Chapter Twenty One - The Truth About Amper
#21 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human
As I woke up, I felt something weird on my right paw, as if someone were wetting it or something. Frowning, I swatted it away and tried to fall back asleep, only to have it continue once I stopped moving. Sighing, I opened my eyes, blinking as I saw Amper licking my right paw and sucking on my fingers.
"Amper what the hell..." I said as I rubbed my eyes, wiping my paw off on the blanket so I could rub my other eye without getting it wet.
"It tastes like food!" She giggled as she grabbed my arm, tugging my paw over to her mouth, stuffing three of my fingers into her mouth and sucking hard on them.
"Well I'm female, so we're NOT mating." I said as I sat up, crawling out of the covers and hopping down off of the bed.
"I knoooow that, but it would be nice if we could do some things... I like you." She giggled as she jumped on me, hugging me from behind. "Besides, you mated with Electra last night, so why not me?" She giggled.
Sighing, I tried to wiggle her off of me."I have a mate, get off of me."
She laughed. "But we can have more than one mate!"
Oh yeah, forgot about that little detail...
"Well so what, I don't like you like that. I see you as only a friend. And we're both female, so it would never work out." I said as I turned around and poked her nose. "Cut it out okay?"
"Well... Who's your mate?" She giggled as she leaned in to kiss me.
Jumping back, I answered her. "Electra... And stop trying to kiss me and stuff! It's creepy!"
She tilted her head, fiddling with her paws. "Who's Electra?"
Sighing, I slapped myself in the face, muttering between my fingers; "The one that ate you yesterday... You JUST referred to her and now you claim not to know her... Geez you're weird..."
"Yeah, and back off of Cammy unless you want it to happen again." She growled as she crawled out from underneath the bed, walking over to me and hugging me.
Amper tilted her head, frowning. "Well... You two are females! How is it that it works fine with you two but it can't work fine with me and Cammy?" She asked, frowning at us.
"Because that's the way it is." Electra snapped. "Keep your paws off of my mate if you want me to keep MY paws off of YOU!" She growled.
Amper whined and nodded, her ears falling to the sides. "O-okay..."
Why the heck do I always have to be in the middle of all this?
"Ugh..." I mumbled as I hugged Electra. I didn't want to be mean to Amper, but at the same time, I didn't really like her... I mean, even though I was female, the only thing she could think of was mating with me... She's been here for not even a day and she's already on my bad side and Electra's hit list... I could tell from the start that this Furret being here wouldn't work out... I sighed as I let go of Electra and walked out of the room. As I walked downstairs, Ben was walking up, and as soon as he saw me, he smiled.
"Wow, you're up early." He said as he sat down on one of the steps. Sighing, I climbed into his lap, and he just stared at me for a second before deciding it was okay to pet me.
"You know, I still find it weird to pet you..." He said as he gently stroked me behind the ears, chuckling. I chuckled too, nodding and smiling. I knew it was probably a bad idea to leave Electra and Amper alone in the room, but I really didn't care.
"So, how do you like the Furret." He said as he gently scratched my right ear.
"I don't..." I sighed, my ears falling to the sides as I told him the truth.
"What's wrong? Don't like her?" He said as he looked down at me, frowning.
"No..." I said as I shook my head, sighing. "She's trying to mate with me and sucking on my fingers and stuff... She's freaking weird...'
He frowned and nodded. "Well... She's only here for a few days. We didn't buy her, we're just keeping her for a day or two since her owners can't watch her right now... The real Furret we bought is male, and wouldn't come in a crate." He said, smiling. "Which is why she already has a collar on, and also why I didn't give her her own food bowl. And it's also why we freaked out when Electra ate her... How would we explain to her owners that our Pikachu ate their Furret?"
I chuckled and nodded.
"YAY SHE'S LEAVING!" Electra yelled as she began walking down the stairs. "I can't freaking stand her. She's a... Whatever that word that you called Cammy that meant she likes other females. She wants me to freaking mate with her. She says it was sooo sexy how I ate her, and that she actually wants me to do it again, because she doesn't mind dying inside of me... Because she's 'In love' with my body... Like WHAT THE HECK!" She yelled as she grabbed her ears, tugging on them. "I'm not eating that thing if it's going to enjoy it!" she yelled.
