Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi

He wondered no more; the panels were chalked with arcane notes and diagrams. an intricate pattern had been chalked onto the slate of the floor, and it had further been enhanced with lines of powdered stone.

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Desert and Fayth ghosthunt

I wrote my name on a chalk board, then the others told me that everyone who signed the chalk board died in a year and a half or less from it. that was....six?... sex years ago." he gave a nod. the slip went unnoticed by him.

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Green Goo

A couple of volunteers came out and picked of the former lion and his clothing while the rest reset the smeared chalk edges of the ring.

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 18: A Day with Renamon

The sound was a mixture of nails on a chalk board and tree branches scraping the window. so i grabbed my d-ark and my cards and walked cautiously towards the window. terriermon mouthed to me throw open the curtains on 1......2............3!!!!!!!!!!

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Laid Back Road Trip (Untitled Otherwise)

The specials scrawled in chalk on the board at the enterance hadn't caught either of the couple's fancy.

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Green Goo (TF, Slime)

A couple of volunteers came out and picked of the former lion and his clothing while the rest reset the smeared chalk edges of the ring.

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RoKo! Chapter one: a series of unfortunate events.

Leg wet, and mood fouled i made my way home. my leg was kind of itching, i chalked it up to my pants being wet and unlocked my door. looking around my apartments, i saw everything was in place none of my militaria had moved, as it should

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Sakura’s Traumatic

The next morning, the other people sees the chalk outline of sakura. "hey everybody look, sakura's been traumatized." many days later. sakura was sent to hospital when watching the news. "breaking news!

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Lonely Road

Do i truly have to endure everything, including thrown chalks and cigarette butts, because of 'sins' i've had no knowledge of? no, i refuse to let this discourage me. i will have to concoct a plan to get back at everyone.


It's a Date [PTRN][RWD]

He chalked it up to his body enjoying the movement. that wasn't what the warmth was, of course.

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Secrets Ch. 20

Taking the hint i turn back to the chalk circle and set to work painting the runes that will form the portal. for nearly an hour i painstakingly paint every rune perfectly careful not to make a single mistake.

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