Chapter Twelve - Realization Of Great Power

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#12 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human

I looked into Rice's eyes, and all I could see was the passion to kill. No doubt he wanted to tear me apart right now... But why? All of a sudden, he started laughing, then he got up off of me. "See? I can still catch ya off guard... Like I said, you need to work harder on your training." Rice said as he got up off of me. "I could've ripped you in half right there..."

Wow, what a jerk!

"Hey, that wasn't funny..." I growled as I got up. "I came here to talk to you..."

He chuckled. "What Can't I have a little fun? Oh, and don't mind the blood, it's not mine. It belongs to a non-'Chu Pokemon."

I made a face and looked down. "Yeah, that makes me feel better..."

He smiled. "Hey, cheer up Dallas. Now what was it you wanted?"

I sighed. "I got a job... Looking out for other Pokemon in the area and I guess removing them."

He chuckled. "Oh, nice. We could use another on that job. How about you take Electra down there with you when she gets better?"

I nodded. "That was the main thing I came up here to ask. And another thing, I have another female sleeping in my room with me, is that a problem at all?"

He smirked. "Awww you dog! Heheheh... Getting all the females already huh? Well, that's no problem at all. You don't even have to ask me. It's your room, let whoever you want in it."

I blushed. "Well, So far I only got one female, but thanks."

He grinned. "Is that all?"

Turning around to leave, I nodded. "Yeah, that's all I wanted to say." But as I started walking out, I remembered something else. "Oh." I said as I turned around to face him.

"Huh?" He said, licking his right paw now. "Uhhh..." Frowning, he put it down. "Yes?"

I grinned. "Well you know how my mate, Electra can eat a lot, like, a WHOLE lot?

He nodded. "Yes, yes I do. She eats like a Snorlax!"

I chuckled. "Well, apparently she used to have a trainer, and he used to feed her big things all the time. And eventually he abandoned her, you know why?"

He frowned. "No, I don't. But I can take a guess. She ate everything he had when he left her alone one day? Or she bit him or something?

I shook my head. "No, she ate his Eevee..."

Rice smirked. "Heh... Well I would probably do the same thing if-"

"WHOLE" I interrupted.

Hearing that word, Rice took a step back. "W-what? WHOLE!? How could she do THAT!? It's like, the same size SHE is!"

I nodded. "Exactly..."

Rice curled his tail into a coil behind him. "Well, I'll have to see her do it sometime... If she can do that, then what's stopping her from eating one of US?"

I frowned. "She doesn't eat her own kind..."

Rice laughed. "I was joking... But really, I'd have to see this to believe it..."

I nodded. "I kind of already do... You see, I asked her what the biggest thing she ever ate whole was... And the only reason I asked was because I saw her rip a chunk off of a fruit, a chunk that was way too big to even fit in her mouth, and she just downed it whole, no problem at all..."

Rice made a face at me. "Well, I still have to see her do it to believe it... I bet we can-" His ears suddenly perked up and he clapped his paws together. "How about you just feed her all the Pokemon that try and steal our food supply? We have nothing better to do with them. They come in all the time and casually take our food and run off with it. Very few make it out alive, and if they do, we track them down and just kill them anyway, so why let them go to waste? We can feed them to her! That way she's full I hope, and she won't eat our whole Winter food supply in a month! Besides, we just throw the bodies in the lake anyway..."

I made a face at him. Was he calling her fat or something? It sounded kind of rude... But I knew what he meant, so I didn't mention it.

"So let me get this straight." I said as I stood up tall, my ears perked up. "You want me to feed her all the Pokemon that come in here and steal food, and all the ones that trespass on our grounds?"

He nodded. "Well, that second part you just threw in there, I never said that, but if she's okay with it, sure. Feed her all the Pokemon you want. And that works out too, because it's kind of your job to get rid of any Pokemon in the area, and what better way to do so than to eat them, right?"

I nodded, well, I'll be heading back to my room now, I'll ask her and see what she says." I said as I walked out into the tunnel. "See you!" I said as I darted off, not even giving him time to reply.

No way I'm asking her that...

So many things were racing through my head right now, I didn't know what to do. Stopping in front of our room, I stood up and walked inside calmly. So many things, what would I say?

Sighing, I lowered my ears to the sides. "Electra... I have to ask you something..."

She looked at me and tilted her head to the right. "Yes Dallas? Is something wrong?"

Sighing, I walked over and stood next to her. I was so nervous. How would I say this?

Starlight walked over to me and leaned against my other side. "Cheer up, it'll be okay."

Smiling, I hugged her. "I'm not upset, I'm just nervous..."

She looked at me funny. "Nervous about what? About what you're going to say to Rice?"