"Err, is she ranting about Amper?" Ben asked, grinning.
"Yep..." I chuckled, nodding as Amper approached the top of the stairs and began walking down.
"I'll freaking KILL YOU!" Electra yelled at her as a few sparks flew from her cheeks. Instead of attacking however, she turned around and dashed down the stairs.
"Wow, she's angry with her..." Ben frowned as he looked up at Amper. "What'd you do?"
Amper giggled as she hopped into Ben's lap, almost knocking me over as she pushed me out of his lap so she could get on. "Nothing! They're the mean ones!" she whined.
I caught my balance and grabbed her tail. "What the HECK!" I yelled as I yanked her off of Ben's lap by her tail, flinging her down the stairs. Scrambling to her feet, she ran up the stairs and tackled me, digging her claws into my arm.
"OW! Get OFF!" I yelled as I grabbed her around the neck and squeezed, hard. She squeaked and immediately let go, her eyes going wide as she flailed, twisting and turning as she tried to break free of my grip.
"Did she just attack you?" Electra asked as she came up the stairs, sparks flying from her cheeks as she snarled.
"Yes... Ow... But I've got her..." I said as I placed my other paw around her neck too, squeezing even harder.
"Yeah, choke the thing!" Electra cheered as she watched, folding her arms and grinning.
"Okay enough..." Ben said as he grabbed Amper around the middle. "Cammy let her go..."
Sighing, I let go, jumping up a stair as she tried to bite me.
"Does that answer your freaking question Ben?" I asked as I flattened my ears to the back of my head. "Get RID of that thing!" I said as I walked downstairs with Electra, both of us walking into the living room and climbing up onto the couch.
"That thing is SO annoying!" Electra snapped, digging her claws into the couch cushion.
"Tell me about it... She freaking shoved me off of Ben and tried to hog all of the attention..." I growled as I too dug my claws into the cushion. I guess it was just a reaction that we did when we were angry, because we were both doing it, and as soon as I noticed it, I retracted my claws, sighing as I leaned over and hugged Electra.
"That's not the Furret that Ben's getting. The one he's getting is a male." I said, smiling as I let her go. "Amper leaves tomorrow..."
"Thank Arceus..." She sighed as she hugged me back, her tail wagging as she kissed my cheek. "Can't stand that thing. I swear I will tear it to pieces if it even LOOKS at me funny!" Electra snapped.
I laughed and hugged her, giggling. "Well I didn't mind her until she shoved me like that... Then I realized that she's the bratty type that tries to get what they want all the time, and hog all the attention and stuff..."
Electra nodded. "I can't stand her at all... I swear, I'm not freaking saying ANYTHING positive to that THING today!" She said as she hopped off of the couch. "Let's get some food..."
"Of course you'd say that..." I joked as I hopped off of the couch, following her out into the kitchen, smiling. I frowned as she walked out of the kitchen and into the dining room, then all the way to the wall, stopping and looking around.
"Whaaaa...?" She said as she turned around and looked at me, frowning. "The food is gone!"
"Electra, you went right by it" I laughed as I pointed out into the kitchen."
"Oh, right..." She chuckled as she scratched her right arm. "Hehe... I was thinking about something... If that Furret... Uses our box..."
I tilted my head, frowning. "Our box?"
Electra nodded. "Yeah, you know, the box with the sand in it... The one we pee in, you know.."
I nodded. "Oh yeah, THAT box..."
She nodded again. "If I even SMELL her scent in there, I swear I will track her down and go on HER!" She snapped as she walked by me, heading out into the kitchen. "If that thing gets anywhere NEAR our box, or if the thought of using it crosses its mind, I WILL use IT as a bathroom!"
I smirked, nodding as I followed her out. "Well that seems fair I guess... Might as well warn her then, right?"
"NO!" She snapped, turning around and placing her paws on my shoulders. "That way, she's almost guaranteed to use it, and then I'm guaranteed to use HER." She said as she let go of me and walked over to the cabinet, opening it and taking out three cans of food, frowning as she looked them over, then put one back. "Eh..." She said as she switched one with another, then swapped the other one with yet another one, smiling as she closed the cabinet and walked over to the table, hopping up onto it and placing the cans next to our bowls.
