Chapter Fifteen - Down Goes The Colony
#15 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx
"That was SO obnoxious!" Electra yelled. "Come ON!"
"Well yelling about it is not going to help..." I said as I looked at Mew, who looked back at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Mew, how would the humans even know you were here? I doubt that's them." I said.
"Well they were big and scary!" Mew said.
"Well can't you like, disappear?" I asked.
"Well I can go invisible but they would have hurt me! They had these thingies they put over their eyes that they can see me with!"
"HA!" Electra laughed. "Probably Team Onyx. I'm sticking to my theory. It's Team Onyx looking for Mew because they have nothing else."
"Okay, whatever that was...I HATE WHOEVER DID IT!" Bolt yelled as he stormed into the room.
"Err... I thought I should probably come back after that..." Cammy said as she walked in. "I mean, what if something happened..."
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I said as I looked at Bolt, who growled.
"I was SO CLOSE!" He said, growling. "And then that... BOOM happened!"
"Haha, it scared him to death. He lost his erection and everything." Cammy laughed.
"Bolt's afraid of noise?" Electra asked.
"NO!" He yelled. "I was afraid of what the noise WAS!"
"Well what was it?" Electra asked.
"EXACTLY!" He yelled. "I don't KNOW!"
"Can you quit yelling at me?" She said, sighing. "I don't need to be yelled at..."
"Yeah... Fine..." he said as he sat down on the cushion next to Mew. "I just d-"
"Dallaaaaasss!" Came a voice as one of the Pikachu of the colony came running into the room. "There is a huuuuuuge fire outside! And there's electricity sparking out of it!"
"What the hell?" Bolt said as he tilted his head. "A fire with... Electricity?"
"Okay... There's a huuuge fire outside... And there's electricity in it..." Another Pikachu said as he casually walked into the room. "Last time I checked, fires weren't electrical..."
"WOW!" Another Pikachu yelled as he dashed into the room. "Leader Dallas! There's an AWESOME fire outside! Come on you HAVE to see this!" he said as he grabbed my paw.
"Um... Am I the only one that noticed the huge fire outside?" Another Pikachu, a female said as she walked in. "Um... What's with the crowd?"
"Okay, everyone STOP." I said as I pushed past them. "I am aware of the huge fire outside. I just haven't seen if yet..."
"Isn't the Squirtle team around here like, in the lake to put out fires?" Mew asked.
"This one has electricity... And it's all purple..." The female said, frowning. "It's not normal."
"A purple sparkly fire..." Electra said as she looked at Cammy, who shrugged.
"Sounds like a hallucination." Cammy said.
"Or someone started a fire and it got pig, so they put colors in it." Electra said. "Like when humans rub those thingies on the paper and it turns different colors..."
"Paint?" Cammy asked as she tilted her head. "Paint can't change the color of a fire..."
"Well I didn't know that..." Electra said. "You know tons of things about humans!"
"Hehe." Cammy chuckled as she walked out into the hallway. "Let's check out this fire."
"Err, okay..." I said as I walked out behind her, and Electra behind me.
"I'm staying with Mew." Bolt said, smiling.
"Don't care." Electra said as she pushed me from behind. "Come onnnnn!"
"Err, okay..." I said as I followed Cammy to the exit, frowning as I sniffed the air.
"Do you smell that?" Cammy asked as she looked back at me.
"Well yeah..." I said as I pawed at my nose. "It's making me feel all tingly..."
"It's poison..." Cammy said as she took a step back. "Nooo way I'm going out there. That fire is most likely a human made bomb thingy that's designed to burn down the forest and kill us all or something." Cammy said. "And it's poison because it's purple so if we breathe it in we're going to die." She said. "It would make sense too, because Team Onyx hates us for betraying them and stuff..."
"But Team Onyx is dead, you said so yourself." I said.
"I said their above ground, main building is dead, and they have no leader. That doesn't mean they can't fuck a couple things up before the group dies." She said as she turned around and pushed against me. "Go back! I don't want to breathe in any more of this air!"
Nodding, I turned around and dashed back down the tunnel and into the room. Electra was already there, and she sighed as she grabbed my tail.
