Chapter Twenty Six - Ben's Revenge

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#26 of Part One - Life Through The Eyes Of A Former Human

As we pulled into the driveway and Kevin parked, I hopped over onto his seat and dashed out of the car just as he opened the door, right before he got a chance to get out.

"Wow Dallas... Someone's in a hurry..." Kevin said as he stepped out onto the driveway. I watched as Electra hopped out next, walking up to the house and waiting at the door without saying anything. I looked back into the car, just as Ben stumbled into the front seat. Once he saw me, he turned around and tried to go back in. As he did so, I grabbed his tail, pulling him out onto the driveway and dragging him out onto the grass. Flipping him over, I stared at him.

"Okay... First off, if you were still a human... I'd probably say you were disgusting for buying Electra so you can have your way with her... Because that's just... Ugh... But since you're a Pikachu now, I guess it's fine... However... If you dare get inbetween our love for eachother, I will tear you to pieces. I don't care who you are, I will rip you apart, got it?" I said as I placed one of my feet on his belly.

"Wow Dallas... I was fucking joking. Do you REALLY think I'm into that kind of stuff? I mean bestiality? Really? NO! I still think that's gross. Whether I'm a Pikachu or not, I'm still human, and I'm going to go after human girls. I am not interested in Electra at all, I simply tried to trick her into thinking I was so she wouldn't fucking tear me apart! I-"

"Even worse! You lied! What the hell goes through your mind Ben? Electra is FERAL. She does not KNOW what that stuff IS. All you did back there was make a fool of yourself, and most likely grossed out Kevin. I thought I'd never say this, but you're an IDIOT." I said as I lifted my foot off of him.

"Oh yeah... Well I don't think about that stuff... Why the heck would I think about her being feral? To me, she speaks fine, and understands me fine, so as far as I'm concerned, she's a normal human being like the rest of us."

"You're such an IDIOT." I said as I grabbed my ears and tugged on them. "You wanna think that, then fine. But if you act like that in the wild, thinking other Pokemon will understand human terms, then you're going to get nowhere in life. You're a Pikachu now, you have to LET GO of human stuff. There's no one you can talk to that will understand them. And the fact that you think Electra is a normal human being is just retarded, because Electra has NEVER been human in her LIFE!" I growled. "You're just so... Ugh, DENSE!" I yelled.

"WRONG! I speak ENGLISH. I can COMMUNICATE with humans. I don't need to forget any of it." Ben said as he got up. "And you don't have to worry, because I don't even like Electra. Did you seriously think that I liked being beat up like that? I was freaking CRYING. I almost DIED. I'll tell you right now, I absolutely HATE Electra with all my heart. If it weren't for you being all defensive, I'd freaking sell her or something."

"Do ANYTHING to her and I'll kill you. I will freaking tear you apart and piss on your corpse!" I said as I folded my arms, growling.

"See what I mean? She gets to beat the shit out of me but as soon as I try to do something, you step in and defend her. Well I'm sick of it. Something has to be done, whether you like it or not. I'm a human being, I'm not going to be pushed around by a Pikachu." He said as he walked toward the house.

Growling, I pushed him over and sat on him. "Well whether YOU like it or not, you're NOT a human being. So what if you can talk like one, and act like one, so did that Chansey back at the Pokemon Center! And that didn't make HER fucking human!" I yelled as I kicked him in the side. "You need to wake up and smell the FUCKING coffee Ben, because sitting here with your head in your ASS is NOT going to help you survive in the wild. You step foot in the wild and your human instincts are useless. Your human side is not going to tell you how to attack, or how to defend yourself. Your Pikachu side will! And the longer you hold onto your human side, the LONGER you're going to be a defenseless animal." I growled as I took a step away from him. "You're an ANIMAL either way, NOT a human. No matter what you think you are on the inside, you look like a Pikachu on the outside, and that's what everyone's going to look at you as. Nothing more than a Pikachu. You think any human girl is going to want to mate with a Pikachu? I mean, sure there are plenty out there that are into that, but you're not going to get one!" I said as I turned around.

"You're stupid..." Ben growled.

"Yeah, well you remember what I said. Hurt her and you're dead." I said as I followed him into the house. When I got over to the car, something grabbed my tail. Whipping around, I tugged it free, frowning as Electra was standing there, looking all sad and stuff.

"Oh... Electra... Well good news, Ben doesn-"

"Yeah, I heard the whole thing." She said as she frowned. "If Ben really hates me, then why did he grab my-"

"He's an idiot." I said as I walked up to her, hugging her. "Just don't worry about it."

"Well to tell you the truth, I don't like him either... I just said it so he'd feel more comfortable around me. And since he thinks I like him, he'll come to me more, then I'll get to beat him up more. And even more for lying like that and saying things behind my back."

