Heart of Ice
#1 of Heart of Ice
This is my new series "Heart of Ice". T...
This is my new series "Heart of Ice". This series will have some singing in it, meaning that there might be some artists or songs you might not like, but please understand that it's purely for the story's development. I'm not trying to make you like a certain artist or song so please don't leave hateful comments regarding a song or artists in the story. Thank you and I hope you enjoy my new series.
Freshmen Year (Mid-term of 2nd Trimester)
The lights were off for some reason and I heard a ruckus going on in Luke's room. Making my way past the living room and down the hall, I arrived at Luke's bedroom door and pressed an ear against it. I heard...moaning and small whispers. This...couldn't be what it sounded like...could it? I opened the door slightly ajar and got a glimpse of what was going on. Luke and a fox were making out on his bed, him seeming to enjoy it. I knew that fox from school. He was Ryan Smith, a new student who arrived just last month.
"I love you Ryan," Luke said, nuzzling him.
"I love you too Luke," Ryan said, stripping off his clothes. Something inside me snapped as I watched them undress each other, unaware of my presence. I...was nothing to him all this time? Was he just playing with my feelings all this time? I...I can't forgive him for this! I kicked the door open with such force that the knob made a hole in the wall. Luke and Ryan had a look of shock on their faces as I stormed in and pushed Ryan away from Luke.
"Silnis, I can explain!" he said, trying to calm me down.
"Shut up!! Just shut up!!" I yelled, glaring at him. "I come here to spend time with my boyfriend and find him all over another guy, a fox who came here only a month ago!!"
"I'm just going to go...," Ryan said softly, edging near the door.
"You sit down!!" I yelled at him, slamming the door with a loud bang. He whimpered softly and looked like he was about to cry. I turned back to Luke and gave him a death glare, taking off the necklace he bought for me and throwing it at him,
"You can have your "gift" back!! It's nothing now that you found someone else to love," I said, digging through his drawers and finding the bracelet I bought for him. "I'll take this back as a reminder to never go out with you again!!" I turned to leave when Luke grabbed my hand, and drew me into a hug, holding me tight.
"I'm sorry...please forgive me. I won't do it again, I promise!" Luke said, begging me not to go. I roughly pushed him off of me, growling.
"I know it won't happen again because I'm going to make sure you never see me again! You'll regret this day until the day you die!!" I turned to leave and heard Luke sobbing as I shut the door behind me, good riddance. The walk home was quiet and tense as I replayed the scene in my head, an amused smile on my face. From now on, I won't be the sweet and innocent wolf who has to depend on others to get things done. I'll be the wolf who does thing on his own without any help. I'll be the wolf who shows no fear and faces every situation with a dead serious face. I'll be the wolf with a heart of ice.
Freshmen Year (First Day of 3rd Trimester)
"Art...where could the room be at I wonder?" With my schedule in one hand and my supplies in my other hand, I wandered aimlessly through the south end of the school, trying not to look lost but obviously was. Great...first day of the third trimester and I'm hopelessly lost. It's not my fault anyways. I've never had art so how was I supposed to know where the art room was?!
Finally, I found it and grabbed a seat at the front, breathing a sigh of relief as the warning bell rang. As more students walked in, waving goodbye or making last-minute talk, I watched carefully for Luke just in case he had elected this class. Last time I saw him, I was dead serious that I would make sure he would never see me again. I had talked to my counselor and had all my previously elected class rearranged so that there was no chance that Luke and I would end up in the same class, but there was always the chance that Luke did the same thing and had all his classes rearranged just to pester me. With no sign of Luke, I turned around in my seat just as class started and the teacher walked in.
"All right class, good morning, I am Mr. Sawyer and I'll be your teacher for Art this trimester. Now I would like you all to stand up when I call your name and tell everyone your name, grade, and one interesting fact about you, okay?" Mr. Sawyer was a Doberman, unusual for a big and tough dog like him to be teaching an art class. As he went down the list calling out names and having the students tell about themselves, I got this feeling that someone was watching me. I glanced back and saw only the back row of jocks and fashion divas, all completely engrossed in their daily gossip.
"Mr. Hearthglen!" I heard. I pulled my attention back to the front of the class, Mr. Sawyer looking around the class for me.
"I'm Silnis Hearthglen, I'm a freshman, and I like to sing," I flatly said, hearing a few snickers from the back row. Mr. Sawyer tilted his head, interested in my hobby.
