Closet Love Chapter 1
#3 of Closet Love
I wake up gasping for air, it was that same dream, that same reoccurring nightmare. It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the Burger King parking lot. The exact same nightmare every night.
Looking at the clock, I realize I had slept in. I sprang out of bed and padded my way over to my dresser. "Xander! You up?!" I heard Donna yell. "Yes!" I reply back. I picked out a black tank top and a pair of worn blue jeans and threw them on.
Shoving everything into my bag, I grabbed it and raced down the rickety stairs two at a time, my bushy orange tail wagging all the way down. "Morning Xander," said Donna, "Breakfast?" "No time," I say, "late for school!" I give here a quick peck on the cheek, grab an apple, and head out the door.
School is at least a 15 minute run, so I might as well take the time to back up and explain everything.
Last year, I went into my first day of my Junior year. I was 17 and thinking "This is my year! I'll be the big fox campus." For that first day, it was amazing. I made tons of new fur friends and reconnected with the ones I hadn't seen all summer.
It was a long walk back home that day. When I turned onto my street, I could see my stuff at the edge of the driveway, completely destroyed. Once I reached my house I tried my key, it didn't work.
Suddenly the door flew open. "You FAGGOT!!!" I heard my step dad Bill bark with such venom as he pushed me off the porch and into the front yard.
Bill was the biggest Doberman I had ever seen, and somehow he out foxed my mom and convinced her to marry him.
I landed on my tail, which hurt like hell; but I was a little preoccupied with Bill coming to beat the living shit out of me, foaming at the mouth.
He kicked me once, sending my tiny body flying across the yard. "STOP!" I heard my mother's voice. "Just leave him alone, he's not worth it!" Bill spat on me one last time before turning and heading back inside the house.
Once he was inside my mom just stood there. "Mom." I managed to say with what little air I had left. "I'm not your mother, no son of mine is going to be a 'lil fag. Get your shit off my property before I call the cops." and she slams the door. Those last words hit me hard.
Tears began falling from my eyes. I managed to get up and stagger over to what was left of my belongings. Everything was either broken or torn. Nothing was salvageable. I saw my journal torn in two, laying open on the wet driveway. When I picked it up and read what page it was on, I knew exactly why my parents were acting insane. The page in which my journal was open, was the part where I wrote about my realization that I am in fact gay.
I ran. As fast and hard as I could, I ran. I ran as fast as I could away from my old home. I could understand Bill being pissed, but my own mother denounced me as her own fur and blood.
I ended up on the highway when my heart, lungs, and legs couldn't go any further; I passed out.
When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton found me on the road out could and had taken me straight to the hospital. Eventually I told the doctors everything, except me being gay, and they let me leave with the Hamilton's, who brought me to their place.
Mrs. Hamilton said "Just call me Donna-" "And I'm Richard." Mr. Richard chimed in. "We don't like the Mr. and Mrs. thing, makes us feel old." Donna said with a giggle.
Over dinner, I explained everything to them, just as I had done to the doctors. They seemed like nice and trustworthy otters so I said "I'm gay." They were cool with it, I later found out they were Finish, and by nighttime they said I could stay as long as I needed to.
The day after I moved in with Donna and Richard, I was back at school. It was 1st period English when the announcements came on.
The principle went on and on and then I heard what he said last, the words that are permanently etched into my brain, "...and in other news Xander Rose is gay...what? Who put that on here..." the mic cut off.
Everyone in the class stared at me like I had some giant neon sign above me. I'm not sure who but someone had coughed "fag". The entire room went into a roar, laughing. Even the teacher Ms. Serpintina laughed, and she's never laughed. I couldn't help it, so I ran.
I just left and went to my favorite hang out spot, the Burger King. I stayed there, drinking a coke, until school let out.
As I was leaving, a few jocks from school saw me and started shouting such hateful things to me. Basically they were saying things like: "Hey foxy! Got a $10 bill here with your name on it slut." " Wanna come suck on some nice thick meat you filthy lil fag?". They hounded me. I ignored them; they didn't like that.
Next thing I knew, Billy, a juice head bull, knocked me to the ground. His teammates from the wrestling team all joined in to help him. Simultaneously they kicked me from every which way.
Henry, a black stag, seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much. Connor, an extremely ripped lion, went at me as if I had just done something to his mother. Draco, a white and gold dragon, hurt the worst when he kicked with his claws; I was just thankful he hadn't sharpened them.
After several painful blows from every angle, they got bored and called me a fag a few more times and went into the Burger King.
I coughed up a little blood as I slowly padded my way to a pay phone to call Donna. She was there within 5 minutes.
I explained everything to here and she was about to involve the cops when I told her not to. I didn't want any trouble, besides just involving the cops would make it worse for me. She agreed not to involve the cops but I had to be a lot more careful.
It's now a year later and everyone, except Billy and his crew, has either forgotten and/or ignores me. After being outted I lost all my friends and am basically labeled as a lone at school.
With 5 minutes left to spare I make it to the school parking lot. I know if I don't hurry to class Ms. Serpintina will chew me out. I swear if we pad in one second after the bell she's all over us and embarrasses us the entire class; I enjoy just being unnoticed. Hopefully today will turn out ok for once.
This is my first story and series...EVER, so please watch for my next chapter I promise if you thought this chapter was a's the first chapter its just starting, IT GETS BETTER, especially if you comment and give me some ideas to go on.
I'll also take your emails to [email protected].. any comments you have or pictures or such you wish to share send me an email. Or if you'd like to be like an editorial person for me then please I need all the help I can get.