Chapter Eighteen - Homeward Bound
#18 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human
Back to Dallas/Cammy's POV
I sighed, gently stroking my paw through the fur on Electra's belly as she lay in my lap. She was still breathing, so I wasn't worried that badly. I just wanted her to wake up... It'd been a whole day since she fainted and she still hadn't woken up. That was the part that worried me...
Wait, did she just move?
Looking down at her, my eyes went wide as she opened hers, and I hugged her immediately.
"ELECTRA! YOU'RE ALIVE!" I yelled, almost crying as I squeezed her tightly.
"OW! Get off of me!" She squealed as she pushed me off of her, rolling off of my lap and standing up, frowning. "Oh... Cammy... I thought you were... Never mind.." She said, making a face at me. "Ugh, I feel like crap..."
"Are you okay?" I asked as I felt her forehead, then ran my paw down her belly, smiling.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled as she grabbed me, pulling me over and hugging me tightly. "Just one question... What the HELL is his problem?" She asked as she ground her teeth, growling.
"I don't know..." I said as I rubbed her back, smiling. "But it won't happen again, I can guarantee it."
She nodded, sighing. "Yes, I know... But it was so scary..." She said as she gripped me tightly, tears running down her cheeks.
"Electra... It's alright..." I said as I continued to rub her back, smiling.
"H-he's dead right?" She asked as she looked me in the eye, seeming a bit worried.
"Yes... I... Killed him..." I sighed, my ears falling to the sides. "But... I didn't mean to... I mean, I saw him about to kill YOU... And I kind of just... Went off on him... I mean, I couldn't control what I was doing, I just... I-"
"Cammy it's fine." She giggled, kissing my cheek. "I feel a lot better knowing that he's dead, so he can't get me back or something... I mean, you should've fed me the body... But, how's the colony, I mean without their leader and all..." she asked curiously.
I sighed. "Well usually the rule is that whoever defeats the leader BECOMES the leader... But I said I wasn't ready... So I told Thunderpaw to take the job until I got back..."
She nodded. "So when you get back, we're going to be the leaders, and I- Waiiit... We're not at the colony... So where are we then?" She asked as she looked around. "Oh... In the human place... Why aren't we at the colony?"
I smiled, patting her back and hugging her again. "Well for one, I thought they'd be mad at us, so I carried you here and left you here, because no one knew about this place so I knew you'd be safe. Then I went back to the colony and climbed up onto that rock that Rice makes announcements on... I stood up tall and shouted that I had killed Rice because he'd tried to kill my mate. I then told everyone I was Dallas, and everyone acted really surprised... The really weird thing is that everyone cheered for me... Some of them said that Rice was way too strict on them, and they always wanted a leader change but they knew Rice was the most powerful in the colony, and in order to have a leader change, you need two things. The first, is a vote. If there are more votes for someone else than there are for the current leader, then the leader is changed. However, there's a second rule. In order to change the leader, it is mandatory that the new leader defeat the old one in battle. In other words, even if the new leader is chosen by the votes, if he or she does not defeat the old leader, in this case Rice, in a battle, then Rice will remain the leader of the colony. The leader was never changed because no one could ever defeat Rice, although Rice was always clearly voted out as a terrible leader. He was always outvoted, but the new leader was never able to defeat him, so Rice remained the leader for a while. There was also a third rule, that the leader can choose to give their leader status to someone else if they need a break, which is what I did in this case. I gave it to Thunderpaw. Thunderpaw is the one that everyone was trying to vote into becoming leader, but Thunderpaw could never beat Rice in a battle. They said that they wanted ME to be the leader more than anything, because I had so much power, and even Thunderpaw agreed with them, but I insisted on taking a break first... They also mentioned that Rice had always acted like you were on his good side, but when you did one thing that he didn't like, and he didn't get his way, he would hunt you down and force you out of the colony, or possibly kill you, which is what he tried to do in this case... They said that he always acted poorly as a leader and stuff like that. Stuff about how he never allowed them to go to the lake in groups, how he never let the Pichu out of the colony to get fresh air, never let them out for any reason... So I'm actually glad I got rid of him, for the benefit of both my mate, and the colony." I smiled, letting go of the hug and giggling. "It turns out that everything Thunderpaw said was true. Everything Clawstrike said, everything Stryder said about him, everything was true."