How did she know I wanted to go speak with Rice?

I shook my head. "No, I already saw Rice, and he told me to ask Electra something... I just don't know how she'll handle it..."

She nodded. "Oh... Well-"

Electra cut her off and grabbed me. "What did he ask you to tell me? What is it?"

I nervously scratched my right ear. "Well, it's more of a question... You see, I was wondering if you'd like to do my job with me, Stryder, who is another male, and Starlight. Our job is to walk around and seek out the random Pokemon that make their nests here in the area and get rid of them. We were wondering if you'd like to do it with us."

She giggled, nodding. "Of course I would! You were nervous about THAT?"

I shook me head. "No, he also asked me to ask you something else... You said you ate an Eevee whole once, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, It was trying to mate with me..."

I smirked. "Well you left that part out... But anyway... Rice wanted me to ask you if it's okay to... Well... Feed you... The Pokemon we find..."

She swung her tail up in front of her and grabbed it, hugging it.

You want to... Feed me?"

Blushing, I turned around, my tail on the ground. "Well... Yes... That's what Rice wants... But only if it's okay with you..."

She let go of her tail and walked over, standing right in front of me. "So, you want to FEED me the Pokemon that don't belong here? To keep the colony safe from Pokemon that come in and take the food and stuff?"

I nodded. "Yes... But... how'd you...?"

She laughed. "I was listening to the whole conversation from outside his room. I heard you scream and I got there as fast as I could because I thought you were hurt. When I realized he was joking, I just stood there and listened to what you were talking about. I already knew what you were going to ask me, and I'm perfectly fine with it."

I tilted my head. "Well that's a shock... I mean, you listening to the whole thing... How'd you manage to run back to the room in time? You're hurt."

She chuckled. "USED to be hurt. I feel fine now. All that's left is the cuts, no deep wounds or anything anymore. I feel really good. All I had to do was run back, and when I went around a turn, I knew you wouldn't be able to see me, so I slowed down, made it seem like I was here the whole time."

I hugged her tightly. "Wow you're so smart! I love you you know that?"

Giggling, she hugged me back. "I love you too Dallas."

"Yeah, me too." Starlight giggled, hugging us both.

No you don't...

"Well, I guess we all start the job tomorrow right? Why not get some sleep so we feel good in the morning?" Electra said as she lay down on what was no longer leaves, but was now a big soft cushion.

"Um... Where did that come from??" I asked as I sat down on it.

Electra giggled. "Rice brought it for us. Said we could have it."

Well that was nice of him...

Starlight giggled and lay down on the other side of me.

"Well, that was nice of him..." I said as I slowly lay down on my back. As soon as I was laying down, Starlight rolled ontop of me and kissed my mouth, making a happy squealing sound. Looking into her eyes, I giggled as the sparks we were making attracted to eachother and made bigger ones. I had to stop my sparks as I kissed her back, because I felt as if I were about to make a thunderbolt or something. When she pulled her mouth away, I just stared blankly into her eyes. I could get all the females I wanted, and everyone was okay with it... Not to mention how warm and furry she was... Although I'm sure she thought the same thing about me, but... This was WAY better than being a human! No human would ever be able to have more than one female, they'd flip out and call it "Cheating," then start breaking things and yelling at eachother, and the male is most likely left with no one at all, he then loses ALL of his females, and they'd probably accuse him of having things that are theirs, take all his money, leave him with nothing, all because of some... Moral... Well that didn't exist here in the Pokemon world, and I was very grateful for that!

"Dallas... I really DO love you..." She said, purring and nibbling at my neck. Smiling at her, I gently stroked the back of her head. Was she trying to mate with me? Already? Is that like, the goal of all females? To mate within the first day of knowing their partner? I mean, sure I'd held myself back with Electra, but that was because I thought it would be wrong... Now that I'd already done it once, there was really no reason TO hold myself back. I knew how it felt, knew how good it felt, knew how good SHE would feel... If she offered herself to me right here, there would be no turning her down... So what if I knew her for a couple hours, if Electra was okay with it, then so was I. I didn't want Electra to feel bad or anything. After all, she WAS my very first mate, and I loved her the most.

"Dallas... I want you..." She said as she bit my neck gently, to which Electra chuckled.

"Yeah, good luck with that. It took like five months before he finally mated with me..."

I giggled. "Well that's because I... Well, you know..."

She laughed and rolled over, facing us. "Well true, he had just evolved and didn't know any moves or anything, so I guess it's fine to say he just wasn't ready."

I blushed. "Yeah, that's right, I had just evolved."

Starlight looked into my eyes. "Evolved? If you'd evolved you'd be a Raichu."

I gave her a look. "I evolved from a Pichu into a Pikachu."