"What genre of music do you sing? Are you in Choir by any chance?" he asked, every eye in the classroom on me. I sighed, having to go through this on the first day of school only to repeat it to a room full of sophomores, juniors, and seniors, maybe a few freshmen though I doubt they remembered.
"No, I'm not in choir, but I like to sing a little bit out of every genre when something catches my ear," I explained, seating myself.
"Interesting...you wouldn't happen to be in the new club, Music of Today?" he also asked, rubbing his chin. I nodded my head, receiving a few gasps and whispers. Music of Today was a recently formed club that started out just a few months ago. It was a lot like choir only it focused more on music in this generation, music that youths like me would listen to. Mostly it was a place to hang out and sing your heart out, but every so often we would participate in the talent show or a school assembly, mostly pep fests.
Mr. Sawyer went through the rest of the class list and began his lesson on shapes and shading, something I've heard a million times before but knew I would pass easily. Throughout the class I would get the same feeling that someone was watching me again, always glancing back to see the jocks and fashion-divas fooling around. This was getting weird.
By the end of art class, the fur around my finger was gray from smearing pencil sketches. It was hard getting it off, especially with soap, but at least I got some of it off. I was gathering up my stuff when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and jumped back when I saw a jock standing over me.
"Whoa...don't need to be all jittery around me," the jock said, backing off.
"Why shouldn't I? Its people like you who like to gang up on others and beat them...or worse," I said, giving the jock a stern look. He was a wolf, a light brown one with white from the bottom of his muzzle to his chest down. He looked like he was the type of jock to play soccer, his body tone clearly saying so.
"That's a little harsh for a first meeting. I have to tell you though, not all jocks are like that. Some of us are really nice people and aren't anything like that," he tried to convince me.
"True, but most of the jocks here are complete assholes. I may have been here for only two trimesters but I've seen enough of them to tell who they really are," I said, crossing my arms.
"The name's Markus by the way. Nice to meet you," he greeted, holding out a hand. If this is just some way to warm me up to him and let him have his way with me then he was in for a world of pain.
"Silnis, nice to meet you too," I said flatly, taking my stuff and heading out the door just as the bell rang.
"Hey, wait up! I want to ask you something!" Markus shouted, catching up to me as his jock friends spotted us together. Ugh, I was going to get so much trouble from those jocks now that they saw him talking to me.
"What is it...," I mumbled, having enough trouble already.
"I wanted to ask you about that after school club you mentioned in art. What's it like?" he asked, curiosity beaming in his eyes.
"Well...it's a club for people who want to sing today's kind of music, and it kind of is like Choir except you don't practice every day unless you want to," I explained, wondering if I should be telling him this.
"That sounds like fun," he said, still following me.
"We do performances at the school's talent shows, events, and pep fests. So if you're the kind of guy who gets stage fright easily then I wouldn't recommend it to you," I added, trying to scare him out of it.
"Are you kidding?! I have hundreds of people watching me play soccer every time! Performing in front of hundreds more doesn't seem all that scary," he exclaimed, a few passing students giving us weird looks. I gotta get this guy off of me.
"Fine...if you're interested, then go to Choir room B115 and see if it's to your tastes. Otherwise, you can forget it and go play soccer with your jock friends. I'm sure that will be way more fun than listening to a bunch of kids sing," I said, trying to talk him out of it one last time before dashing to my next class as the warning bell rang. I didn't hear him say thanks as I was already half-way down the hall.
The rest of the school day was basic greetings and continued lessons from last trimester. I got homework from all of my classes but they were something I could easily get done within an hour. Soon, I was packing all my stuff in my backpack and heading for the Choir room when I spotted Markus waving at me from across the hall. Worse, his jock buddies saw him waving and would've seen me had I not jumped into the nearest aisle of lockers. I peeked out and saw Markus gone, his jock buddies returning to whatever they were doing. I breathed a sigh of relief and was going to take a detour route when I felt a tap on my shoulders and screamed, quickly covering my mouth and looking to see if the jocks had heard. No, thank god!
"Are you going to be like this every time we meet?" Markus said, giving me a small smile as I gave an annoyed growl at him.
"What are you doing waving at me from half way across the hall?! If you're jock friends saw who you were waving at then I'm in a world of trouble. I got enough to deal with already. I don't need a group of jocks trying to teach me a lesson of staying away from their circle of buddies," I said, walking away from him.
"Well...I forgot the room number for the club and I was going to ask you when I saw you from across the hall," he explained, looking innocent as always.