"Wow... Smart idea..." I said as I wagged my tail slowly. "You're smart..."

"I know." She chuckled. "I try to be sometimes."

"Well it works." I smiled. "He doesn't know you don't like him. Heh, do what you want. I don't care anymore. He thinks he has all the answers, thinks he knows everything. Well fine then, let him think that. But he'll be coming to me asking how to use thunderbolt or quick attack or something." I said as I turned toward the house. "Let's go inside..."

"Yeah, he doesn't know any attacks... There's nothing he can do to defend himself." She said as we walked over to the door. "KEVIN LET US IN!" She shouted as she pawed at the door, scratching and clawing at it.

"Err... That works I guess..." I said as Kevin opened the door and let us in, then shut it.

"Ben really hates you and he was joking about the whole thing." Kevin said as he looked at us, frowning. "Well at least he's not weird..." Kevin said as he walked upstairs.

"Yeah, he's not weird at aaaaall..." I said as I rolled my eyes at Kevin, sighing. "So what do you want to do?" I asked as I turned to Electra.

"Eat." She said as she poked my cheek, giggling.

"Of course... Hehe, anything else?" I asked as I poked her mouth, giggling as she nipped at my finger playfully.

"Nope, just eat." She said and hugged me, smiling and wagging her tail.

"Well okay." I said as I licked her cheek. "Maybe we can go out into the woods and hunt." I smiled. "Train you a little."

"Sounds great!" Electra chuckled as she dashed out into the kitchen. "Let's go!"

"Hey guys, we're going to the park." Kevin said as he walked downstairs, smiling. "Come on." he said as he opened the door.

"Um... Why..." I said as I looked at Electra, who frowned as she walked over to me.

"It's okay, there are trainers in the park! We can train on other trained Pokemon. It'll be harder but it's worth it." Electra giggled.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said as I took her paw, smiling as we walked out to the car.

"Awww how cute. Dallas and his girlfriend holding han- um, paws." Kevin grinned.

"Shut up." I laughed as we waited at the car. Kevin came over and opened the door, and Electra hopped in, and then me. We watched as Ben walked back into the house, leaving the car door open.

"WOW it's HOT in here!" Electra said as she hopped into the passenger seat, then onto the floor. "Where's the cold air?"

"It doesn't come until Kevin turns the car on." I said as I climbed over into the backseat. "We have to wait."

Electra sighed as she looked over at the driver's seat. "Well is there a way you can turn it on?"

I sighed as I hopped up into the front seat. I was really glad that I had fur, and couldn't sweat, because right now I'd be soaked in sticky, nasty sweat. Not to mention I'd have to groom it out of my fur later. The downside to that was that I had to either have cool air on me, or pant to get rid of the heat. Not that sweating helped anyway, so not sweating wasn't really a loss. In my eyes, I thought of it as a gain. I looked at the steering wheel, then at the keys in the ignition. Thinking hard, I tried to remember what to do.

"Um... Yeah, I think so..." I said as I grabbed the keys.

Come on Dallas... You can remember... What did Kevin do to turn it on? Electra asked.

Sighing, I closed my eyes, picturing what Kevin did, and holding the keys tightly, I turned them, turning the car on.

"YAY!" Electra squealed as she hopped down onto the floor again, smiling as she rolled onto her back, laying in the air conditioning.

"Well there ya go..." I smiled as I hopped into the passenger seat, then onto the floor, laying down next to her and smiling. I looked over at the driver's side as Ben hopped in along with Cammy, then Kevin. I didn't care what they were doing, because the heat had made me sleepy, and by the time they were here, I was half asleep. I dozed off just as Kevin pulled out of the driveway.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Dallas we're here." Electra giggled as she pawed at my face. "Get upppp!!!"

"Ugh..." I mumbled as I opened my eyes and sat up, wiping them. "Already? I was only asleep for like a couple minutes..."

"It's not that far away I guess." Electra giggled as she hopped out of the car. I sighed as I nodded, lazily scooting out of the car and flopping onto my belly, rolling out of the way as Kevin shut the door without looking. I growled at him as I stood up and yawned, wiping my eyes again before looking around.

"Um... Never been to this park before..." I said, frowning.

"There's trainers all over here! Hehe, we can train a whole lot here!" Electra giggled.

"Hey, me and Cammy are going to the main building thing. I gotta call someone." Ben said as he grabbed Cammy's paw and pulled her along with him.

"OW! Hey I don't wanna go with you, I have my own things to do!" Cammy said as she pulled away and walked off down the sidewalk. "Leave me alone. You're weird. I'll be back later ok Dallas?" She giggled as she turned around and dashed into the grass. "I know the park, so I won't get lost."

