithering past me going as fast as he could for the exit of the alley, a panicked look in his eyes.
"I wouldn't go out that way if I were you," I warned him.
The same shimmer of my spider wire could now be seen as the cobra grew closer to the exit. All along, up and down, my wire was spread from corner to corner, alive and deadly. Jesse had no escape, no means of protecting himself, he was going to die.
Jesse had opened his maw to say or scream something but I decided to not give him the pleasure. Within a second I had closed the distance between us and kicked the snake in the gut, sending him flying into the bricked wall that blocked off the end of the alley, along with a few perfectly thrown daggers. The snake hit the wall hard, leaving a slight indentation in the brick. The daggers hit there marks within seconds of Jesse hitting the wall. One through his only hand, two to his shoulders, another into the useless, bleeding appendage, and a few along his tail for good measure.
The sound of each blade slicing through the each destination of the snake and the 'ding' sound they made as they buried into the brick was the sound of victory; along with another bloody scream from the cobra. This time, I was in no rush to close the distance between the two of us. I took my time, walking as slow as possible. My anger and hunger for vengeance was so great at this moment, I knew that my eyes must have been glowing their reddish glow. The look on Jesse's eyes was what I wanted to see. All hope of survival was gone from him, fear being all that was left. This moment was what I had been waiting for and now it was time to claim what was mine.
"Please," came the whispered voice of a fearful serpent as I was three inches from his face, "don't kill me. I don't want to die."
I raised my paw to the cobra's face and cupped his cheek, "You should have thought about that, before you pissed off the wrong cat." Now was the time to use an ability I was still trying to get used to; now was the time, I was going to suck out his soul.
While training with Deme, the wolf had told me of all the abilities I should be able to do now and all of the abilities, that with time, I would be able to use and master. Sucking the soul from a living being was just one of my many talents that I had acquired after becoming a demon.
"The ability is similar to that of a succubus, but without the raw desire and need for the sexual tension. With enough concentration on drawing the soul out of the victim's body it can be done, though if you are enraged then the process just seems to be easier, it comes more naturally." Was how Deme explained it to me. We never got to try it though, mostly because Deme wanted to take someone off the street but I told him that I wouldn't do it on someone innocent, I told him the first time would be for Jesse, just like all my other firsts he helped me with.
Luckily for me, I was enraged alright; not so lucky for Jesse. I put my lips to the serpents and forced my tongue into his maw. I breathed in and parted our lips. The greenish hue of the snake's soul could physically be seen. Warmth was now spreading over my body as the soul of my killer was being drained from his body, feeding into my own. The process was quick and painless for me. I only hope that the process for Jesse was torture, long and painful. The last bit of the greenish hue was now gone and after removing my paw from the snakes face, the head just dropped. Revenge was bitter, but it's not like I had expected his soul to taste sweet.
'It's done.' I pushed my thoughts out to Deme, letting my mentor know that I accomplished my task.
'Was revenge all you expected it to be Ciel?' the tone of pleasure could even be heard in the wolf's thoughts.
'No, it was better. Though I wasn't expecting a soul to taste so bitter.'
'That's just how the rotten ones are Ciel, the innocent taste much sweeter.'
'I don't plan to be sucking the souls out of any innocent fur any time soon Deme.' I tried to push as much anger into the thought as I could to get my point across.
'Fine. I'll send the clean-up crew to take care of the body. Is there anything specific you want done to the body?'
'I don't care, burn it.'
'As you'
A giant weight had been lifted from my chest. I A soft grunting sound was what brought me back from my inner peace. Still face down on the ground was Wesley.
"Now...what am I going to do with you?" I asked rhetorically.
All Wesley could do was grunt, as if he was trying to say something or maybe even scream, him having witnessed my 'crime.' From what I discovered in my training, I learned that the only mental ability I have been able to use is taking away a certain amount of memory, mostly just the past few minutes.
I knelt down on the ground and flipped the giant over onto his back. Though he could not move his body, his eyes still had movement. They followed me as I straddled over his massive chest. I looked down into his eyes.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I now put both of my paws on the temples of his head, "Do you want the memory of what that snake was about to do go away? Blink twice for yes." I had no intention of actually letting him keep his memory, the memory of me killing the cobra. I wanted him to at least have a decision, and I hoped he would choose yes. And he did. The giraffe blinked twice. My thumbs now placed on his forehead and I could see it. I saw all the memories from his night in my head.