She flashed me a look back. "No, you didn't..." She growled. And then my ears perked up as I heard her say something under her breath. "We didn't use the Pichu one, we made sure we used the Pikachu one... I know it..."

I frowned. "Okay, what?"

Electra frowned too. "Yeah, what? The Pikachu one? What does that mean?"

She giggled. "I never said that. Nevermind it. Forget I said anything. No really, forget it. It's nothing." She said as she kissed my mouth.

Kissing her back, I kept an eye on Electra. I could tell she was confused, but so was I... What had she meant by "We used the Pikachu one, I made sure of it." I had no clue what she was talking about...

As she pulled away, she looked deeply into my eyes. "We going to do this or what?" She giggled. I could feel her paw resting on my right thigh, and I knew there was no way I could say no. "Yeah, let's do it..." I said as I pulled her down ontop of me...

Jerking awake, I sat up. Had we really done it? Had we really... Mated in front of my other mate without her caring at all? Was it all a dream? Had it really happened? One glance at Starlight and I immediately lay back down, snuggling up against her. No doubt it had happened, and no doubt Electra would probably be begging me for more since she knew I was perfectly capable of doing it without resistance now, and if she asked, I'd most likely tackle her and do it right there and then, not even caring where we were. I'd even do it in the main room in the middle of a meeting if she asked me to! I really don't care who sees. I'm her mate and I love her, and I want everyone to know that. I can't say the same about Starlight...

I don't think I really love Starlight, I think it's just lust... Electra was right...

As I sat back up, I looked over Starlight's body. I didn't exactly find it attractive, like I did Electra's... I just saw her as a cute female, not someone I'd like to start a relationship with... Maybe I shouldn't have mated with her...

Rolling over and facing Electra, I noticed that I was staring at one of her feet, because she was laying in the opposite direction. Grinning, I shoved my nose underneath her tail and inhaled deeply. She smelled so good... Her scent was... So arousing... As I took another deep breath of her rear, I felt my member begin to poke out of its sheath. Chuckling, I gave her a small lick underneath her tail, which is when she jumped up and scrambled to her feet.

"AH! Wha- Oh, Dallas... What are you doing? You scared the fur off of me!"

I giggled and sat up. "Well, I couldn't help it... I just..."

She grinned and tackled me down onto the cushion. "Heheh... You just wanted me, didn't you?"

I blushed. "Well, yeah, you can call it that. But the way you were laying made me think you were... Well... Asking for it..."

Giggling, she kissed me on the cheek. "So what if I was? After all..." She grinned as she licked my cheek slowly. "Your peepee is coming out..."

I tried to look away, blushing. "I-I know... Y-You mean... You want to... Now?"

Laughing, she got up off of me. "Nonono, I just woke up. I'm not really in the mood to mate."

"However, I am." Starlight chuckled as she sat up.

"What do you mean, you two just mated last night, how could you want to do it again already!?" Electra said as she flashed a confused look. "I mean, sure you'd want to do it again, but not right away, right?"

I nodded. "Well... I just do whatever you ask me to..."

Starlight laughed and stood up, stretching. "I'm just weird like that I guess."

Standing up, I hugged her. "You're not weird... It's normal actually..."

Electra nodded. "To tell you the truth, I wanted to do it again right when I woke up too... Never mentioned it though... And we're planning on having Pichu later on..."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready for a Pichu..."

Starlight giggled. "Well we're not in season again until spring... And the middle of winter..."

I shook my head. "Winter is a bad time to raise a Pichu..."

Electra nodded. "Yeah, we'll do it in the spring..."

For the next five minutes, we just stared at eachother silently.

"Well... We should go eat I guess, right?" Starlight said as she made her way out of the room. Nodding, I followed her out. "I believe Rice has something special for you Electra..." I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, heheh..." She giggled as she walked out behind me.

As we followed Starlight, she didn't lead us to the main room, but instead led us outside.

"Why'd you take us out here?" I asked, looking around. Sure enough, we were at the tall grass again, where I'd met her in the first place.

"We have a job to do, let's just get some apples from the trees." She said as she stood up tall and started walking. "We'll be there in a couple minutes."

Electra's stomach growled, and she groaned. "I hope its soon, because I'm starving..."

Starlight laughed. "I can tell... And don't worry, it'll be real soon."

I slowed up a little so Electra could catch up to me. As soon as Electra caught up, I leaned against her and walked alongside her. "You smell nice..." I said, sniffing her neck.

She laughed. "Do I now? It must be natural then."

I licked her cheek. "It is, I can tell..."

Smiling, she nuzzled me under my chin. "Dallas... You always cheer me up, you know that?"