I smiled and nodded, waving to her as she turned around and ran off.

"I wonder where she's going..." Electra asked as she walked over to me and leaned against me.

"Oh... Well maybe she has to do something. I mean, when we met, she was trapped in a Pokemon Center, so she must have had a family or something around here right?"

"Well I guess so..." Electra said as she looked at Ben. "What are we doing here?"

"Okay, let's go." Kevin said as he walked toward one of the sidewalks. "I guess we'll just walk around aimlessly until we come across something. I should probably mention that Ben wants us to go down the path in the middle for some reason, so... He said you'd probably hate him for it, but it's for the bes-"

"SHUT UP!" Ben snapped as he climbed up Kevin and stood in his hood, leaning over his shoulder. "You idiot I told you not to tell them!"

"Tell us what..." Electra mumbled. "Why wouldn't you want us to know we're going down the middle one... I mean, we're walking down it, so we already know... But that's stupid..." She said as she took my paw and held it, giggling.

"I'd have to agree with her. If you really want to keep something so obvious a secret, you're dumb." I said as I leaned against Electra, chuckling.

"Yeah, I'M the dumb one... Listen Dallas, you'd better live it up because you won't have that forever." He said as he pointed to Electra.

"HEY! I am NOT a THAT!" Electra growled, sparks shooting off her cheeks.

"Yeah, don't call her a "That" again... She has a name you know..." I said as I licked her nose. "And yes I will. We'll be together until we die."

"That's what you think..." Ben mumbled as he turned around and leaned over Kevin's shoulder again, muttering things under his breath.

"Aaaaanyywaaaaay... I heard that there's a lot of trainers here, so why don't we have a battle with one?" Kevin asked as he picked up the pace, smiling. "Besides, Ben says you're like, really powerful and stuff, and that he can feel it coming off of you, and that it intimidates him and makes him afraid of you and stuff." Kevin said as he looked at Ben, who growled and curled up in his hood.

"You're so embarrassing..." Ben said as he buried his face in Kevin's hood, sighing.

"I'll keep that in mind I guess..." I said as I looked at Electra, who giggled.

"Well how far in do we have to go until we see other trainers?" Electra asked as she looked around. "All I see is other people with their Pokemon here like we are."

'Electra, those are the trainers..." I laughed as I poked her side. "They're training their Pokemon."

"Ohhhh..." Electra said, before turning to me and frowning. "Well hey, I didn't know!"

'I'm not saying anything." I laughed. "I don't blame you for not knowing."

"Well you just kind of made a fool of yourself, and it was kind of funny." Ben said as he sat up, grinning. "I don't see other trainers, I only see humans training their Pokemon." Think about it..."

"SHUT UP." She growled as she jumped up and grabbed him, pulling him out of Ben's hood by his tail and dropping him on the sidewalk. "It's NOT funny!"

"OW! Stop hitting me!" Ben said as he got to his feet, scrambling back up into Kevin's hood. "You're so mean!"

"Toughen up a little! I didn't even hit you! You're such a Pichu!" She growled as she folded her arms, walking alongside Ben now. "You don't even know what a hit is! If I were to actually hit you, I'd tear you in half!"

"Yeah, I don't doubt it! With all that weight you could probably crush a Snorlax!" Ben said as he clung to the back of Kevin's head.

"Ow, get off me..." Kevin said as he pried Ben's paws off of his ears, sighing. "Why do you start fights if you know you're going to lose?"

"Shut up, that's why." Ben growled as he slumped down into Kevin's hood. "And it's not even cold out, you don't need a jacket." Ben growled.

"Okay, you have fur, I don't. And if you really want me to take it off, I have no problem with making you walk." Kevin said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"YEAH DO IT!" Electra yelled as she reached her paws up in the air.

"No one asked you!" Ben said as he looked at Electra, then looked forward. "Fine keep the jacket... I don't care anymore..."

"And you shouldn't. You're not human anymore, you're a Pikachu, and I don't take orders from Pokemon, let alone ones that don't know how to attack." He said as he walked a little faster. "You make no sense sometimes..."

"Whatever, drop it. We're almost there." Ben growled as he looked ahead.

"Almost where..." I mumbled as I looked ahead, squinting as I saw what I thought was a Pokemon Center in the distance. "The Pokemon Center?"

"Yes." Ben mumbled. "I left something in there last time I was here and need to go pick it up."

"And we all had to come for this?" I sighed as I took Electra's paw. "Come on, we're going somewhere else."

"No, you have to come. There's uh... Treats! Yeah! There's lost of treats in there that they give to Pokemon that visit."