"Now... Since she doesn't have a bowl..." Electra said as I walked over and hopped up onto the table, standing next to her. "That means that it doesn't have to eat."
Frowning, I nodded. I didn't like the Furret, but I didn't like being mean either... Mainly because I didn't really hold grudges against others unless they really did something that I truly cared about, something I wouldn't forgive them for... Like hurting Electra... And also because it wasn't really in my nature to be mean to others... For the most part, I'm a nice guy, err... Girl to others. I don't like being mean unless there's a reason to be.
"Okay, let's open these up." She giggled as she picked up one of the cans, holding it tightly in both paws. Smiling at me as she wagged her tail. As I looked down at the can, I noticed blood on Electra's right paw.
"Um... What's that from?" I asked as I pointed to the blood, frowning.
"Oh... Err... It's from Amper... When I attacked her in the cage, she bit me..."
Okay, NOW I have a reason to be mean to her. Self defense or not, NO ONE touches my mate. And to think I felt bad for it at one point... Heh, I should've gone outside with Electra, given her some water or something to drown the thing while she still could...
"Well where were you bitten?" I asked as I looked her over, examining her body.
"On my leg..." She frowned. "And I woke up this morning and she was freaking LICKING it... Like I was some sort of meal to her or something... I am NO ONE'S meal! If anything, she should've been MINE by now! And when I asked her what she was doing, she said I tasted like food..."
"She said that to me too..." I frowned as I grabbed at the tab on the can, my paws snatching air, as there was no tab on the can.
"Err... Electra..." I said as I pointed to the top of the can, frowning.
"There's no thingy..." She said as she tapped the top of the can with one of her claws, frowning. "And my claws don't work on these..."
"We need a can opener..." I said, frowning as I looked around, spotting it on the counter. "Right there!" I said as I pointed to it. "We need that to open the can."
In a flash, Electra dropped the can and leaped off the table, landing on the counter and picking it up, giggling as she leaped back onto the table, holding it in both of her paws.
"What the heck do I do with this?" She asked as she opened it and closed it, then turned the little handle thing on the top, or the side, depending on how you're holding it.
"Well let me show you... We're going to have to work together to do this, because our paws aren't strong enough yet to do it all at once." I said as I took it from her, opening it and placing it on the can, squeezing it shut and holding the handles together. "Okay, now turn the thingy."
She nodded as she gripped the knob thing with both paws and turned it.
"There we go, now keep going until it goes all the way around the can." I said, smiling.
Electra nodded, and turned it a couple more times, until finally the lid popped, and she let go.
"Yay it worked!" She said as I lifted up the can opener, quickly frowning as the lid was still on the can, her ears falling to the sides as she snatched the can opener out of my paws, trying to get it back on the can.
"Come on, try again! We HAVE to get the food out!" she whined.
"Electra relax." I laughed as I pushed the can opener away, sliding one of my claws underneath the lid and lifting it up.
"Oh..." She said as she dropped the can opener, laughing. "Oops..."
I smiled as I handed her the can. "You didn't know, it's not your fault."
She giggled and nodded as Ben came downstairs, waving to us as he left.
"Hey girls, I'll see you later on tonight, hopefully Amper's owners will be here by then to pick her up... Just don't kill her okay? I'll just tell them she was in a battle or something..." He smiled as he opened the door, walking out and closing it behind him.
"Um, okay..." I said as Electra ignored him, picking up the other can and holding it tightly. This one however, had a tab on it. "So it's leaving today... Good..." she grinned.
I giggled as I pulled up the tab with my claws, sticking one of them in the hole and pulling the lid off of the can, placing it next to the other lid and smiling.
"Yay..." Electra giggled as she picked up the can that had no tab, dumping it into her bowl and licking the can a couple times, purring softly as her tail began to wag.
"Cammy this is amazing..." She said as she continued to lick the can, giggling.