Jesse had done a similar approach to Wesley tonight. I could see and hear them talking. Wesley talking about how he was not out mostly because of his sport and family. Jesse had told him that it would be alright, and that if he was still trying to figure things out that he would be more than happy to help and being discrete about it all. They danced much like we had but the giraffe behind the snake and the snake grinding into the crotch of Wesley. Then Jesse had done what I had done only a few nights ago. Turning around seductively and kissing him. They went into a full on make-out session. Then came the beer and being drugged.
Wesley saw and heard everything. He saw me change from my camouflaged black fur back to white. He saw me move fast, cut the bullet in half and lodge my knife into the guns barrel. He saw the blood as it poured out of the snakes severed arm. He even saw the hue of the greenish soul as I sucked it from the bastard.
I pictured each memory going away; I pictured plucking the memories from the giraffe's brain. But, it wasn't working right. The memories were still there and I don't know why.
'Maybe I'm just weak right now...but I just had a soul, shouldn't that have refueled me?'
I had no choice now. Since I couldn't extract the memories now from the giraffe's brain, I would just have to try later.
What Jesse had struggled to do, before I killed him, I accomplished with ease. Becoming a demon did make me physically stronger, making lifting Wesley and carrying him a breeze. I knew that if I took him back to the choir room that Deme would just suggest killing him and would be willing to do so himself. Wesley had done nothing wrong, so I wasn't going to let Deme just kill him. The only place left I could take him would be back to my apartment.
Now as easy as it would have been to take advantage of the whole giraffe not being able to move thing, I wasn't about to go there. That would only make me as bad as Jesse. Although, I could see why he had been the next victim of the snake, he was a stud; a closeted stud and probably an anal virgin, all the more turn on for a sick freak like Jesse.
'I really need to stop thinking about that fucking snake!' I half screamed half groaned in my head.
The walk back to my apartment was nice. The air had gotten to be a bit colder now but I liked it. I have always liked the cold. If I didn't have to pay for my air conditioning I probably would have my apartment cold all the time. I love the way it makes my skin tingle, how it feels when I'm under the covers of my bed and I get super warm and fuzzy. I could not wait for winter to actually begin; I could not wait for the first snowflake of the season.
We reached my apartment within a good thirty minutes or so. For once, the elevator wasn't 'out of service' so we got to take the elevator up to the 4th floor. A quick walk down the hallway to the last door on the right and we arrived at my apartment, 445. If not for my unnatural strength, I don't think I would have been able to hold the giraffe and get my keys and unlock my door all at the same time.
I turned the knob on the door and stepped through the frame, making sure Wesley was not to hit his head. After closing the door with my foot I flipped on the light switch. The room lit up, exposing my bed by the windows. My bed was the largest place to sleep in my apartment so I knew that the mountain of a giraffe would have to sleep there.
"Guess I'm taking the couch then."
With the giraffe still over my shoulder, I slipped off the boots I had been wearing and continued to pad over to the bed. I laid Wesley down to where I thought he would be most comfortable. I made sure to add an extra pillow for his comfort and covered him with my blanket.
"Goodnight" I yawned to the unresponsive giraffe.
I then walked over to the couch and removed the cushions to reveal the pullout bed underneath. After pulling everything out I got ready for what I'd hoped would be the most peaceful night of sleep I had had in a while. I relieved myself some and brushed my teeth. Walking back over to the door I made sure to lock it and turn the light switch off. On the way back I stripped out of the clothes I had been wearing, the vest part having gained a few blood stains. I would have to have it washed at some point. Sliding under the covers of the pullout, and turning over to lie on my stomach, sleep overcame me, I really was exhausted. The darkness that I had succumbed to days ago was now my best friend, a blanket over my body that seemed to make me feel at ease.
I was the first to awake after a long nights rest. It was all I had hoped for, a peaceful sleep. I propped myself up onto my elbows to look over at Wesley. Whatever drug had been in his system to paralyze him must have worn off in the night; his body was now on its side, his face closest to the window.
The sound of my grumbling stomach told me that I should probably make something. I pulled the covers away from my body and I went over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of shorts and slid them on, just in case the giraffe wakes up to find me in my underwear. Next it was time to get breakfast going. A simple meal of scrambled eggs, toast, and some fruit would do. I was only halfway through cooking the eggs when he woke up.
"Huh...wha-where...?" was his initial response.
"Ahh, so you're finally up. Making some breakfast, you want any?" I asked the giraffe, a slightly maleficent smile on my lips from trying to confuse him even more.
"Y-You!" he shouted, quickly jumping out of bed.
"Yes, do you want breakfast or not?"
"Last night" he stuttered. I could only assume he was remembering the events from last night.