"Well, one question... Rice couldn't lift me up at all... So how did you carry me here?" She asked, smiling.
"Well... I don't know, I just did... It wasn't easy, but I did it." I smiled, poking her belly. "I must be physically stronger than Rice too, which is surprising to me because he was a Raichu...." I frowned.
"Wait, so I AM fat?" She asked, frowning as she looked herself over.
"NO!" I shouted, shaking my head. "You're just... Dense... Bigger on the inside than you are on the outside. It's a good thing actually, because with that weight comes power, and durability. With the way you eat, you should be the strongest Pikachu in the colony!"
She giggled and poked my belly back, smiling. "Hehe, besides you!" She giggled, hugging me again. "So, what are we going to do if we're not going to be at the colony for a while?"
I chuckled, pointing to the pile of money inbetween the fridges. "Well, first thing's first, let's get all that paper organized... I have an idea..." I said as I walked over to the pile of money, picking up a dollar and staring at it. I couldn't tell how much it was, if it was a one, a two, a five, a ten, a twenty, a fifty, a hundred, I couldn't tell. All I knew were that the ones with the more human symbols in the corners were worth more.
"Err... Just stack them for now." I said as I picked up another dollar and put it ontop of the one I had in my other paw, then another, and another. Before long, both me and Electra had a decent stack of money in our paws, in the form of a nice, neat rectangular box.
"Err... Well it's a good thing they're not wrinkled, or this would be terrible to stack." I said as I picked up a rubber band and wrapped it around the stack of money. "So apparently these were stacked before, and he unstacked them for some odd reason and hid the rubber bands underneath the pile of cash..." I said as I took Electra's stack and placed a rubber band around it, placing it next to my stack that already had a rubber band around it. "There's so much money here... It's like, they've been robbing the Pokemart for centuries and piling up the money in this house..." I frowned, not even noticing that I'd said a human word, house, a word that I'd long forgotten.
Electra giggled. "Well they must have been taking things for a long time, because I know there is not this much green paper in the Pokemart. I looked at the thingy they put it in and there wasn't even half of one of those stacks inside of it! This had to come from somewhere else." She said as she began stacking more in her paw, neatly patting the sides to make them even.
"You know what, you're right... And now that I think of it, a while ago, like two years ago, the place that they keep all this paper to keep it safe for humans... Someone broke in and stole a lot of this paper out of that place... There was over a billion of these taken, but there doesn't seem to be a billion of these papers here, not even a thousand... So this must not be from there..." I said, completely forgetting that they had face value.
"Well whether it came from there or not, we're taking it, right?" She asked, smiling.
"Yeah, it's very useful." I said as I continued stacking them. We sat there for about an hour stacking money until there was nothing left but a couple neat stacks of bills. Smiling as I stood up, I picked up two, realizing we'd have to make more than one trip if we were going to get it all where I was planning to take it...
"Um, we're going to have to take more than one trip..." I said, frowning.
"No we don't. I can eat some." Electra said as she opened her mouth.
"NO!" I shouted, grabbing it away from her, sighing. "You can't eat it, we need it.
She made a face, nodding as she snatched it back. "Okay... So what do we do to carry it then? I mean, I don't want to take more than one trip... And even taking it to the colony and coming back for more is a long walk... I don't even want to think about how far YOU want to take it." She frowned. "Not trying to be mean or anything, I just don't like walking long distances when I don't need to..." she sighed.
I nodded, smiling. "Yes, I understand... But I really don't know how we coul- Wait... Is that plastic wrapper from the steaks still out there?" I asked as I dropped the stacks of money, turning around and smacking into the door.
"Oof..." I grunted, rubbing my face. "I forgot I closed that..."