I smiled. "I didn't know you were... Well... Not cheerful. You always seem so happy..." I said as I kissed her cheek gently. She smiled at me and we stopped walking, then she hugged me really tight, and her tail was wagging really fast. "Ooooohhhh I love you Dallas!"

I smiled at her, hugging her back. "I love you too Electra."

Now, my tail had begun wagging too. I didn't know why, but I figured it was because I was happy.

"You two okay?" Starlight chuckled as she stood beside us.

I nodded. "Just hugging is all."

Giggling, Electra let me go. "Now, let's go EAT!" She said as she looked up into the trees. "There's no apples here at all!"

I laughed. "All you think about is food... I find it attractive actually..."

Electra looked at me and smiled. "Well that's good to know I think..." Turning around, she continued walking.

Starlight brushed over my nose with her tail. "You Dallas... Need... A..." She said, smiling.

I tilted my head, confused. "What? What do I need?"

She giggled. "Oh, nothing. You'll find out." She said, walking off to catch up to Electra.

"Hey wait up, you confuse me sometimes, you know that? Why would you start the sentence if you weren't going to tell me the ending?" I said as I ran up to her.

She whipped around and grabbed me, hugging me. "Thank you Dallas, exactly."

Startled, I hugged her back, confused. "Um, you're welcome..."

Well that made no sense at all...

"HEY! There you all are!" Stryder said as he leaped out of the tall grass and stared at us. "Um, is this a bad time?" Chuckling, I let Starlight go, and she let me go. "No, not at all."

"Oh, okay good. So where are we going to search today?" He said, turning his head to look at Electra, who was walking back to us all with an annoyed look on her face.

"Will you hurry up? There's something over there and I don't know what to do."

Starlight tilted her head and frowned. "What kind of something?"

Electra shrugged. "Something alive, that's all I can tell you..."

Stryder smirked. "Big help that is... Well, where is it?"

Electra made a face at his comment. "Where do you think?"

He made a face back. "Well how am I supposed to know?"

Electra sighed. "If I came walking from over THERE..." She said as she pointed to where she'd just been. "And I said I saw something, then where do you THINK it is!? Common sense Stryder!" She snapped.

Stryder scratched his right arm. "Over there where you were?"

Electra sighed. "Then why would you ask me where it is?"

Stepping between them, I pointed. "Let's just all go over there and take a look... No need to argue."

Nodding, Electra began walking again. "But Stryder, you go first."

Nodding, he took the lead.

"Okay, Electra, you get behind me and Stryder in case it's dangerous, and Starlight, you get behind Elect- Wait, where's Starlight?"

We all looked to the left, then the right, then behind us, no sign of her.

"She vanished..." Electra said, giggling.

"She does this a lot, don't worry about it, let's just keep going." Stryder said as he continued walking. "She'll show up later."

Nodding, I followed him to where Electra was when she turned around and came back. "Is this the place?" I whispered, looking back at Electra, who nodded. "Okay, look around, tell me if you see it."

Nodding, Electra pointed. "Right there..."

Looking over I saw something brown in the tall grass. "That thing? What is it, an Eevee?"

Stryder squinted. "If it is, leave it alone. Eevee don't bother us, Rice said so himself."

Nodding, I stood up tall, and so did the Eevee. "Something wrong?" It shouted.

I shook my head. "No, nothing's wrong. Err... Carry on."

Frowning, I walked past Stryder and walked straight ahead.

"Well, that was awkward... Was to embarrass me..." I mumbled, looking ahead. "Hey, weren't we supposed to get apples?"

Stryder ran past me and climbed up e tree. "Well, if you want them, come up here and get them."

Shrugging, I gripped the trunk with my claws and easily pulled myself up. Surprised at how easily I could pull myself up, I put more effort into it, practically running up the trunk of the tree. As soon as I came in reach of the first branch, I dug my claws into it and swung myself up ontop of it, sitting on it with my tail wagging.

"Showoff..." Stryder smirked as he climbed up higher.

"Actually, I never knew I could do that. So it was me just getting to know what I could do." I smiled.

Stryder frowned. "You've never climbed a tree before?"

Standing up on the branch, I grabbed the one above me and climbed up onto it. "Nope, I never needed to."

Stryder nodded. "Well, get all the apples you want. And tell Electra we'll get her something special."

"You know, I'm right here, and I can hear everything you're saying." Electra said as she looked up into the tree. "Just because I'm not up there doesn't mean I can't hear you, and thanks I guess." She giggled.

Shrugging, I picked a big red apple and bit into it, dribbling juice on my belly as I chewed. By the time I had finished my apple, Stryder had leaped out of the tree, landing on all fours on the ground and standing up.

"Well, that worked..." He chuckled.