'Should I just tell him? I mean it would be nice to tell someone and it's not like I intend for him to keep his recent memories for very long anyways.' I thought to myself.
"You saved me" whispered Wesley.
This took me by surprise. I was sure that he would have freaked out about the part that I killed someone and all the unnatural things I could do but, he didn't.
"Don't worry 'bout it, besides, I had planned to kill him anyways, you just happened to be there. Now about breakf-"
"What do you mean you planned to kill him?" the look on his face was filled with confusion and concern. Why he would feel concerned I could not say.
I sighed, "Yes, that bastard of a snake did to you what he did to me a few nights ago, only difference is that he didn't get as far with you as he had with me." I turned around from the finished eggs to look at the giraffe in the face. I stared up into those deep blue eyes and didn't even flinch when I spoke next, "So, yeah, by me dropping in and killing that bastard of a snake I did end up saving you but saving you was not my intention or my goal. I'll admit that when he had a knife to your neck that I managed to slice his arm off but that was more for my own sick pleasure." I chuckled and continued, "Four nights ago, Jesse raped me and killed me. I was merely returning the favor by having my own fun first and then killing that bastard for good."
Then everything seem to hit Wesley all at once. Sudden realization that I had killed the cobra for my own reasons and not to save him. The also realization that I had been raped by him and then killed was also there but not as clear, almost as if the giraffe had been hoping that I had done what I did to save him.
"So..." he began, "if he killed you the-"
"I'm a demon Wesley. The cobra shot me in the back of the head. After he had left I woke up and there was another demon there. He promised me revenge, he promised that I would have a better life than I had before and so far he's been right."
"A...demon?" he asked questioningly.
"Yes, a demon. Everything you remember from last night probably happened."
"So then why do I remember? I thought you were going to take the memories...the pain away."
"I tried. For some reason I couldn't, maybe I was tired or something, killing Jesse was the first time I fought as a demon so I can't really say why I wasn't able to do what I promised you. Don't worry though, I'll try in a little bit and if I can't I know someone who can help me figure out a way to do it. For now sit down."
I moved closer to Wesley and grabbed him by the hand to lead him to the small table I had against the wall. It was built for only two people, with such a small apartment it seemed like a logical choice. I could feel that Wesley was tense; his grip on my hand wasn't tight as if ready to fight and run if he had to in an instant. I pulled out the chair like a gentlefur for him and he cautiously took his seat. With my strength I pushed him in, making the giraffe jump a bit.
I padded my way back over to the kitchen area. I pulled out plates, forks, some napkins, and put good helping of food on Wesley's plate and a fair portion on mine. It had been quite some time since I had someone over for any form of meal and I only wished it were under better circumstances. Wesley seemed a bit uneased upon my return to the table. He examined the plate I had placed in front of him.
"Anything to drink?" I asked.
" I'm good."
"Suit yourself," I said with a shrug. I went back into the kitchen and retrieved the orange juice from the fridge. One tall glass of OJ later and I was back at the table. Wesley had not touched his food at all, he just stared at it. "Look," I started, getting his attention, "like I said, I'm not here to hurt you, and I didn't poison your food or anything. If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead," a sly smile across my muzzle. He seemed to get that I was joking because I could have sworn I heard a slight chuckle; it was brief but I was sure he had given me one.
Finally I got the giraffe to eat. I had figured that scrambled eggs would probably be best, him being a baseball jock and all. Halfway through he did ask for a glass of milk and I was happy to oblige.
"So Wesley," the giraffe looked up into my eyes mid-bite, "I was wondering...what were you doing at that club last night?"
Wesley stopped chewing after hearing my question. His ears had gone down a bit, his shoulders slouched as if he had been caught doing something terrible.
"I...I don't know."
"Hey, you know about me, you know that I had been at that club a couple nights ago and you know my little secret," I gave him a cheerful smile, "and besides, if it's really bothering you then wouldn't it be nice to tell someone? I mean, your memory is going to get wiped so why not?"
He seemed a bit shocked by my words. I could see his hands begin to shake and it looked almost as if he was about to completely fall apart, which I was prepared for if he did.
"I went to try and figure...things out." Was his reply.
"And did you figure things out?"
"I don't know...I mean after all of this, I just don't know."
A single tear rolled down his now downturned face. Wesley had finally broken down. The tears came, one after another. "How do you do it?" he asked me.
"Do what?"
"How do you go around and...hear everything people say, all the horrible things they say? How do you go around and not be afraid that someone somewhere is going to beat you up? How do you kno-" I cut Wesley off at this point.