"It's not safe here, come on take us back to the house. I'd rather sit there and listen to Starlight than die." She said.
"Yeah take us all." Bolt said as he took Cammy's paw and held onto Mew, smiling as he touched my tail with his.
"No..." I said as I pulled my tail free. "It's my job to keep the colony safe... If I just leave and abandon them all, then I'm not doing my job, plus I'd be leaving them here to die..." I said as I dashed out into the tunnel. "Everyone to the main room. I have an idea..."
I didn't even wait for them to respond. I turned around and took off down the tunnel. I took one last breath of fresh air, before holding my breath as I dashed past the exit and ran to the main room. As I arrived, I was surprised to see that the majority of the colony was already in here. I wasted no time as I hopped up onto the rock, cupping my paws over my mouth as I spoke.
"Okay everyone! As much as I hate to say this... The humans know where we are, and they're not going to leave us alone..." I said as I lowered my paws. "As much as it pains me to say this... We're going to have to find another nest for now."
"WHAT!?" Someone shouted. "But this is our n-"
"I KNOW!" I shouted back. "I wouldn't say it unless I had no other choice!"
"He's right." Cammy said as she walked in. "We're all going to have to leave. Is this everyone?" She asked as she looked around.
"Well... Yes..." Someone said as he looked down. "A lot of us got hit by those explosions..."
"No, most of them ran away from it... I think they went in one of the other entrances." Someone else said.
"Well, should we wait for them?" Cammy asked.
"As much as I want to, there's not much time..." I said as Electra and Bolt walked in, followed by Mew and an enormous group of Pikachu.
"Oh, there they are." Cammy laughed.
"What?" Bolt said as he looked at me. "I flashed my sparks and everyone ran..."
"Ugh..." I said as I hopped down off of the rock, sighing as I walked over to Mew.
"Can you teleport objects?" I asked.
"Well duuuuh silly! I teleported my food here!" He said.
"Good then come here." I said as I took his paw and dashed into the food room. "I need you to take all of this..." I said as I closed my eyes and teleported us to the house. Opening them, I nodded as I looked around. We were on the third floor, the one that was dedicated to me and Electra.
"Here." I said as I looked at him. I watched as he took a look around, then nodded. "Okay, I have an idea of what the place looks like." He said as he grabbed my tail and teleported us back to the colony. I frowned as I stumbled backwards, shaking my head as I looked around. I felt all weird and dizzy.
"So THAT'S what it feels like..."
"Done." Mew giggled as he floated in a circle around me.
"That was... Fast..." I said as I looked around the room. "Err... You didn't even go with them..."
"I can teleport other things without having to go too." He chuckled. "I'll have to teach you that."
"Yeah, you do." I said as I dashed out into the tunnel. "Since you can do that, do you think maybe you'd be able to teleport all of US there?" I asked. "I can only teleport the ones that touch me..."
"Well I could tryyyy!" Mew giggled. "But that's craaaaazy!"
"Yes, try." I said as I walked back into the main room. "Crazy or not, we can't leave this colony without getting attacked. Unless we all rush out and confront whatever is out there. But then we have the poison smoke to worry about." I said, sighing. "Come on."
"OKAY EVERYONE!" I shouted. "Mew is going to teleport us to MY nest! Because I can only teleport a few at a time..."
"Dallas, we can do it all one go..." Mew said as he floated up above everyone.
"Everyone, hold onto eachother's paws." Mew said as he floated back over to me, smiling.
"Um... Just do it." I said, frowning. "I don't know why, but do it."
I watched as everyone grabbed a hold of which every paw was closest to them, until everyone has someone else's paw in theirs. Looking at Mew, I frowned.
"Now what?"
"Now, since I can teleport multiple things at once, I can do it all in one go." He laughed. "But I need your help..." He said as he grabbed my tail, along with Cammy and Electra. Bolt however, was somewhere in the crowd.
"Okay, on the count of three, teleport." He said as he closed his eyes. "One..."
"SMOKE CAN!" Someone yelled as a can was thrown inside of the room, hissing and shaking as it quickly filled the room with smoke.
"DO NOT LET GO!" I yelled as I closed my eyes tightly.
"Skip two! Go right to three! Do it!" Mew squealed as he closed his eyes again.