"Ben you need to learn how to lie better." I said as I turned around with Electra. "We'll meet you at the car."

"Where are ya going?" Kevin asked as he looked at us. I just ignored him and kept walking, grinning as I looked around.

"So... What do you want to do?" I asked as I looked at Electra, who smiled and licked my cheek.

"I don't know, I was hoping we could train on some random Pokemon here." She giggled.

"I don't think other trainers would appreciate it if you randomly gobbled up one of their trained Pokemon." I chuckled. "But who cares, let's do it anyway." I chuckled as I walked into the grass, holding her paw and smiling. "But we've got to find the right trainer. I mean, I don't want you fighting anything too big yet. I mean, this is our first time training for real. So let's start off small, or in our case, normal sized, and find a Skitty or something. Maybe a Meowth or whatever you want. Just nothing too big okay?" I smiled as I looked at her. She nodded and giggled, looking around the park and pointing to a trainer that was holding a Growlithe.

"How about that?" She giggled.

"Err... I don't think a fire type would be the best thing to go against right now..." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. "I mean, try for a normal type, or something that doesn't have too many abilities right now."

"Oh, well why don't we look in the Pokemon Center then?" She giggled.

"Err... Well if you really want to, I guess we could... Besides, Ben wants us to go in there for some stupid reason he won't say, so... Might as well, right? I mean, nothing bad can happen, because it's a Pokemon Center, and if something does, I'll protect you." I smiled as I gripped her paw a little tighter, walking toward the Pokemon Center.

"Everyone's staring at us..." Electra whispered as she flattened her ears to the back of her head. "It's so creepy..."

"Stare back at them, creep them out too." I chuckled.

"What if the world started melting and we had to go on really high ground to get out of all the lava, what would you do?" Electra asked as we got closer to the Pokemon Center. "Would you mate with me every day until we had a bunch of Pichu so we could take over the world?"

"What..." I said as I looked at her, making a face. "What the heck?"

"I had a dream that the world started melting and you saved me and dragged me onto a tall mountain. We were the only ones up there and when everything went back to normal we had to have a bunch of Pichu to repopulate the world but you wouldn't mate with me because you wanted to find other survivors." She said as she smirked.

"Electra that's ridiculous..." I laughed as I playfully pushed her, just as we approached the doors of the Pokemon Center. "That would never happen. And if it did, I'd definitely m- OOF!" I grunted as I was knocked over by something, or rather someone, that ran out of the Pokemon Center. Something caught my tail and spun me around, and I heard a clicking noise, followed by what sounded like a rock bouncing on the pavement. Quickly getting to my feet, I squinted at what appeared to be a Mightyena running down the sidewalk.

"Dallas are you okay?" Electra asked as she hugged me.

"Yeah... But that was kind of RUDE!" I shouted, hoping the Mightyena would hear me. It just kept running, seeming to be in a hurry or something.

"Well SORRY... Next time I won't ask..." Electra growled.

"NO! Not you!" I said as I whipped around and hugged her. "I meant HIM! For knocking me over!"

"Ohhh... Yeah that WAS rude." She frowned. "I wonder what he was in a hurry for..."

"I don't know." I frowned. "But he could have at least said sorry..."

"Maybe he'll come back and say it." Electra giggled as she walked up to the doors, giggling as they opened. "Hey Dallas! There's cool air in here!" She giggled.

"Wait, come back here for a second..." I said as I walked to the left a little, something black and shiny laying in the grass with a thick black string attached to it.

"Ooooh what's that?" Electra giggled as she picked it up, sniffing it.

"I don't know..." I said as she handed it to me. Frowning, I looked it over, turning it around in my paws as my ears perked up.

"I think it got caught on my tail when the Mightyena ran me over... I think it belongs to him." I said as I looked back at my tail, frowning. "I'd better keep it for him... I mean, he didn't mean to hit me and stuff... And he'll probably come back looking for this, so..." I said as I tied the ends of the string together, then wrapped it around my tail three times, making sure it wouldn't fall off before tucking the gem inside the string.

"Okay, now let's go." I giggled as I walked up to the doors, sighing as I was hit with the air conditioning, giggling and walking inside.

"Wow, you're right... This cool air is amazing." I giggled as I wandered into a random hallway. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I don't know, anywhere." Electra chuckled. "I thought we were going to look for a Pokemon we could fight..." She smiled.

"Well yeah, but... Where would the trainers be? I mean, this seems like the same Pokemon Center that I was in when I got captured..." I frowned.

"That's because it is. I remember heading towards this place when I was looking for you, except I was in the woods. Rice described it as a place that looked just like this does, and it looks exactly the way he described it."