Grinning, I stood up and gripped the trunk of the tree like a pole, gripping it with my claws and sliding down it, gently landing on the ground. "Heh..." I said as I let go, picking the bark out of my claws. "It sharpens them, and I get down safely."

Stryder made a face. "Showoff..."

I laughed. "What you meant to say is "Good idea," right?"

He sighed. "Yeah sure... You can say that..."

Electra grabbed me from behind and hugged me, and I smiled at her.

"I feel... Affectionate Dallas..." She said as she licked my cheek.

Smirking, I tried to lick her back, but couldn't at this angle. "Heh... That's alright with me!" I laughed.

Giggling, she let me go and walked in front of me, brushing her tail over my nose and posing in front of me with a slight giggle. "I feel so... Attracted to you..."

Blushing, I looked into her bright blue eyes and smiled, reaching out and hugging her tightly. Stryder watched us and smirked.

"You two going to mate now?"

Electra giggled. "Well, I kind of was hoping Dallas would want to. After all, I am in the mood..."

Blushing, I kissed her cheek. "Well, I suppose if you wanted to, I couldn't really say no... But, one question. Out here?"

She laughed and nuzzled me under my chin. "No silly! In our room!"

Smiling, I nodded. "Yes, let's go."

Stryder frowned. "Aw come on... I'll be alone out here..."

Electra giggled. "You'll be with Starlight if she shows up, don't worry, we'll be right back."

"Be right back? What, is it going to take like two minutes?" He said, smirking. "Is Dallas going to take like, one pump and finish, then walk out all happy with you hugging him and stuff?"

Electra sighed. "Get smart with me and I'll make it take longer. Come on Dallas, let's go." She said, turning around and tugging me along. Shrugging, I followed alongside her.

Stryder ran out in front of us and stood in front of Electra. "Hey, who said I was being smart? You said you'd be right back, and I asked if it'd be two minutes. That's not SMART!" He shouted, emitting a low growl under his breath.

Electra shoved him out of the way. "You're right, it WASN'T smart, because it came out of YOUR mouth." She growled. "First of all, you don't EVER get in my face like that again. Second, it was too. You made a stupid comment to make me upset/. Is that better wording for you?"

Stryder stared at her for a second before growling. "I was simply asking you a QUUESTION!"

Electra took a step forward and growled. "A STUPID one!" She said as she got in his face.

Stryder looked up into the sky. "It was not stupid, it was simply a question."

Electra sighed and continued walking back to the colony. "You obviously don't realize that half the things you say are unnecessary and stupid..."

"Of course you would know, you're the stupid one after all... It takes one to know one Electra..." Stryder mumbled as he turned around and started walking in the other direction.

Bad move dude... - I thought to myself as Electra stopped walking and slowly turned around. "What was that?"

Stryder sighed. "I said, you're a moron."

Almost immediately, Electra leaped into the air and pounced on him, knocking him forward into the grass. "Take it back!"

Stryder laughed. "Why should I? It's true."

Growling, she placed her right paw on the back of his neck and dug her claws into it. Stryder yelled and squirmed, but she held him down and dragged her claws down to the side of his neck with a quick slash.

"YOU'RE INSANE! GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled as he managed to break free, rolling to his feet and tackling her. "I WILL NEVER TAKE IT BACK!" He said as he jabbed her in the belly with his right paw.

Squealing, she pushed him off of her and sprang to her feet, jumping at him. He moved out of the way this time, grabbing her foot and pulling her down. Twisting around, she landed on her front paws, right on his belly. Stryder gave a loud yelp and closed his eyes tightly, I could see a tear falling down his cheek. Standing on his belly, Electra chuckled. "You picked the wrong female to mess with..." She growled as her tail became silver and shiny.

I took a step back. Was she really about to kill him?

"N-no, I'm sorry..." Stryder choked out.

"Why? Because I'm about to finish you off? Electra said, leaning forward on him a little.

"STOP!" Starlight yelled as she ran up to Electra. "Get off him! Rice needs him."

She growled. "Well then Rice can have him after I'm finished..."

Starlight shook her head. "Rice needs him ALIVE, and now."

Sighing, she got off of him, her tail returning to normal. "You got lucky..." She growled. "Come on Dallas..." She said, turning and walking towards the colony as if nothing had happened..

Sitting up, Stryder flashed me a look. I could see in his eyes that he was scared to death. I sighed and turned around, running to catch up to Electra. She was licking the blood off of her paw when I caught up to her.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked, standing in front of her and looking her in the eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I just can't stand Stryder at all..." She sighed. "He killed my happy mood..."

Hearing that, my ears drooped to the sides and I whined. "Awwwww.... Come ON STRYDER! You couldn't keep your big mouth SHUT?" I yelled, kicking a rock and turning around, walking towards the colony.