Electra laughed and put down the stacks of money she was holding too, waking over to the door and opening it, running outside and over to the little hole in the ground.
"Here it is!" She said as she picked it up, bringing it over and dashing inside, opening it up. "We can put it all in here!"
I nodded, smiling. "Exactly, then we only have to take one trip hopefully."
Giggling, we began stuffing the money into the bag, making sure it was stacked neatly so that we didn't waste any room in the bag. A lot of it fit inside, but there was still a lot of it left over, that wouldn't fit inside the bag.
"Ugh... There's still more out." Electra groaned, dropping the bag. "We need another bag..."
I Shook my head. "Maybe we don't... Let's try putting it all in sideways this time." I said as I dumped out the bag and began placing the money in sideways.
"That's not going to make a difference..." Electra sighed as she began placing the money in the bag, sideways this time.
"Well, there was a space on the side that was too small to fit anything in it before, and if you notice now, there's no spaces. I think it'll all fit now." I said as I continued stacking the money into the bag.
Electra nodded, smiling as she realized I was right. About two minutes later, Electra picked up the last stack of money and fitted it snugly into the bag, and there was still room left over to tie it off.
"YAY we did it..." She giggled, hugging me tightly, her tail beginning to wag. "Now we can make one trip!"
Nodding, I tied the end of the bag, lifting it up over my shoulder and resting it on my back. "Hehe, let's go." I said as I opened the door, walking out of the house and towards the tall grass.
Electra giggled at me. "That looks heavy... Wouldn't it be better to carry it on your back and walk on all fours?" She asked, smiling. "Or tie it to yourself or something...
I nodded. "Well yes... Then I can run with it, right?" I said, smiling.
"Yeah, there's some string from the package over there, I don't know if it's big or thick enough to hold the bag to your back but it's worth a try, right?" She giggled, running over and picking up the string. "Well, it's longer than I remember... But it's so thin..."
I sighed. "Don't worry about it, I'll just carry it."
"No, you won't." She said as she looked around, running to a bush and grabbing a vine, tugging it out and slicing it off with her claws. "You saved my life Cammy... It's the least I can do." She said as she took the bag from me.
"Well that's what mates do, we save eachother." I said as I got down onto all fours. "There's no need for you to repay me."
She smiled, placing the bag on my back and throwing the vine over it, reaching underneath me and grabbing it, pulling it up and back over my back, looping it around before tying it tightly. "Well I want to. I almost DIED back there. You SAVED me. I HAVE to do something." she smiled.
I smiled at her, standing up. "Well then just do what you usually do, that's good enough for me."
"No it's not." She said as she kissed my cheek. "It's not nearly enough."
Sighing, I nodded. "Well I don't want you to do anything for me in return, but if you want to, go ahead. I'm not going to stop you or anything." I said as I took off running. "Follow me!"
"Ahhh! Hey!" She laughed as she got down onto all fours, running after me. It didn't take her long to catch up, and when she did, she looked at me, giggling as we went around the tall grass.
"Oooh I know where we're going!" She laughed as she ran ahead of me. "This isn't the way to the colony, this is the way to our human nest!" She said as she picked up speed, obviously excited. "I'll meet you there!"
Giggling, I picked up speed also, but it was herder for me to run with something heavy on my back, so I took it easy, pacing myself and running at a speed I found comfortable. I could tell she really did know where I was headed, because I saw her cross over the path, rather than turning and following it. She obviously knew pretty well where we were headed.
I ran at my own pace for about ten minutes before I got to the clearing, skidding to a stop and looking at Ben's, or rather MY house.
It's been a while since I've been here...
Smiling, I got back down onto all fours and ran out into the backyard, smiling as I saw Electra waiting up on the second floor of the back porch, watching me through the vertical railings. Smiling, I continued running, dashing to the right of the house and up the steps, meeting Electra at the top.
"Look!" She giggled, pointing to the door next to us. Looking over at it, I smiled as I saw a little door in the bottom that I could crawl through if I were on all fours, just like back at the Pokemon Center.