"There aren't a lot of people who actually care in college Wesley, not as much as you think. All the things that are said just don't get to me 'cuz I know that I have done nothing wrong and that furs are just fucked up. As for getting beat up, it usually doesn't happen...but if it did...I'm sure you could handle yourself. From what I remember you have always been big and strong." Wesley stared into my eyes and gave me a look over.
" I know you?" he questioned.
'He doesn't even know who I am?!' I screamed inside my head.
"Yeah, you do, well...maybe not know me know me but we did graduate from same high school."
I could have sworn I heard the wheels inside this guy's head turning. I assume he was trying to figure out my name from the plethora of furs who graduated in our class.
"Ah, so you do know my name." I said, a satisfied expression upon my face.
" sorry if this is rude but weren't yo-"
"Fat?" I finished for him.
"I was going to say...fluffy."
'Dear god, why is it that people can't just call it what it is?'
I sighed before giving him my reply, "Yup, I did but that was before all of this happened, demon and everything."
Wesley and I had a nice rest of breakfast. We both had classes to get to so he ended up showering in my tiny bathroom. I had apologized for it being so small I wasn't equipped for someone of his size. He told me that it wasn't a big deal. He wore the same pants he had when I carried him over last night but I gave him one of my shirts, luckily because of my 'fluffyness' the shirt fit him; it was a bit snug but it only made him look all the more stunning. After I had showered I returned without a towel on and padded my way to my dresser. After sliding on a pair of briefs I turned and found Wesley staring at me wide eyed and a hint of a blush across his cheeks.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," I chuckled.
He turned away out of embarrassment. All of my clothes were too big for me now. The only outfit I had left was what I had worn last night and the vest had blood stains all over them. I had two options: I could either wear the clothes I wore last night that fit and make me look good or I could wear clothes that were too big for me; I decided to go with the first choice. I slipped on the tight black t-shirt and the red combat cargo pants. Luckily for me my shoes still fit so I found a pair of black convers. One last look at my fur to make sure it looked ok and a quick swipe of deodorant and I was ready to go.
"So how are we going to get to school?" asked my giraffe companion.
"We walk. It's really not that far."
The walk from my apartment to the university was a couple miles away. I could tell that Wesley was getting a bit tired and I had offered to give him a piggy-back if he needed it; sadly, he declined. We reached the campus after about a half hour of walking.
"Do you do this every day?" asked the giraffe.
"Yup! Every day. I used to have a bike but it was stolen the first day of classes by Mikey Upbregon, so been walking ever since."
"Mikey from the baseball team Mikey?"
"The very same."
"I could probably talk with him, see about getting you your bike back."
"Don't worry about it, I like me time to think."
After crossing the street and onto campus we said our goodbyes and took our separate ways. Today was going to be an interesting day for sure. I wasn't sure if people would recognize me or not considering my drastic changes. A few furs did give me looks though as I walked. They eyed me up and down, taking in the figure of the 'new comer.'
'I wonder what Victor will do or say when he sees me?' I thought to myself.
It didn't dawn on me until I was in front of Technology Building that I had forgotten to try and erase Wesley's memory. 'FUUUUUCK!' I groaned inside my head. 'Guess I'll be seeing him again soon after all, not that I's a bad thing.' Wesley certainly was the typical jock obsession of every homosexual male teenage dreams, and to find out that he is...confused about his sexuality makes it all the better chance of actually doing som- 'Why am I thinking that?! Ugh! I swear it's like I'm 15 all over again, all hormone and sex craved.'
I walked into the building for my first class of the day, Algebra and Trigonometry. Math at 8am in the morning sucks for most furs and I was one of them but today I felt alive and ready to learn. I opened the door to room 109A and walked down the steps of the lecture hall that the class was held in. I could see Victor sitting upfront, getting all his materials out for class to begin. Victor was one of the few furs who always seemed to be awake and alive. Moving down the aisle I take my seat next to Victor who instinctually looked up and faced me.
"Hey sorry but this seat is being saved for someone." he told me.
"Yeah I know, you have saved this seat for me since the beginning of school, Victor."
The look on the raccoon's face was absolutely priceless: his eyes widening, his mouth dropping, the presence of pure shock taking hold of his entire figure.
Saaaaweeeeeeet! Another chapter of Demon Choir done and over with. How'd you like it? Comment, rate, fave ;) let me know what you think. And if you think that this story is going're surely wrong, i'm only getting started. =^_^= good in your comments, or risk pissing off this cat >;-)