Electra put her paw on my shoulder. "Calm down, we can do it some other time, don't worry."

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, ,I guess so... But what I find funny is how Starlight just appeared like that and saved him..."

Electra nodded. "I hadn't though about it, but yeah... Maybe they're both up to something? And without Stryder, she couldn't do what she wanted to do or something..."

I stopped and looked back at her, making a face. "You know what? That actually makes sense... Come on, we're going to eavesdrop on them..." I said, turning around and getting down on all fours, moving slightly to the left in the tall grass. "Stay down low, and don't make a sound. Make sure they don't hear us."

Electra got right behind me and nodded. "But what's eavesdrop mean?"

"It means we're going to spy on them." I said as I took a step forward, slowly moving my weight onto the foot I put down, as to not make any noise. Electra already knew how to do it apparently, because I couldn't hear her moving at all. Looking back to make sure she was there, she smiled at me. Indeed she was there, right behind me too! Through the thick grass, I could barely make out the yellow of their fur, so there was no way they'd see US.

"Make sure your tail doesn't poke out so they can see it either." I said as I got down even lower into the grass. Perking my ears up, I could just barely hear them.

"Well maybe if you didn't open your big mouth, you wouldn't have that big bloody thing on the back of your head."

"Well it's not my fault SHE has a bad temper!" Stryder snapped. "She almost killed me!"

Electra let out a low growl. "Ohhhh he's going to get it..."

Looking back at her, I couldn't help but growl myself at his comment. "You can give it to him later... Just try to ignore all he says about you for now."

She nodded. "I'll try..." She sighed.

Listening in, again, I took a step closer.

"Our job is to watch over him, make sure he gets the proper training. If we don't do that, our whole colony could lose the fight, and then what? We're all DONE! There's nothing we can do but try and find another place to stay. I'm not going to sit here and let you die, because that would ruin everything, but I'm also not going to let you sit here and mock his mate either. You've probably got her so pissed off, that the next time she sees you, she's going to rip out your throat!"

Electra chuckled. "Ohhh Starlight, you don't know the half of it..."

"And if you fight back, and you hurt Electra, chances are, no let me rephrase that. It's guaranteed that Dallas is going to jump in and destroy you." Starlight snapped.

I nodded. "You bet I would..."

"So now what are we going to do? I can't stay because I have things to do, and now you can't either, because you risk having your guts ripped out." She growled.

Stryder sighed. "I... Don't know... I screwed up..."

Starlight nodded. "You bet you did! You know what you're going to do? You're going to go tell Rice about this. You can't be with them anymore. You're going to have to watch over them from a distance, WITHOUT getting caught! There's no other choice. You HAVE to. For all I know Electra could be on her way back here to finish what she started." Starlight sighed.

Stryder nodded, his ears down. "I'll go tell him I guess..."

Starlight grabbed his paw and helped him up. "And you're going to have to do something about that slash on the back of your head. It looks pretty bad..."

Nodding, they began walking towards us.

"Lay down, don't move." I said, laying down flat on my belly. Electra lay down too, her tail tucked underneath her. As the two passed, we both waited for about a minute, then I stood up.

"Okay, why the heck do we need to be watched?"

Electra sighed. "I don't know, but they want to train us... And I want to kill Stryder really badly now..." She growled, standing up.

I sighed. "I have something to tell you... I really didn't like Starlight all that much... She seemed cute and stuff at first, but now I'm getting second thoughts... You are the only female I could truly love, and I want you to know that..." I said as I hugged her tightly. "And after hearing all that she just said, I really don't want a spy hanging out in our room... You were right, it was just lust, I never really loved her... And she definitely never loved ME..."

Hugging me back, Electra nodded. "Yeah, let's kick her out... I even have a plan already... I'll just yell in her face for saving Stryder and tell her I don't want her in my room anymore, while you are supposedly out getting food..."

Smirking, I looked her in the eye. "You're smart, you know that?"

She licked my nose. "Hehe, I know. Let's go walk around, look at stuff, eat..."

Nodding, I took her paw in mine and walked out of the tall grass, smiling at her every now and then. It's true I had fallen for Starlight in the past, but now she seemed... Different, bossy, not the nice Pikachu I thought she was... It was kind of disappointing, but at the same time, it really wasn't... I mean, I had a female that I loved, and she loved me back, so why be upset because the one I'd just met turned out to be someone who really didn't like us, and was just using me to spy on us for no reason at all. I mean, after all, I still had Electra, and as far as I'm concerned, I always would.

She was leaning against me, I was leaning against her, walking side by side along the little paths in the tall grass. Paw in paw, we walked around, looking at things. Until we came to a clearing where the grass ended.