"Well... We didn't drive far after all... And it would make sense that there would be a Pokemon Center in a Pokemon park... Because battles must go on a lot in the park, so..." I said as I looked around, frowning. "Where are we supposed to go? I've only been through here once and this place is like a freaking MAZE."

"Well, let's try to find the place where they heal all the Pokemon." She giggled.

"I thought you wanted to actually fight one, not just eat it and leave..." I frowned.

"Well... Then where are the ones that are alive and wiggly?" She asked as she looked down the hall to the left, then to the right, then behind us, then forward. "Which way do we go?"

I frowned, looking down the intersection of hallways and frowning. "I honestly don't know... They all look the same..."

"Well the let's go left." Electra said as she turned around, frowning. "Which way is left from the one we came from..."

"I don't know, I was spinning so I could look at them... I don't freaking know which way is which anymore..." I frowned. "Not good, I know, but eh..."

"Well then let's go forward. MY forward." Electra said as she walked into a random hall, frowning. "We can always turn around..."

"Yeah, I guess so..." I said as I followed her, smiling. "Let's go that way."

We walked into the hallway, and said nothing as we walked all the way to the end. There were little black cameras hanging from the ceiling every couple yards, although I'd forgotten what they were, and completely disregarded them, simply thinking they were a part of the building. As we approached a turn, I frowned as I looked behind us, before smiling and taking a right. After another couple yards, there was another intersection.

"Jeez, why are there so many turns? And look at all the rooms." Electra said as she pushed against one of the doors. "I wonder if each hurt Pokemon has their own room..."

"It seems that way..." I said as I placed my ear against one of the doors, frowning as I heard nothing. Looking up at the door, all I saw were those human symbols... What were they called again? Um... Markings, yeah.

"Electra I can't read the human marks..." I frowned as I looked at the door, then at Electra. "Let's go back."

"Yeah, I'm not getting lost in here..." She said as she turned around, growling. "Which... Way... Did we come... From...?"

I sighed as I looked around, looking to the right, then left, then ahead of me.

"Um..." I said as I got down onto all fours and sniffed the floor, squeaking as the smell of bleach filled my nose. "Yeah, don't sniff that." I said as I stood up, sneezing. 'Ugh... I don't know..."

"Great, we're lost already. Well might as well go SOMEWHERE. I mean, we'll get somewhere eventually right?" She said as she poked my belly, giggling as she ran to the left, taking off full speed. "Come on!"

"Yeah I guess so..." I mumbled as I took off after her, smirking. "Lost in a Pokemon Center... Now isn't that something..." I mumbled as Electra turned the corner. I laughed as I quickly whipped around the corner after her, only to tumble over her as she was just standing there.

"AHHH!" I squealed as I rolled around on the floor, hugging her tightly and laughing. "What the heck was that for!?"

Electra laughed as she got up off of me, pointing down the hall. "For that!"

Frowning, I stood up and looked in the direction she was pointing.

"Hey... It's the Mightyena that ran me over from before... Right?" I asked as I slowly began walking down the hall.

"Err... Sorry about that... I was just in a hurry and stuff... You see, I-"

"You speak human!" Electra said as she ran up to me and hugged me. "Why does he speak human?"

"Well like I was saying, I used to work here... I just got fired because I wasn't quick enough and we almost lost a Pokemon... I didn't have any time to stop and say sorry for running into you because I would have been fired for being too slow, but now I see I would've been fired anyway, so..."

"What do you mean by fired?" Electra asked, frowning. "Like flamethrower?"

"No, it means I lost my job." He sighed. "I loved working here too... I love helping other Pokemon..." He said as he looked down, his ears drooping.

I frowned, walking over to him and petting his side gently. "Um... It'll be okay..." I said as I smiled. "You can find another Pokemon Center to work at."

"Well they refuse to transfer me to any other Centers... The boss here is a freaking jerk. You mess one thing up and he'll have your ass for it... And since I was fired, there's no chance he's going to do one single thing for me." He sighed. "I might as well leave... And what are you doing here anyway?" He asked as he frowned at us. "Do you belong to someone? I mean, you have collars on, and they're not the collars we give, err... The Center gives out... So you must have a trainer, err... Owner right? You're pets and not fighting Pokemon? Although there's no doubt in my mind that you're a fighting Pokemon." He said as he smiled at me. "One, I can feel it, and two, you were here at one point... I remember seeing you take down the Ivysaur... Good work." He smiled. "Anyway, answer my questions. I don't feel like repeating them."

"Um... That's a bit rude, but whatever... Yes, I'm a fighter, and this is my mate, Electra. I'm Dallas, and we're currently lost in the Pokemon Center. Could you help us get out?" I asked, frowning.

