Digimon Darkness Chapter 18: A Day with Renamon

Story by nightowlstudios on SoFurry

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#18 of Darkness


Chapter 18 A day with Renamon

Me and Terriermon awoke to a very pecculiar sound coming from my window. The sound was a mixture of nails on a chalk board and tree branches scraping the window. So I grabbed my D-ark and my cards and walked cautiously towards the window. Terriermon mouthed to me throw open the curtains on 1......2............3!!!!!!!!!! I threw open the curtains and saw Renamon!!! Terriermon jumped into an attacking posistion.

Terriermon: Lets get him!

Renamon: Wait!!!! *opens window and walks through*

Wyatt: Um? come in?

Terriermon: What do you want!?

Renamon: Matt......

Wyatt: What about him?

Renamon: He........He isnt always wait! i mean he wasnt always like that!

Renamon Told us the complete story on how they had been turned dark.....I am man enough to admitt i shed a few tears before the story was over

Terriermon: Well what do we do? we have to stop him but we cant destroy him?

Renamon: No.....I hope for the same fate that you had got Terriermon.....I dont want you to destroy us.....I 'need' you to save us..... I better go! *starts to get up*

Wyatt: Wait!.....wanna play a game?

Renamon: A game?

Terriermon: Oh! can we play monopoly

Wyatt: Mhm! *pulls monopoly out of the closet* here renamon what peive do you want to be?

Renamon: A bucket?

We Play Monoploy until the sun went down. Renamon was so happy she was beating us! but Me and Terriermon were secretly letting her win!

Renamon: Ah-ha! I am going to buy the boulevard!

Terriermon: Not that i was gunna buy that

Renamon: too bad my turn my money the boulevard is mine

Terriermon stuck his tounge out at Renamon. Renamon came back with the losers 'L' to the forehead.

Wyatt: alright guys its just a game!

Then my 7:30 alarm went off!

Renamon: 7:30!? i gotta go *gets up so fast*

Wyatt: Wait!

Renamon: No I cant good-bye.......Friends?

With that she jumped out my window.

Wyatt: Man Terriermon you suck at monopoly!

Terriermon: I am better then you!

Wyatt: you wish!