Super-Nova fanfic: The Pain That Which Is Pain part 1

He flew into space and an armada of space angel zombies came to earth! what will happen next!?

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Journeys of Time 9

Hildegaard had seen the potential in tenchi and with the help of her small armada consisting of snowstar the icewing wyvern, nightsky the moonstar wyvern and lead by hildegaard's own main wyvern aramaxx the divinescale wyvern, they had acquired seven loyal

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

A storm was once again brewing, one which was sure to put the armada through the wringer as they would be tossed around like toys in a bathtub.

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Acadia's Curse: Prologue

Prologue: summer nightmares a strange sensation fluttered throughout my body, sending an armada of goosebumps onto my limbs in it's wake. i had brushed past a bush full of thorns.

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Andy 2 - Frontman Andy!

You bring me news of her whereabouts within the next day or don't bother coming back to the armada. you will be shot on sight is that clear?" the two looked at each other worryingly. "yes sir!"

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The Raiders

This queen, queen armada was a rhyperior warrior queen.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Malcom (Part A)

His clan has claimed the green valley their home for the past eleven generations and he was appointed the admiral of the 8th armada while i was still learning my letters. he is not a man to be trifled with."

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Crusader Part 1

Elvo says "negative, their other forces are currently engaging with a force of everglaive and another is engaging the briggette armada, 78.94% of their forces are already destroyed."

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Unexpected Circumstances

He gazed up into the stars with his naked eyes, these stars did not have an armada blocking them from view, six found it quite beautiful.

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CotJ II: The last Stand Act III Part II

Arjun yelled " my desire, every victory you organics had has been because i allowed it; your friends that have defeated my armada out in space will just realize on how powerful the infinite are.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Three

"ever since then we haven't had a true trajectory because you want to avoid the discussion of going back to the battleground where the armada fought against aggressor's horde."

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Star Wars Saber Squadron promo.

But this imperial navy armada wasn't an invasion, it was the blockade. six months ago, the rebel alliance had destroyed the death star, a powerful battle station which was powerful enough to destroy the entire planet.

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