"Sure thing! Heh, I want to get you out too to tell you the truth. There's this stupid group of humans that linger around here and steal Pokemon from trainers... They tried to take me once but I was too strong and they couldn't get me... They said they'd be back for me because my strength was valuable... I'm thinking they might come after you too Dallas, because it's clear that you're the same Dallas from before, and we have data on you and your mate. You're both very valuable to them." He frowned.

"Wait what... There's a group of Pokemon that's trying to steal us?" Electra frowned.

"Like a team?" I asked, frowning. "Are they tough?"

"Pokemon and humans... They work together... They call themselves Team Onyx. They say they're not named after the Pokemon, but named after the black gem called Onyx..." He said, sighing.

Cammy mentioned Team Onyx back at our home... When she brought up Stryder and the colony...

"So this Team Onyx... Do they come here often?" I asked as I frowned, looking down, then looking right into his eyes. "I mean, how often to they try to steal Pokemon? And why?"

"Well... They come here often actually... You see, this morning we got a phone call from someone... I can't remember his name right now, but... He said there was a rare female Pikachu coming here today... And we should protect her while she gets checked out... He said he was bringing her in because... Well I forgot the reason, but it was stupid. Something about eating something he needed or something... Anyhow, Team Onyx constantly intercepts our data. They take data out of our system. You see, we have data on every Pokemon that's ever visited a Pokemon Center. When we send or receive that data, Team Onyx somehow intercepts it and steals it. The data is transmitted from center to center without any problems, but it also gets sent to them too... We don't know how they do it, or where they do it, but they have profiles of all the Pokemon ever to come here... And to every other Center for that matter... They use that data to track when a rare Pokemon is coming in for a visit, then they try to grab it when it does. They've dressed up as Pokemon Center staff, snatched the Pokeball out of the trainer's hand, and even attacked the trainer for them. That's one of the reasons we only use Pokemon workers around here. So that no humans can impersonate us and steal things. It decreases it greatly, but it still happens every once and a while/. A lot less than if we had human staff here though."

"Wait wait... So you think Team Onyx intercepted the phone call and know that this rare female Pikachu is coming? What would classify a female Pikachu as rare anyway?" I asked as I began pacing, around the Mightyena, frowning.

"Well I'm getting to that. Like I was saying... We have a profile on you and your mate. You Dallas, are very special, as you probably already know. For one, you're purebred. That alone is enough in their eyes to qualify you as a target. With you, they'd have the ability to breed you with a purebred female and sell the Pichu for a lot of money. Not to mention your power. They know about your power, which places you higher on their list than normal. Except they know they're not going to be able to just take you down with one Pokemon. Most likely they'll come with a gang to take you down or something. But I have a strong feeling that they're not coming here for you today, they're coming for your mate."

"My mate? Electra? Why? She's not rare." I said, frowning. "No offense."

"None taken. I don't think I'm rare either." She giggled.

"But you are... You see, we just received data on you less than an hour ago or so... And you might not be a purebreed, but you're something else... I don't think I'm allowed to tell you, but... You're more like another Pokemon in the body of a Pikachu... You're very special... I don't know every detail, because like I said, we literally just received the data on you, so I haven't really looked at it yet, and now I won't be able to since I don't work here anymore, but Team Onyx knows exactly what you are, and that phone call is definitely going to lead them here today, not for Dallas, but for Electra.

"What's a phone call..." I asked, frowning. "And how would that tell someone where Electra was?"

"Well a phone is something that humans use to communicate with eachother. It's hard to explain... I can pick up a phone and call someone all the way across the world and talk to them as if they were standing right here." He said, smiling. "It's like telepathy for humans."

"Oh... So they told you that Electra was coming and Team Onyx heard them..." I said, sighing. "How would the person that called know Electra was coming?" I asked.

"Well it had to be your owner that called. Who else would know?"

"But I didn't even know we were coming here, and my "Owner" randomly decided out of nowhere that we should come to the park for no reason at all... And then Ben wanted us to come into the Pokemon Center for treats, or something STUPID like that, an-"

"Ben did it..." Electra interrupted, growling. "Ben did it because he wants to get rid of me... I should have torn him apart when I had the chance... Or just dropped the rope..." she growled.

"Yeah, you should have!" I growled, a few sparks crackling on my cheeks.

"You told me not to..." She frowned, looking down.

"What the HELL possessed him to do such a thing? I mean sure, he got knocked around a little, but he would be DEAD if he were in the wild. What Electra did was training him." I growled. "If he really did do it, I swear I'm going to rip off his head and shove it up his ass!" I said as I began stomping down the hallway, growling. "Can you like, guide us out of here as soon as possible?" I asked as I turned around to face the Mightyena, sighing.