"Wow, they've been waiting for us I guess..." I said as I pointed to it. "You first. Tell them to come out here and see me." I said, smiling.
Nodding, Electra pushed her way in through the door flap. I waited outside for a minute or two, before I heard her coming through again. Taking a step back, I smiled as the door opened, darting into the house between Ben's legs.
"Whoa there Brian! What've ya got there?" He asked as he closed the door right after Electra entered. As I walked into the living room, I noticed that a lot had changed. There were new couches and stuff was moved.
"Err, the yellow couch is for you and Electra... I figured since it's been so long, you'd probably already had Pichu with her and needed a bigger place... The bedroom upstairs is still yours, nothing up there is different, but this couch pulls out into a bed also, so..." He said as he looked around. "I got you scratching boards for your claws, toys, a pool, another litter box because the old one was ugly, a surprise, Pikanip, which is something kind of like Delicattynip, that makes you go crazy when you smell it, which I know is a bad idea already, some treats, canned food that you probably can open if you do what you did last time, collars with tags if you wanna wear them, except I accidentally ordered two of each, two pink ones with Skitties on them, and two red ones with half of a heart on each one. I figured that if you two wore those and hugged the heart halves would make a whole heart because you'd most likely love eachother by now... But I got the other ones just in case you didn't. Of course I had to get tags with all of them so I spent more than I needed to... But it was worth it, so choose which ones you want later, or if you come across them, feel free to put them on eachother or something. I also got a rubber sandbag... You're supposed to train on it and stuff, I don't know..." he said as he looked around the room. "I got you two sugar cubes and sweet stuff, and leashes so we can go on walks if you want to use them... I wanted to get you clothes because I knew you didn't like being naked and stuff, but I figured you'd gotten over it by now so I didn't get any... And I got... Um... little handles installed on the bottom of the glass door so you can open it, and some other things I don't remember. I also got you a thunderstone just in case you want to evolve... And I realize I'm ranting, and I'm sorry I'm talking so much, but we haven't seen eachother in so long, and what the FUCK!!" He yelled as he lifted me up, tugging off the vine and taking the bag of money. "Where did you GET this!?"
I wiggled, slipping from his grip and falling to the floor. "I took it from the colony... They don't need it..." I said, frowning.
He frowned. "Ah, yeah, can't understand you... Well there's at least a billion dollars in this bag... Oh Arceus..." He mumbled as he began to sweat, wondering what to do. "I got an... Air conditioner... And... Oh Arceus... This is... Oh... I don't know w-what to say... I'm locking this up in the safe right away. We're rich! Oh Arceus, We're set for life! I mean, look at this!" He said as he flailed the bag in the air. "And it's all neat and stuff!"
I nodded. "It wasn't before... Because Rice is stupid and had to throw it around like an idiot.."
"Yeah, we had to stack it and stuff!" Electra pouted.
"Oh my... Well... With all this I'll have no reason to have a job anymore... But I have to keep it so I don't look suspicious..." He said as he ran off. I heard him yell as he ran up the stairs. "Kevin isn't here right now so AAAAHHHHH!!!"
Smiling, I looked at Electra and kissed her cheek, giggling. "Well he's happy I can see..." I said as I hugged her.
Giggling, she wagged her tail. "Yeah... And he got us so much cool stuff!"
I nodded, closing my eyes as I heard Ben coming back down the stairs.
"Well I put it away... And I'm trying not to act too excited about it although I clearly am... I know if I ask where it came from you're not going to be able to tell me, so don't worry about it. I'll put some in the bank, not too much, maybe about a thousand dollars every week... And try not to spend too much... This is just so... Sudden, I don't know what to do... I can finally buy that new car I've always wanted... I can get you two so much stuff with it, so much food for Electra, whatever you wan-"
"FOOD!" Electra squealed, jumping up and down. "FOOD FOOD FOOD!"
I laughed and hugged her, smiling. "You sure do like to eat..."
She giggled and kissed my cheek. "Of course I do! It helps me get big and strong! Like you said!" She giggled.