"Okay, I'm officially lost..." I said, scratching the back of my head.

Electra looked behind us. "Well, Stryder is supposedly following us at all times, but if we're stronger than him, then how the heck is he supposed to "Guard us" from stuff? Wouldn't someone stronger than us do it? Like a Raichu?"

Looking at her, I nodded as I got down onto all fours. "You know, you have a point there. I really don't think he knows much about fighting. I can tell you right now, all I know is what you taught me, and a little of what I learned on my own, and I'm already stronger than, well, Stryder, Starlight, those two that caused trouble, and that's all I've compared myself to so far. It's like, I'm some sort of overpowered, Arcues Pikachu that can defeat all that get in my way..."

"Yeah, something like that." I heard Rice say. Perking my ears up, I turned around to see Rice standing in the clearing a little to the left, just out of view.

"Oh, um, hi... Didn't see you there." I said, sighing.

He chuckled. "I know you didn't. And you've arrived at the perfect time too, us Raichu were just about to start training over here, and since you're like, as strong as we are, I'm inviting you and your mate to train with us."

"The others?" I asked as I stepped out into the clearing, looking at all the other Raichu.

"Yeah, you can't really see anything to the left or right unless you stand up and look over the grass..." Rice smirked.

Standing up, I smirked, rubbing the back of my head, embarrassed. "Um... Heh... Yeah... I can see them all now."

Rice laughed. "ANYWAY, about the training, would you like to come?"

Looking at Electra, who was chewing on some grass, I nodded. "Yeah, we'll come."

"Great! Just follow us then." He said, walking out into the clearing.

Electra groaned. "Can we eat now?"

Rice's ears perked up and he stopped walking. "You didn't eat yet?"

She shook her head. "No..."

Rice cupped his paws over his face. "Ugh... We'll find you something while we train, I promise."

"Everyone's been saying that..." Electra growled.

With a smile, I walked up to the group as they began walking again. "Don't talk much, do you?"

One of them spoke up. "So, you're the almighty Dallas I keep hearing about? You look normal to me..."

Rice laughed. "Yeah, but why don't you try standing next to him."

Making a face, I looked at Rice. "What the heck does that mean?"

Rice sighed. "I can feel the energy flowing from you. It's like some sort of electrical field around you. It's like, your power doesn't know where to go because you don't use it, so it surrounds you in this invisible field of electric energy... It's real strong too, and I've never encountered such energy before. There's no doubt in my mind you hold great power."

I smiled. "Um, thanks...I think..."

"Well, I'm convinced." Someone said. "Yeah, me too." Someone else said.

"I was convinced when he burnt through a rock." Electra giggled.

"He sent a thunderbolt through a rock?" Rice asked, sounding surprised.

"Well, not a thunderbolt. You see, I was training him before we even came here to the colony, and I told him how to release electricity. And when he did, it burnt through the rock I had thrown as a target. Since then, I knew he was a very powerful Pikachu." She smiled, nuzzling me under the chin.

Smiling at her, I took her paw in mine and kissed it. "You're so sweet... Hehe..."

Rice seemed to be staring off into space now. "Well, you'll have to show me..." He said calmly, the group's pace seeming to speed up.

"Well, I guess I could. After all, that's where we're going right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, anyway, I've been meaning to ask you if you'd like a better room. I mean like, a Raichu room. If you're as powerful as one, then you deserve one. Besides, we have an extra one that no one uses."

I smiled. "Well, I guess so, but not now. You can show me where it is, and we'll move in later." I smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too." Electra giggled.

"Well, okay then, when we get back I'll show you." He said, sounding extremely calm now.

No one else spoke the rest of the way there, and when we got there, there were only a couple Raichu there, not too crowded. Looking around, I noticed various logs and vines placed in sort of an obstacle form, as well as many others. Random boards of wood fitted tightly inbetween tree branches, and pillows underneath it, most likely in case you fell, since it was high up.

But I thought Pikachu could fall from high places and not be harmed at all. Why have the pillows there? Maybe for the Raichu? Yeah, that makes sense, they're heavier and will get hurt if they fall. But they can grab things with their tails, right? I don't know.

Looking around, I saw a couple tires lined up in a straight line. No clue what those were for. There were also various things that were probably targets, because they had scorch marks on them, and there was this big square patch of dirt, just random dirt. No clue what that could be for at all. There were other things, like rocks tied with ropes, flat rocks stacked ontop of eachother, and much more.

"Wow, this... Is quite the training area..." I said, looking around.

"Yeah, this is amazing..." Electra giggled.

"Well, let's get started then, after all, you need to learn some new moves. Every morning as soon as you wake up, you should come here by yourself and train. Train your strength, your attacks, even battle someone on the square."