Nodding, I concentrated hard as I pictured the house, with the pile of food now sitting on the floor. I don't know how I saw the food, maybe I could see places without being there now, Maybe my mind could see places, and then I chose whether or not to teleport there... But anyway, it worked. I took a breath of fresh air, and that's when I knew it had worked.
"Fuck." I mumbled as I flopped onto my back, panting. I suddenly felt weak, as if teleporting the whole colony had taken a lot out of me. Not that I didn't expect it to...
"Dallas are you crazy?" Electra asked as she pulled me to my feet. "This is OUR floor!"
"Well yeah but... This is the colony..." I said, frowning as I hopped up onto the counter. "Hold on, I have a plan."
"Well it better be good." Electra said, sighing. "I don't want to have to share with anyone but you or Cammy..."
"Awww yay I get to share with Electra!" Cammy giggled as she hopped up onto the counter and hugged me.
"OKAY EVERYONE!" I yelled as I raised both paws up into the air. "Meeting!"
As soon as I said meeting, everyone swarmed in front of the counter in a neat crowd. The Raichu were in the front, and the Pikachu and their Pichu were behind them, just like back at the colony, which kind of surprised me.
"Where are we?" One of the Pichu squeaked.
"Shhh..." One of the Pikachu said as they rested their paw ontop of the Pichu's head.
"Yeah why are we in a human nest? Human nests are scary!" Another Pichu said as he huddled up against one of the nearby Pikachu.
"There is nothing to be afraid of." I said as I lowered my paws. "This is MY nest. I live here with Cammy, Electra, and Zeke. Zeke is a Mightyena and he lives on the... Um... The level under us." I said.
"The floor, not the level." Cammy laughed.
"The FLOOR below us..." I said. "There are six level- I mean floors. The top one contains all the food." I said, smiling. "Now, first thing I want everyone to do is grab something out of the pile and take it up to the food room. Cammy here will show you how to get to the top." I said as I looked at Cammy. "Now, after that's all done, you're all free to go wherever you want. I know you're all very curious and are like, itching to explore and investigate every single thing in here, and that's fine. But please, all I ask is that you don't make a mess. This is my nest, and I don't want it messy."
"Why would we make a mess? We're actually all really neat. I mean, I didn't like sitting in the colony because of the dirt, even though I knew it was hardened and wouldn't get on my fur, but it still bothered me. I wouldn't mess up your nest because one, it's YOUR nest, and two, I love being clean. Dirty things bother me." One of the Pikachu, a female said as she smiled at me.
"Yeah, why would we mess up our leader's nest?" Someone shouted.
"I hate dirt too!" Someone else shouted. "And I hate messes!"
"Dallas Pikachu are really neat Pokemon. It's not just you, me, and Electra that don't like messes. It's pretty much every Pikachu in the world." Cammy chuckled. "We're just like Minccino. The only difference is, we're not obsessed with cleaning. If something has dust on it, I don't care. As long as it doesn't get on me I'm fine." Cammy laughed. "You don't have anything to worry about!"
"Hey, how do we get out of here?" Someone in the crowd asked.
"Well that's a good question actually." I said as I scratched the top of my head. "I'm glad you brought that up... If anyone goes outside... All I ask is that you do NOT leave the grass. NEVER go any farther than the grass. Because once you leave the grass, you're no longer in my nest, and therefore you're no longer safe. As long as you're on or in my nest area, you're safe." I said.
"So if we go out we have to stay on the grass?" One of the Pikachu said as they pointed out the window. "Look down there! There's tons of grass!"
"Exactly. So staying inside it shouldn't be a problem." I said, smiling.
"What about the Pichu?" Someone asked.
"Good question." I chuckled. "What exactly are you asking?"
"Well where should they go?" She asked as she tilted her head.
"They can go anywhere they want. As long as they don't leave the grass, and they're inside when it gets dark, then everything is fine." I said. "It's completely safe in here."
"Well what about the Mightyena?" she asked. "What if he eats one of our Pichu?"
"Zeke is not the kind of Mightyena that eats Pichu..." I said as I looked at Cammy. "Zeke is a very playful Mightyena. If anything, he'd watch over the Pichu and make sure they don't get into trouble. Trust me, Zeke is a very good friend. If he were the kind that eats smaller Pokemon, I wouldn't have him in here." I laughed.
