Chapter Seventeen - Goodbye Dallas

"So then it's settled, we're staying here with you." Electra said as she folded her arms. "As the leader's mate, it actually feels really good to take charge." "Yeah, and your aggressiveness makes you good at it." Cammy giggled. "Where did you...

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Chapter Fifteen - Down Goes The Colony

"That was SO obnoxious!" Electra yelled. "Come ON!" "Well yelling about it is not going to help..." I said as I looked at Mew, who looked back at me with sadness in his eyes. "Mew, how would the humans even know you were here? I doubt that's...


Chapter Twelve - The Return Of An Old Pal

"Okay... All done." Electra said as she tossed the last apple into the pile. "I think it looks like it'd last a good while... For Mew I mean... I'd devour it in a couple minutes..." She said as she turned to me. "Looks good right?" "Yep." I smiled...

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Chapter Ten - The First Step To Victory

"Your questions are stupid." Electra said as she stuck her tongue out. "Stop it, this is serious." Thunder said as he looked down, sighing. "We have to get him there SOMEHOW or he won't be able to train..." "Well what other Psychic Pokemon are...

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Chapter Twenty Six - Ben's Revenge

As we pulled into the driveway and Kevin parked, I hopped over onto his seat and dashed out of the car just as he opened the door, right before he got a chance to get out. "Wow Dallas... Someone's in a hurry..." Kevin said as he stepped out onto the...

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Chapter Twenty Two - Reunited

I awoke about two hours later. The sunlight was bright and it was hot, but not too hot. Sighing, I sat up, squealing in surprise as I immediately slipped off of the float and into the pool, sighing happily to myself as the cold water greeted my fur. I...

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Chapter Twenty One - The Truth About Amper

As I woke up, I felt something weird on my right paw, as if someone were wetting it or something. Frowning, I swatted it away and tried to fall back asleep, only to have it continue once I stopped moving. Sighing, I opened my eyes, blinking as I saw...

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Chapter Twenty - Kevin Does Something Smart

"Get her out!" Ben yelled as he opened the gate on the crate and reached in, grabbing Electra's tail and tugging her out of the crate. As soon as she was out, he closed it tightly, looking inside the crate and panicking. "Where's Amper!?" he yelled...

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Chapter Nineteen - Amper Is Not Welcome Here

"Wow! It's really you!" Kevin said as he ran up onto the pool deck. "We were about to get two Furrets, so we got collars and stuff, like toys and food... But I'm so glad you came back! It was so lonely here without you! I've got to tell Ben about...

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Chapter Eighteen - Homeward Bound

Back to Dallas/Cammy's POV ---\_~~~ I sighed, gently stroking my paw through the fur on Electra's belly as she lay in my lap. She was still breathing, so I wasn't worried that badly. I just wanted her to wake up... It'd been a whole day since she...

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Chapter Twelve - Realization Of Great Power

I looked into Rice's eyes, and all I could see was the passion to kill. No doubt he wanted to tear me apart right now... But why? All of a sudden, he started laughing, then he got up off of me. "See? I can still catch ya off guard... Like I said, you...

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Chapter Eleven - A Shocking Discovery

As I reentered the colony holding the bag of chips, I made a dash for the main room, where I tossed them into the pile of things that was sitting there and dashed through the only tunnel I was familiar with. Dashing through, I headed for Rice's room....

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