"Awww, isn't that cute. You two ARE in love." Ben said as he kneeled down, patting our heads and smiling. "Well let's go get those collars on so we ca- oh... Dallas you already have one?" He said as he reached underneath my chin, unbuckling the collar and holding it up. It was yellow, and so was the tag on it.
"I never knew that was there..." I frowned.
"Me either..." Electra said as she poked my belly. "You have an owner!"
I shook my head. "No I don't!"
"Well this says that your name is Cammy and you belong to the Pokemon Center..." Ben frowned.
I quickly nodded. "Yeah..."
He frowned at me. "So you got caught but escaped... Cool... Well no one's going to know it's you because I just took off your tag... But when did you change your name to... Cammy?" He asked, frowning as he looked me over. "And you look so different..."
Nodding, I reached behind me and grabbed my tail, bringing it in front of me and hugging it against me belly.
"Aww come on Brian, that's cute." He said as he made a face, staring at my tail. "Hey, why does it have a..." He said as he looked down, probably looking between my legs, because he gasped. "What the hell, you're a girl! And that means you're a lesbian! And so is Electra!" he shouted.
I slapped myself in the face, grinning as I held out my right paw in front of his face, signaling him to stop talking.
Electra made a face. "A... Lesbian? What's that?" She said as she looked at me, frowning.
I blushed, sighing. "It means you like other females... In a matey way..." I said, looking down.
She giggled and took my right paw, kissing it gently. "Of course I do! I mean, you're a female, and I like you like that, so then yeah!"
I giggled, nodding. "Well let's just avoid that word from now on, okay?"
She nodded. "I forgot what it was already. Ummmm... Yeah, I forgot." She frowned.
I giggled. "Good, don't remember it." I said as I looked at Ben, who was staring at me.
"Um... You ARE Brain, right?" He asked, frowning.
I nodded. "WAS Brian, but now I'm Cammy..."
Electra giggled and nodded.
"Well... How did this happen? Er, I probably don't want to know... Don't tell me." He frowned as he looked me over again. "Do you still think like... A human?" he asked.
I frowned. "I try not to... There's no reason to, it won't help me if I'm a Pikachu, so there's no point in keeping the memories... I've made up my mind. I don't want to change back. I want to stay this way, with Electra." I said as I grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
"Awww Cammy!" She giggled, kissing my cheek and hugging me back.
"Well... Can you nod or something?" He asked, frowning.
Smiling, I shook my head. "No, I don't think humanly of myself."
He nodded. "So you... Don't mind if I treat you like a Pikachu?"
I shook my head again. "It's what I am."
Ben smiled. "Good... Because you look so cute right now." He smiled as he patted my head."I just didn't want to seem weird because I was petting a human... But I'm glad you're accepting your Pikachu form, because no one knows how to change you back. No one's ever even heard of such a thing happening before."
I nodded, smiling. "Good... I don't want to change back anyway... I'm hoping some day I can become completely feral, like a normal Pikachu someday,."
Of course that was bound to happen sooner or later.
'Well, I still don't understand you, so it might be a problem, but... Do you like being a female better than being... You know, a dude?" He asked, smiling.
Looking at Electra, then back at Ben, I nodded. "Yes actually... I find that I can move a lot faster and I'm more flexible... Plus I can eat things whole like Electra does, and I don't have to worry about being kicked in the nuts."
Ben nodded, smiling. "Okay then..."
"Why would someone kick your nuts? You should eat them before anyone can get to them!" Electra giggled, hugging me again.
"No Electra, not those nuts." I laughed, poking her side. "Nuts as in... Nevermind."
"No, tell me." She giggled, licking my nose.
"Well you don't have to worry about being kicked in the balls anymore." Ben joked, patting my head.
"Ohhhh..." Electra said, frowning. "THOSE nuts..."
I smirked, hiding my face in my paws. "Yes Electra, THOSE nuts."
"Yeah, I hear it hurts really bad." Electra giggled. "I'm glad I don't have any."
"Yeah, me too." I said as I put my paws down, sighing.