"So the Mightyena is friendly?" Someone asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"Okay but where will we get water?" Someone else asked.
"You don't even need to ask that..." I laughed. "Once you start moving around the place you'll find millions of places to get water. Including a pool." I chuckled.
"There's a pool!?" Someone shouted. "Inside!? Those are the BEST because they're so warm! I wanna go in I wanna go in!" He shouted as he jumped up and down.
"YEAH ME TOO!" Someone else shouted, which caused the whole crowd to burst into a sea of chatter, everyone talking at once about how they wanted to go in the pool.
"You all will! AFTER We get this food to the top!" I said, laughing. "Come on, let's do this. If we all take something it won't take long at all. So let's g-"
I stopped talking and perked my ears up as I heard the elevator doors open, and I turned around to see Kevin walk out with Zeke."
"Dallas what the hell is going on?" Kevin asked. "How can you three make so much noise?"
"Um..." I said as I looked at him, then the colony.
"I thought you were in trouble or something so I got Kevin and we came up right away!" Zeke said.
"Yeah... You alright? Sounded like you wee having a heart attack or something..." He said as he walked over to me, then at the colony.
"WHOA! Where did THEY come from!" He yelled as he pointed at them.
"What?" Zeke asked as he walked over to where Kevin was standing. "Um... That's a lot of Pikas!" He laughed.
"HUMAAAAAN!" One of the Pikachu squealed, causing everyone in the group to scatter about the room.
"GUYS!" I said as I turned around. "Come on, it's okay! He's with me!" I said as I cupped my paws over my mouth. "It's OKAY!"
Everyone continued to scream and run about the room, and I sighed as I looked back at Kevin.
"What? I didn't do it..." He said as he shrugged. "Who are all these Pikachu and why are they here anyway?" He asked.
"Everyone STOP!" I yelled as I turned back around. "I said it's OKAY! Now get back OVER HERE! The meeting isn't over!"
I watched as slowly, everyone regrouped in front of me. The Raichu were the only ones that hadn't moved, along with only a pawfull of Pikachu.
"He's going to capture us!" One of the Pichu squealed.
"STOP THAT!" I yelled. "I said it's FINE! He is NOT a trainer! He shares the nest with me, it's FINE!" I yelled.
"You made him angry... Just shut up!" One of the Pikachu growled. "Dallas kicks ass when he gets angry."
"Now... Like I was saying... There is nothing to be afraid of in here... That human's name is Kevin, and he helps take care of the nest. You do not need to be afraid of him..."
"Ooooh is this Zeke?" One of the Pikachu asked as she walked over to Zeke, giggling as she waved her paw in his face. "I love Mightyena! I don't understand why everyone assumes they're going to get eaten." She giggled.
"Hey!" Zeke laughed as he licked her paw. "Hello! There's so many of you! It's so exciting!" He laughed as he wagged his tail.
"Zeke is friendly!" She giggled as she motioned for Zeke to follow her, giggling as she returned to the crowd.
"Um... I don't know where you went, there's so many!" He said as he stared at everyone.
"The colony got attacked so I brought everyone here." I said as I looked at Kevin. "Zeke, tell him..."
"Oh, he said his colony got attacked so he brought them all here." Zeke said.
"Wait, the Mightyena c-"
"Zeke." Zeke said.
"Um... ZEKE... Can talk in human?" one of the Pikachu asked.
"Well yes, I learned it when I worked in the Pokemon Center." He chuckled. "So now I can tell Kevin things that Pokemon say to him."
"That's awesome!" Someone yelled.
"Well if this is your... Colony... Then they can stay I guess, as long as they don't trash the place!" Kevin said. Which caused the crowd to shout and talk all at the same time about how they don't make messes.
"Right... I'm just going to leave." Kevin said as he turned around, pressing the button on the elevator. "Having company is actually really nice. Because now I can cuddle up with more than three Pikachu in my bed when I go to sleep." He laughed. "Or when I'm sitting on the couch watching TV... Or someone to share my food with... Besides Electra... Because then I don't get to eat..." He laughed as he walked into the Elevator. "I still think that's crazy Dallas. I mean you brought Raichu here too, are they n-" He said as the elevator doors closed, and I turned back around, facing the group.
