Sakura’s Traumatic

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My First Yamikawaii PG-13 Story involving Sakura the Cherry Blossom Siamese Cat I made.

When Sakura was totally Traumatic after seeing Major Spoilers. Sakura becomes Depression and goes out to the House. She got out of Hospital and finds her Home.

Rated 13+ for Minimal Blood and a Abuse.

Sakura the Cherry Blossom Siamese Cat likes to Read on the Internet. "Oh, I see the Submission" she Said. She taps the link and it reads "MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!" Sakura Reacts. Sakura reads "Futaba the Akutora was Too Lazy and Inactive. after being Lazy, She Died of Weird Disease." "SPOILERS ON DISEASE?" shocked Sakura. Sakura sees the Entire Spoilers on the Internet, Like Dying and Other Major Spoilers. "SPOILERS... SPOILERS!" Sakura frightened. She runs away from the House, Sakura's Mind was being Traumatic of Spoilers, "In the End, Stacy turn into Human" "Nika got Killed Shortly" and "The Face Reveals". She felt Traumatized and she stopped at the Bus Stop. A Man with a Carnage T-Shirt sees sakura. "Sakura, Why are you feeling Depressed?" he Said. The Other People abuses Sakura the Cherry Blossom Siamese Cat. After the Beating Up, She got a Nosebleed and her Arm Hurts when she puts a Band Aid on her Face and a Bandage on her Arm. "Spoilers can make Everybody Cry... Cry!" said Sakura. When she goes in of the Apartment Building. Sakura uses a Razor Blade while the Hot Pink Colored blood was Dripping. "I Can't Be Seem to be Happy!" cried Sakura. She Holds the Yamikawaii Mouse Plushie. Sakura takes Pills and also a Needle filled with Heroin. When she goes out of the Apartment. Sakura Holding a Yamikawaii Mouse Plushie. "I f-f-feel Depressed of Major Spoilers" she Sickened. Sakura had a Syncope after Seeing Spoilers. The Next Morning, The Other People sees the Chalk Outline of Sakura. "Hey Everybody Look, Sakura's been Traumatized." Many days later. Sakura was sent to Hospital when watching the News. "Breaking News! Sakura the Cherry Blossom Siamese Cat seeing the Major Spoilers that will ruin Her. said News Reporter. and She Says "Sakura has a Syncope for seeing Major Spoilers Too Much." Many Days Passed. After the Coma, Sakura got out of Hospital. Sakura got home from Coma. while Abyss the Symbiote Welcomed Her. "Sakura, Are you Feeling Depressed?" they said. "I've been seeing Too Much Spoilers, Abyss" she replied. "No No No Spoilers!" they Replied. Abyss and Sakura went to Bedroom Upstairs and she Sleeps in Edna's Room. The Abyss possesses Sakura to Heal. After an Hour, Sakura was Healed and Abyss comes out of her Body. "Whoa, What a Relief" said Sakura. "Well You Don't see Spoilers!" they said. Sakura and Abyss are doing Activities at Home. By the Time, The Family of 3 will come home and take care of Abyss and Sakura..

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