"Well it was harder to open, so it must be better." I said as I picked up the other can, dumping it into my bowl just as Amper came running down the stairs. Well more like rolling, because she'd fallen and landed right on her belly at the bottom, scrambling to her feet as she ran over to us, leaping up onto the table and running over to Electra. I knew exactly what she wanted, so I grabbed her tail and pulled her hard, dragging her right off of the table as she grabbed for Electra's bowl. Electra thankfully didn't notice, and kept on eating, standing there on all fours with her face buried in the bowl. Amper stood up on her tail and climbed back onto the table, part of her tail hanging off.
"Why are you so LONG?" I said as I grabbed her tail again. Furrets on average were five feet, eleven inches, almost six feet, from head to tail tip. Counting their ears, they were six foot three...
She wiggled out of my grip and stuffed her paws into Electra's bowl, taking out a pawfull of food and stuffing it in her mouth. Electra kept on eating, and obviously didn't see her this time either. I knew that there was about to be a fight here, so I casually took my bowl and hopped off of the table, walking into the living room and placing it down, walking back into the doorway and looking up at the table, grinning to myself as Amper took another pawfull of food, but this time, she touched Electra's nose as she went to scoop some up. In a flash, Electra darted forward, biting Amper's paw so hard that a crunch echoed throughout the kitchen, and tackling her onto the table, nailing her right in the forehead with a bolt of electricity, viciously digging her claws into Amper's side as she snarled, pressing her face right against hers. Growling, she spoke in a low, serious tone.
"If you EVER... Touch my food again... I swear to ARUCES I will BURN YOU ALIVE!" She shouted as sparks flew from her cheeks. She growled as she got up off of Amper, grabbing her and flinging her off of the table as she walked back over to her bowl, casually dropping down onto all fours as if nothing happened, and resumed eating her food. Amper lay on the floor shaking, probably scared to death by how suddenly Electra had attacked her. I just sighed as I got down onto all fours, gently licking the heap of whatever it was that lay in my bowl. It actually tasted pretty good... Not even that, it tasted wonderful... I have no idea what I ate last time, but it was nowhere near as good as this was. I found myself eagerly biting chunks out of it and taking them down whole, not even chewing them, just like Electra did. Except Electra could eat the WHOLE thing in one bite, I couldn't as far as I knew... I finished just as Electra walked into the room. Smiling, I picked up my bowl and walked it into the kitchen, tossing it up onto the table and making sure it landed right, before walking back into the living room, stepping over Amper and frowning at her as she lay curled up on the floor. I just ignored it and walked over to Electra, who was now laying on the couch. She turned her head and smiled at me as I hopped up onto the couch and lay down beside her, giggling as I hugged her.
"That thing is so stupid... Look at it just laying there..." She whispered as she pointed to Amper, who had fallen asleep curled up on the floor or something. "We should sooo do something to her... Let's put her tail in warm water!"
I laughed as she suggested that, shaking my head. "I think it's your paws you're supposed to do that to..."
She shook her head. "Nope, it works with your tail too. I never liked Rice, so when you two slept together, I poured warmish hot water over your tail and you peed all over Rice." She laughed. "I could never get warm water so I wound up just peeing on you, so that you'd pee on HIM." She laughed
Sitting up, I tilted my head. "Wow... Um... Nice to know I guess..." I chuckled as I slid myself off of the couch, picking up a piece of paper and staring at it, frowning. "Human marks..." I mumbled as I tossed it aside and walked into the kitchen, almost tripping over Amper, as I forgot she was there until I had almost stepped on her.
"Why IS she so long?" I said to myself as I continued into the dining room, walking over to the glass door and opening it, walking out onto the porch and sighing as I sat down and looked into the yard. Electra giggled as she walked out, closing the door behind her and walking across the porch. Smiling, she looked back at me and giggled, before turning back around and walking down the stairs. I sighed as I got to my feet and ran to the other side of the porch, running down the stairs and into the yard, then down the hill and all the way to the other side of the pool, climbing up the stairs and onto the deck, giggling as I stepped into the water and sat down on the first step next to Electra, smiling as I hugged her, with the water up to our lower bellies. It was the shallow end, and there were two steps, but we decided not to go in all the way for some reason.
"So..." She said as she looked up at the house. "That Amper is really annoying..." Electra frowned.
I nodded. "If I were you, I'd say the same thing..." I replied, chuckling as I poked her belly. "I mean, taking your food like that was a stupid idea..."