"Well, anyway..." I said as I looked down at them, then at the pile of food and stuff. "Yeah, let's get this food to the top!" I said as I clapped my paws, smiling as I turned around and hugged Cammy.
"Yay Dallas hugged me first!" Cammy laughed as she hugged me tightly, wagging her tail. "I wonder how many males I can get to love me in five minutes... Since they're all in one place now..." She laughed. "I bet I can get them all to love me by the time we get down from the first trip. Or at least want to mate." She laughed.
"What..." I said, frowning as I looked at her.
"I'll do something weird." She laughed. "Like back in the forest. Something like that."
"Why..." I mumbled as I looked down.
"I'm kidding." She laughed. "But you know I could do it! If I jumped down and grabbed something long and smooth from the pile and-"
"I know..." I said as I placed my paw over her mouth, laughing. "I don't think you want to deal with thousands of males crawling all over you." I said as I licked her nose.
"Yeah I guess you're right. A male and a female is enough." She laughed. "So I guess I have to go down there and show them what to do now huh?" She said as she turned around, smiling as she placed the end of her tail on my nose.
"Yes." I laughed as I pawed at her tail.
"Hehe." She giggled as she hopped down off of the counter.
"She's so cute..." Electra giggled. "She thinks about mating a lot..."
"Yup." I said as I hopped down and grabbed something out of the pile, smiling as Electra followed me and did the same.
"OKAY! So everyone, um... This way." Cammy said as she walked toward the elevator. I chuckled as everyone just stood there and stared at her, before looking at me.
"Um, yeah. Cammy is going to be the leader until we get all the food up." I smiled.
"This waaay!" Cammy giggled as she hopped toward the elevator with an orange in her paws. "Okay, first someone needs to hop up and press the button!" She giggled as she pointed up to the button.
"BUTTON!" Someone shouted as they ran up to it, laughing as they jumped up and pressed it. "I love buttons!"
"Um... Okay..." Cammy said as she wagged her tail. "Now we wait for the elevator to come."
When it opened, she smiled and walked inside, motioning for everyone to follow.
"Okay, this thing is able to carry us all at the same time, but we'd have to climb ontop of each other for that to happen. So, instead we're just going to have to take turns going up." Cammy said. "Okay, I have an idea. Everyone com in until it's full." She said as she waved her paw.
I watched as everyone flooded into the elevator, until it was full.
"Okay." She said as I squeezed my way inside, waving to Electra as the doors closed.
"What we want to do now to get to the food room, is push that button up top." She said as she pointed. "And to get back here from the top, you push this one." She said as she pointed to the three. "And to open the doors before it starts moving, you push this." She said as she pushed the button, smiling as the doors opened. "Okay, now that everyone knows what to do, I want one of you to stay back and show the next group what to do, and so on until everyone understands." She said.
I actually found that to be a really smart idea. When the doors closed again, and Cammy pushed the 6 at the top of the line of buttons, we began moving.
"What's going on?" Someone asked as they looked down. "We're moving... up?"
"Yes." Cammy laughed as the doors opened, and I stepped out.
"Okay everyone, put your stuff here." I said as I pointed to en empty section of the room, placing down the apple I had in my paws.
Once everyone had placed what they had down, we got back into the elevator, and someone pushed the 3 before Cammy could.
"Well it's nice to know you're getting the hang of it." She laughed "After we're all done with this, feel free to come back and push whatever button you want, explore a little." She chuckled.
When we got back to the third floor, everyone exited and grabbed something else from the pile, while another group of Pikachu entered the Elevator. Cammy stayed in to tell them what to do anyway, and Electra walked over to me as soon as she saw me walking back to the pile.
"Dallas let's go swim." She said as she leaned against me, purring as she licked my ear.
"Well... If you want to..." I said as I grabbed her paw. "Where?"
"Um... In the pool..." She said as she made a face at me. "Where else?
"Well... Nevermind." I laughed. "Let's just go. I have to tell you something/"
--END Chapter Fifteen.--