The Mightyena seemed to perk his ears up as we mentioned the name Ben, but no one saw it. I could tell he was listening intently however, and I knew that he knew something about Ben that I didn't...

"Certainly. By the way, my name is Zeke." He said as he took off running down the hallway. "Nice to meet you. Normally we'd lock up once Electra got here, but since she wasn't brought in by her trainer, and she came in by herself, with you, and never checked in, no one knew about it. So you're like, completely vulnerable right now." he said as he ran a bit faster.

"That's nice to know... And nice to meet you Zeke." I said as I ran alongside him, almost getting stepped on as he ran right over me, since he'd taken a right and ran down another hallway. Grunting, I took a right and followed him, and after a couple seconds, the front doors came into view.

"Look! The Exit!" Electra shouted as she dashed ahead of us, stopping and waiting for us at the door. "There's a lot of humans out there."

"What?" I asked as I walked over to the door, looking out and frowning. "Who are they?"

As Zeke walked over, the doors automatically opened, and the humans looked at us.

"I don't know... Let's go." Zeke said as he walked out. "But walk together. They could be here right now." He said as he perked his ears up, walking out of the Pokemon Center. I nodded and walked alongside of him, looking around and sighing.

"Electra walk inbetween us." I said as I walked to the side a little, Electra squeezing inbetween us and nodding.

"Well it's kind of hard because doggy is so big... You can clearly see me if you look underneath him..." She said as she sighed. "Why not just walk normally? We'll attract less attention..."

"Yeah good point..." Zeke said as he walked to the left a little, giving her space. "It's better if we act normal. Besides, I'd better talk in normal Pokemon speak, so I don't attract any unneeded attention..." He said as he sighed, looking ahead. "So where are we going?"

"To Ben's car, err... Kevin's..." I said, frowning. "Ben can't use it, so it's Kevin's now."

Zeke's ears perked right up as I said that, and I saw it out of the corner of my eye. There was definitely something he knew about Ben that I didn't. There was no doubt in my mind now that he knew Ben personally, and something tells me that Ben's not on his good side either...

"Err, okay. Where's that?" Zeke asked as he looked ahead.

"Oh, it's the um... Nice looking one." I said, grinning. "It's awesome."

"Ah... Okay you'll have to point it out to me then..." Zeke said as we approached the parking lot.

"Right there." Electra giggled as she walked over to it, touching it and giggling. "This one."

"Yeah." I said as I walked over to it, frowning. "We just have to wait for Kevin now..."

"Well he'd better get here soon..." Zeke said as he looked around the corner, his ears folding back. "They could be here any minute now..."

Just as he said that, there was a loud squealing as someone who obviously couldn't drive well, pulled in, followed by another, and another, and another.

"That has to be them... They're always in a hurry and stuff... Not one of them can drive well..." Zeke growled.

"Well why are we just standing here then? Let's go somewhere!" I said as I looked around, whining impatiently.

"Well if we just run off we'll attract their attention... Let's just walk... Follow me..." He said as he began walking back down the sidewalk. "Sadly, they have pictures of you, so if they see us, they might recognize us, but they might not... Humans are stupid and can never tell the difference between two of the same Pokemon..." he laughed.

"My tail has a dent in it..." Electra said, frowning. "How can they not tell the difference?"

"Nono, I mean you and another female." Zeke said as he looked behind us. "A little faster guys, they're getting out of their... Go-karts... Whatever those are... Jeeps... or something..." He said as he walked a bit faster, his ears perked up. As I walked, I could hear them talking. They were all talking at once, so I really couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked behind us and saw them letting Pokemon out of their cars. They wore all black, and had masks over their faces. There were black clothes on the Pokemon too, which I thought was a stupid idea, until I realized it would actually give US an advantage, which also made me think it was an even dumber idea on their part. Since they don't look like all the other Pokemon wandering around the park, it'll be easy to avoid them. I continued walking, watching as they took the black clothes off of all their Pokemon, then pointed and said something. As soon as all their clothes were off, they began running in random directions, obviously searching for us.

"Um... Here they come... Some of them..." I said as I turned back around, breaking off into a run as I realized I was nowhere near Electra and Zeke.

"HEY! Wow, warn me next time!" I said as I caught up to them, my heart pounding. "Jeez, where are we going anyway?"

We all stopped as Ben and Kevin came out of the Pokemon Center. Ben was sitting in Kevin's hood, like he normally did, however, as soon as they exited, he leaped out and stood there on the pavement, looking around. When he spotted the Team Onyx cars, he slowly began walking toward them. It was obvious he didn't see us, because he just kept coming toward us like we weren't even there.