"What a pain in the ass," I mumbled; quiet enough so he wouldn't hear. I took a detour route, Markus following me, and we soon arrived at the club room. I opened the door and walked in with Markus behind me, a few kids staring at the jock guest.
"Just keep your mouth shut and try not to scare anyone, okay? I have to talk to Garrett about something," I told him, leaving him with the others as I went over to a black panther who was looking over some papers. He noticed me coming and straightened himself, giving me a warm smile.
"Silnis, how's the new trimester been to you?" he asked, shaking my hand.
"Oh you know the same old stuff. Lessons, reviews, quiz, tests, the same endless cycle of school," I joked, looking back at Markus as he stood in one corner and looked at some posters.
"Who's that? A friend of yours?" Garrett asked, noticing Markus.
"No...just a...acquaintance...of mine," I said, hesitating at the "acquaintance" part.
"Hmm...he seems pretty interested in you from how he's looking at you," Garrett pointed out.
"What?" I looked back and blushed a deep red as I saw Markus staring at me with dreamy eyes, not noticing the death glare I was giving him. Garrett couldn't help but laugh as I tried to hide my blush, grabbing a tissue and pretending to blow my nose.
"I can see you're pretty into him as well. But what about Lu...I mean your ex," Garret corrected himself as I gave him my don't-you-dare-mention-his-name look.
"I'm not in a relationship with anyone at the moment, especially after what "he" did," I clarified, growling at the thought of Luke.
"Okay calm down. Sheesh, you get so worked up whenever he's mentioned. Can't blame you though. You got it hard when you saw him that night," Garrett said.
"I know...but thanks to him I'm a completely different person now," I said, giving a confident smile.
"Hey, Silnis, why don't you perform for us now!?" a cheetah suggested, trying to get everyone else to agree.
"Yeah, that be awesome!" one commented.
"You have a great singing voice too!" another commented. Soon everyone was shouting my name, trying to pressure me into performing.
"Well...I guess one song wouldn't hurt anyone now can it?" I complied, everyone cheering and clapping. I got myself centered as everyone circled around me, Garrett browsing through his playlist of songs.
"Hey, Silnis, what song you want to sing to?" he asked. I thought about this, going through the songs in my head.
"Avril Lavigne-Wish You Were Here," I told him, grabbing a mic stand and adjusting it to my height. I heard a few cheers before the music started playing, tapping my feet to the beat. I noticed Markus was at the side of me, giving me a smile. I tried not to think about him and focus on singing.
I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, It's not like that at all
There's a girl who gives a shit
Behind this wall
You just walk through it
And I remember all those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here,"
As I was singing, I caught sight of someone listening in to my performances from the slightly open door. I was too concentrated on singing to see who it was so I just let my mind go back to the song. Singing this song brought back memories of when Luke and I were together back then. I remembered when I was waiting in the park for him, and he was running late, making me wait for him for what seemed like an hour. When he finally arrived he was panting and apologized to me constantly, thinking I was mad at him. I was irritated that he late, but it was funny how he kept apologizing like he was a cub and had just broken something valuable. Back then, I was sweet and innocent. Always happy and thinking that everything was perfect when I had Luke beside me. Now, I know that I was stupid and naïve for thinking stuff like that. Nothing was all sunshine and rainbows, not in reality.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here
Still...somewhere in my cold heart, I crave for that special someone. That someone who can thaw the ice from my heart and reignite the fire that sleeps within me. But no matter how many times I try to thaw the ice myself, it keeps coming back. I need someone else's fire to melt the ice away and give part of their fire to grow mine. All I needed, was a taste of love.
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never want to let go
Let go, Oh, Oh
No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never want to let go
Let go, Let go, Let go...
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were hear
As the song came to an end, I realized that I had my eyes closed the entire time and opened them, seeing all the awed faces of my classmates. A single clap started and was soon followed by others, a series of woots and whistles as I bowed in gratitude, thanking everyone.
"That was awesome Silnis!"
"One of your best performances ever!"
I bowed again before putting the mic stand away and excusing myself to use the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water, feeling how intense that performance was. Why was I thinking of Luke during that song? Could it be that I still had some feeling left inside for him? No...it can't be! I cast out all my love for Luke when he cheated on me so there is no way I would fall in love with him again! I chuckled at the thought of me and Luke being together again, a silly dream.
"That was a beautiful performance, just like you," I heard someone comment.
"Thank you, but I'm not...," I froze mid-sentence when I saw who it was, my ex-boyfriend, Luke.