"Yeaaaah, I need a translator or something." Ben laughed. "Anyhow, do you like acting like a Pikachu better than being a human?"
I quickly nodded.
"Do you love Electra?" he asked, frowning.
I nodded again. "Of course I do!" I said as I grabbed her, kissing her roughly, rubbing her back as we made out right in front of Ben.
"Err, I'm guessing that's a definite yes..." He chuckled. "Well, does she still... Eat a lot?" He asked, not knowing how to word it apparently.
Breaking free from my kiss, Electra nodded. "Of COURSE I do! I can eat whole Pokemon!" She giggled, patting her belly.
Ben nodded. "Does she eat more or less?"
I chuckled, pointing up. "More... A LOT more..."
Ben laughed, standing up. "Well that's nice... Well at least we have the money for the food now, so... Feel free to raid our food supply as long as you don't make a mess..." Ben chuckled as he turned around and walked off. "I'll just leave you two alone for a bit. Oh, and just one more question... Since you're trying to become a normal Pikachu I assume, does that mean we can... Cuddle and stuff?" He asked, to which I nodded in response.
"Oh good." He smiled. "Like a normal Pikachu... Which reminds me, let's get your collars on. I'm actually glad I got two pink ones now." He said as he walked into the kitchen. "You do like girly stuff right?" He asked me as me and Electra followed him out.
"Well I'm trying..." I said as I smiled at him.
"Well we'll see when you pick which one you want I guess..." He said as he reached up into one of the cabinets, Electra curiously hopping up onto the counter and looking up at him. Frowning, I looked up at the counter, nervously scratching the back of my head.
"Um... Can I make it up there?" I asked as I pouted a bit.
"Go on." Ben said as he patted the counter top, smiling.
Sighing, I gathered my courage and took a leap, jumping well over the counter, as I thought I wouldn't make it if I didn't try hard enough.
"Whoa, too high." Ben said as he caught me, setting me down on the counter next to Electra. "I find it amazing that you're even able to do that... Jumping that high..." He said as he reached back into the cabinet, pulling out the four collars he had. Electra immediately picked the pink one with the Skitties on it, and I picked the same one, smiling.
"Well, I'll have to change the tags on yours Brian. It says Dallas on it, but your name is Cammy now... I should also stop calling you Brian..." He said as he took the tags off of the yellow collar, placing one on the counter and taking the collar out of my paws, taking one of the tags off of it and placing it next to the other one, putting on the red tag from the yellow collar, the one that said Cammy on it.
"Okay, all set. Now there's a tag with your name and a tag with our address, same with yours Electra." He said as he unhooked the collar, placing it around my neck and tightening it, not too tight, not too loose. Smiling, he did the same to Electra's, placing it around her neck and clicking the buckle into place, then tightening it to the perfect fit.
"Oh, I also got you the rest of the Dragonforce CDs, the ones you didn't have. I know you like that stuff, and so does Kevin and I, so I figured why not, right? Anyhow..." He said as he placed the yellow collar and the two red ones into the cabinet and shut it. "What am I going to do with these tags? I mean, now I see I didn't have to buy the tags with the collar, so I wasted money... Because I already have a set of tags for each of you... Well I guess in case one goes missing or something... I don't know." he frowned. "And these two..." He said as he pointed to the tags on the counter. "I'd might as well throw them away, I don't need them..."
As he reached for them, Electra quickly snatched them up.
"Err, okay... You can have them I guess." He said as he watched her, smiling. Electra just smiled at him as she held out her paw, giving them back.
"Err... Okay..." He said as he reached for them, only to have Electra swipe her paw back and out of reach, tossing the tags into her mouth.
"Err... Not sure what to say now..." Ben said as he stared at her. "I don't need them, do whatever you want."
Nodding, Electra swallowed them, giggling as she opened her mouth to show Ben that they were gone.
"I didn't mean literally..." He sighed, poking Electra's belly. "You really DO eat everything..."
She nodded and patted her belly, giggling. "Well yeah! And you said you didn't need them and that I could do what I wanted. So blah." She smirked, folding her arms.