"BEN!" Electra shouted as she growled, sparks flying from her cheeks. "I'm going to fucking KILL you!"

As soon as Ben heard Electra's voice, he turned his head and looked right at us. I perked my ears up as Zeke uttered a low growl and crouched down low. I frowned at him as I looked back at Ben, who stared at Zeke for about two seconds before his eyes went wide and he took off running towards the jeeps.

"Ben..." Zeke growled as he ground his teeth. "Grrrrr..."

Yep, he definitely knows Ben. And... Why is Ben running TOWARD them?

"Hey Ben what the hell?" Kevin yelled as he stood there on the sidewalk pathway, frowning. "What's gotten into you?"

"This way..." Zeke said as he took a sharp left, pushing through a bush. Nodding, I ducked down low and pushed my way into it, frowning as I got to the other side. There was another bush in front of us, and nothing to the sides of us.

"Zeke what the heck is this?" Electra asked as she began walking down one of the paths, frowning.

"It's a maze. We'll be harder to spot in here." He said, grinning.

"Yeah, but don't you think they'd look in the more obvious places first? Like a maze, where we'd obviously try to lose them?" I said, frowning.

"No, they'd look in the Pokemon Center where the call said we'd be." Zeke said as he followed Electra. "We just need to get to the other side of this maze and we're on the other side."

"Well of course we'll be on the other side..." Electra said as she made a face.

"Can't you just walk around it?" I asked, frowning.

"Yeah, but they're busy inside right now I'm sure. Why not d-"

"We're going around then." I said as I pushed my way back through the bush, followed by Electra, then Zeke. "Sorry, but I'm not wasting any time trying to get through this. We need to get somewhere safe from these hunters or whatever you want to call them." I said as I ran ahead. "Come on."

"THERE!" I heard someone yell out. Turning my head, I saw a Meowth pointing at me. "Right there! That's the female! I'm sure of it! Look, she even has the same collar like in the picture!"


"Electra stop." I yelled as I skidded to a stop, looking the Meowth dead in the eye, sparks flying off my cheeks.

"You want Electra? Well you're going to have to get through ME first!" I said as I stood in front of her, folding my arms and growling.

"Yeah, and me too!" Zeke said as he stood next to me, bowing down low and growling.

"Ha... I knew you'd protect her..." It said as it backed up a little. "I heard you were like, super powerful and stuff... Don't worry though, I'll be right back..." It said as it turned around and ran off.

"Come ON!" I said as I grabbed Electra's paw and pulled her down onto all fours, running behind her as we ran alongside the maze, turning the corner and speeding up.

"He's going to come back with backup... There will be more..." Zeke said as he followed behind us. "We're all targets to them... In their eyes, we're just a big group of goods... They'll be happy if they get even one of us."

"Well that's not happening." I said as I ducked down low, running ahead of Electra. Just as I got to the point that I was alongside her, I was nailed in the side with something, and my vision went all blurry, before I was sent flying through the bush.

"AH!" I squealed as I tumbled around, tumbling over and over until I got a grip on the ground with my claws and jerked myself to a stop. Standing up, I quickly darted through the bush, then the next one, then the next one. When I got out, I looked left, then right.

No sign of Zeke or Electra.

"ZEKE!" I yelled as I ran down alongside the maze, with everything still looking a little blurry to me. "Where'd you go?"

Dropping down onto all fours, I sniffed the grass.

No sign of our scent here. How far was I thrown? And what hit me? And where are Zeke and Electra? I'm sure wherever they are, they're safe, and Zeke's protecting her, but... Where ARE they?

My thoughts were interrupted by a humming noise, coming from somewhere behind me. Frowning, I quickly whipped around, seeing nothing. Yet the noise was still coming from behind me... Turning around, I looked down at my tail, frowning as the black rock that was tied to me was now glowing brightly. It felt warm against my tail too, and kind of made me feel... More powerful in a way... Looking ahead again, I nodded as I got back down onto all fours and took off running alongside the bush. Skidding to a stop as I heard rustling coming from within it. Perking my ears up, I lay down low, sparks flying from my cheeks as I prepared to attack. Just as I was about to strike, Zeke burst out of the bush, stumbling and falling as he looked at me.

"I... S-smelled you here... You w-were hit with something g-glowing... T-they hit y-your mate with o-one too." He said, panting as he stood up, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "I t-tried to help her... B-but they tried to r-run me over... I h-had to run away... T-they took out a whistle... They blew it... I-it hurt my ears so badly..." he panted, tears rolling down his cheeks as he spoke. "They tied her up... T-they got your mate..."

--END Chapter Twenty Six.--