So the dirt is for battles...

"Anything you want, just ask me and I'll show you how." He smiled. "Anything you want to train first?"

"I want to see his killer thunderbolt that melts rocks!" Someone shouted, which of course got everyone looking in our direction.

"Um... I guess so..." I said, blushing as everyone stared at me. I was so nervous, not so much embarrassed. And the part of me that WAS embarrassed, couldn't find a reason TO be embarrassed. They were talking about how strong I was, not about how poorly I mated, why be embarrassed. Not that I mated poorly anyway, but it was just an example. Sighing, I shook off the embarrassed feeling, and some of the nervousness. If anything, I felt confident in myself. Two Raichu walked by me carrying rocks, and two more carrying a flat one. I watched as they placed the two rocks next to eachother, then placed the flat one so that it was leaning up against them, standing vertically.

"Alright Mr. Almighty Pikachu Arceus, Shoot through that rock." One of the Raichu said, snickering to the others, who joined in with laughter. Rice however, didn't laugh, nor even smile. He kept a serious look on his muzzle throughout their whole side conversation about how I was bluffing, and that no one, not even Rice, could shoot a thunderbolt through the rock. Walking up to it, I placed my right paw on it and felt it. It was smooth, flat, a bit damp, cold... Looking at the side of it, I figured it was between half an inch and an inch thick.

"Well, I guess I can do it..." I said as I stood in front of it and took a couple steps back. All the Raichu smirked and tried not to laugh, but Rice stood a couple feet behind me, his tail swishing slowly from left to right, curled into a coil at the end. Electra stood next to Rice, smiling at me.

"Come on, you can do it Dallas! I know you can!" She cheered, clapping her paws.

Just hearing that got me back into the spirit of things, and made me feel a lot better, a lot more ready. Taking a deep breath, I remembered what she'd told me about how I was supposed to control the hitpoint of the bolt, keep it from moving too much. And I'd mastered that pretty easily, but it'd been a while since I'd released a charge. I felt the energy rushing through me as I thought about it, just begging to be released. A couple sparks even flew from my cheeks, and I hadn't even done anything yet. The energy was just begging for me to release it. And if I didn't, it was probably going to force its way out somehow. I felt so hyper all of a sudden, so... Charged, like I had just drank a million cups of iced coffee, and then ate a few hundred sugar cubes. I was suddenly so hyper, I couldn't keep still. I was shaking all over as I got into position, clenching my paws into fists and holding my fists over my belly.

"Heheh, he's going to explode, look at him shaking." someone whispered, causing the whole group to laugh.

"ALRIGHT SHUT UP! THIS ISN'T A DAMN JOKE!" Rice yelled, turning around and slapping him across the face with his tail. The laughter immediately stopped, and everyone went silent.

"Now, does anyone ELSE have something STUPID to say? Maybe he'll launch off into the air! Maybe he'll miss the rock! ENOUGH! If I hear another comment like that, I will CASTRATE you and make you EAT IT!" He snarled. "Do I make myself clear!?" He shouted, his tail coiled tightly, his ears pressed flat back. Everyone nodded, and he turned around calmly, while Electra smirked.

"Sorry about that Dallas, proceed."

Nodding, I clenched my paws tightly, feeling a few sparks fly from my cheeks. As I focused my energy into a thunderbolt, I felt it all just rush to my face, and a burst of electricity I couldn't even control shot out of me. So much power, coming from nowhere. It all just rushed out of me. As soon as that one spark was released, it all took the same path as the spark and just poured out of me without any resistance. Concentrating, I aimed it right at the center of the rock, then closed my eyes tightly as even more energy flew out of me. I clenched my fists as tight as I could, while I pushed the energy I had control of, out of me. I stood there for a good twenty seconds, my mind blank as I just spewed electricity. I knew the only way to melt through this rock was to keep the bolt in one place, but as I thought about this, my mind got all fuzzy. The only thing that kind of woke me up, was the heat. Snapping back into consciousness, I pushed the energy out harder, until the heat made my face feel like it was melting. I literally thought my fur was melting off, there was so much heat. When I couldn't stand it any longer, and my nose started burning up, I stopped, and just stood there, panting. My face was all red, and I barely even took a breath that whole time I was standing there. I felt sick, sick to my stomach. Holding my paws out in front of me, all I saw was a blur. I looked up at the rock. All I saw was a blurry mess of gray, red, and brown. I could feel the heat coming off of it, and it was hot! Turning around, I looked at the group.

"D-did I do it?" I choked out, before falling backwards, gasping for air as I blacked out.

Geez, I have to remember to BREATHE when I attack!

----END Chapter twelve.----