"Well... Anyway, I have to go get a shower... So I'll be back down later." He said as he walked over to the table and placed two bowls on it, one that said Electra and one that said Dallas.
"Err, I have to change that..." He said as he took it back, peeling off the letters and going back into the cabinet, taking out a packet of red letters and taking out a C, an A, two Ms, and a Y, then putting the D, As, L, and S back into the packet, placing it back into the cabinet and shutting it, peeling the backs off of the letters and sticking them on the bowl. When he was done, he brought over the bowl, smiling as he set it down on the table next to Electra's.
"Well, you're supposed to be able to read the bottom of the letters because there's a little squiggly thing on them... I guess Pokemon can read the squiggly things or something... I just see squiggly things, which is probably what you see when you look at our writing, so... Anyway, feel free to get your own food." He said as he pointed to the cabinets on both sides of the oven. "You know where it is." He said as he walked upstairs.
Smiling, I hopped off of the counter and opened the cabinet on the right side of the oven, frowning as I saw bags of dry food inside.
"Nah, not today." Electra said as she went over to the other side. Nodding, I shut the cabinet and followed her over. Opening the one on the left, I smiled at the neatly stacked cans of food.
"MEAT!" Electra squealed as she pushed me aside and grabbed two cans of whatever it was. "I want these, let's go." She said, shutting the cabinet and walking over to the table, hopping up onto it and placing them down. Smiling, I followed her over, jumping up onto the table and smiling as she held onto the can tightly with both paws. Grinning, I reached down and slid my claws underneath the tab, lifting it up and grabbing a hold of it.
"You ready?" I asked as I slid a finger into the loop. She nodded, and I smiled as I tugged on the tab, pulling the lid off. As soon as it was off, she dumped the can into my bowl and picked up the other can, holding it tightly. Again, I lifted the tab up and pulled off the lid, watching as she dumped out the can into her bowl, picking up the empty cans and putting them in the middle of the table. Immediately, she got down onto all fours and began eating out of her bowl, making loud slurping noises. I figured she'd be hungry because we hadn't eaten this morning, and the way she was eating only proved it to be true. Smiling at her, I dropped down onto all fours, placing my head into the bowl and gently lapping at the food. About three minutes later, we'd finished eating, and Electra had already licked the cans clean. Giggling, I hopped off of the table and walked back into the kitchen. Forgetting why I did that, I walked back into the dining room and over to the sliding glass door, smiling as I saw the handle on the bottom. Gripping it tightly, I tugged it to the right, opening the door and stepping out onto the porch. Electra followed me and I closed the door behind us, giggling as I looked down into the yard. Indeed there was a pool there, at the bottom of the hill. How'd I miss that? I must've ran right by it... Smiling at Electra, I ran across the porch, dashing down the stairs and taking a right, running down the hill of the yard. As I approached the pool, I stopped, but Electra didn't, and ran right up the stairs and onto the pool deck. I giggled as I walked up the steps after her, standing on the deck and looking into the water. There were blow up rafts and stuff floating in it. Smiling, I walked around the edge of the pool and quickly jumped off onto one, giggling as it bounced a little in the water. It was oddly thick, probably made thicker so that our claws wouldn't pop them. Giggling, Electra backed up to the edge of the deck, getting down onto all fours and running toward me, leaping up into the air and landing right ontop of me, tackling me into the water. Laughing, I climbed back up onto the float, and helped her up, smiling as I hugged her tightly.
"Nice jump!" I laughed.
She giggled and licked my cheek, nodding. "Thanks!"
Just then, a car pulled into the driveway and was about to make a turn to go into the garage on the house, but I guess whoever was driving saw us, because they didn't turn, but instead sped back up and stopped turning, coming down the whole driveway and stopping once they were inside the garage that was at the bottom of the hill. I heard them shut the engine off and the car door slam, tilting my head as I saw Kevin come out of the garage, immediately running over to us, yelling something.
"Oh gosh, here we go." I said to Electra, who grinned and nodded.
--END Chapter Eighteen--