"I wanted to kill her right there and then... But Ben said not to and stuff... So I didn't... Or I would have..." She growled as she clenched her paws into fists. "I want to tear her apart sooo badly..."
"Wow, you really ARE aggressive..." I chuckled as I patted her back, then let go of the hug, smiling.
"Well she took my food... Of course I am going to be..." She said calmly, her tail wagging as she licked my cheek. "The only one I let touch my food is you, and sometimes I don't even let YOU touch it, but I still never attack you."
I nodded. "Yes, I know... You growl and slap my paw away..." I laughed.
"Well it was stupid of her either way... Ooh, I know! We should take her to the colony and make her go in before us, and have her go ahead of us... So that way she'll get attacked by everyone and stuff..."
I frowned. "Ben said not to kill her..."
Electra shook her head. "Ben said for US not to kill her. He said nothing about her killing herself."
"But... It would be the Pikachu and Raichu that killed her, not herself..." I frowned.
"Yeah, but by going in there, she's asking to be killed, so she's killing herself." Electra said as she folded her arms. "And then we can bring back her head and show Ben!"
I laughed and patted her back. "Wow, you're violent..." I smiled as I stood up, walking all the way into the water, then walking out a bit so I could swim. "Besides, this is the last day she's here. We might as well try to be nice, you know? Just a little..."
Electra groaned as I said that and stood up, walking over to me and treading water beside me.
"Come on, just a bit?" I asked, frowning.
"Shut up it's coming." She said as she nervously looked behind her.
"Oh Arceus..." I said as I turned around, watching Amper run down the hill. "Whyyyy..."
"See you don't like it either..." She said in a low voice before diving underwater. Frowning, I did the same, watching as she swam over to one of the big floats and came up underneath it, motioning for me to follow her. Nodding, I swam over and surfaced underneath the same float, giggling as I looked around underneath the float. I couldn't see anything because the sides were blocking my view of everything, and I giggled, knowing no one could see inside either.
"Wow, how'd you know about this?" I giggled as I poked her belly.
"I didn't. Shhh..." She giggled as she placed her paw over my mouth. I nodded and looked around, wondering how long we had to stay in here, until Amper popped up inbetween us.
"HIYA!" She giggled as she put her arms around me, hugging me tightly.
"GET OFF HER!" Electra snapped as she grabbed Amper's head and dunked her underwater. Letting go of me, she quickly squirmed out of Electra's grip, surfacing and giggling. At this point, Electra had already swam out and I'd followed her, and we were now climbing ontop of the float. Amper swam out from underneath it and tried to climb up, but her claws were too short and she couldn't get up.
"Aww come on, help me up!" She whined as she looked up at us, trying to make a sad face.
"No." Electra said, folding her arms.
"Eh..." I said as I reached down with my tail, knowing Electra would stop me.
"HEY!" Electra said as she grabbed me, pulling me onto my back and making a face at me. "What the HECK are you doing?"
"Trying to seem nice..." I said, frowning. "I knew you were going to do that. I wasn't actually going to let her up here..."
"Oh... Well smart move..." She said, giggling as she helped me up into a sitting position. "So what do we do now?"
"Fall asleep..." I said as I lay down in her lap, giggling as I gave her lower belly a soft poke.
"Heyyyy..." She giggled as she lifted my head out of her lap. "Not in front of the thingy..."
I laughed and sat up, leaning against her before yawning and laying down in front of her and curling up.
"Well I wasn't going for THAT, but good point..." I said as I curled my tail around myself.
"Yeah... I'm going to another float. You just sleep here okay?" She said as she slipped off and into the water, giggling.
"Y-yeah okay..." I mumbled as I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. As soon as I began snoring, Electra swam over to Amper and grabbed her, tossing her out of the pool and laughing as she climbed back onto the float I was in.
"You deserved that..." She said as she lay down next to me, chuckling as she too closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep, Amper playing in the water on the far side of the pool, the deeper side, knowing that we were sleeping, and probably not wanting to wake us up, in the hope that we would at least be nice to her if she let us sleep. And hey, if she still respected us enough to let us sleep after we'd been so mean to her, then hey... We just might change our minds about how much we like her...
--END Chapter Twenty One--