Demon Choir Chapter 3
Hey all! Sorry, I know this chapter is long overdue but I hope you can forgive me. For a while I thought I was going to just stop with this series due to the lack of feedback I was getting. For those of you who are watching me, you know I posted a...
Demon Choir Chapter 2
Here we go! Chapter 2 done and ready for your viewing pleasure! Have a nice read. Chapter 2-Revenge and A New Acquaintance "Ha! You think just 'cuz you can jump from some place that high that I'm gonna be scared of you kid?" Jesse spat, venom...
Closet Love Chapter 1
I wake up gasping for air, it was that same dream, that same reoccurring nightmare. It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the Burger King parking lot. The exact same nightmare every...