Acadia's Curse: Prologue

Story by KrynVega on SoFurry

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#1 of Acadia's Curse

Just the prologue, it's a little short, mind you but that's because I'm just starting out, don't want to give too much away, yeah?

Prologue: Summer Nightmares

A strange sensation fluttered throughout my body, sending an armada of goosebumps onto my limbs in it's wake. I had brushed past a bush full of thorns. The cobblestone path was rugged and worn; it was silver basked in the moon light. Peering up towards the dark sky, I saw that there was in fact, no moon to be seen. Looking back down at the ground again, it had dissapared. Everything was gone and with it replaced was pure blackness. I felt panic rise and I was ready to run. I had never been particularly afraid of the dark, but something about this desolate place sent shivers up my spine. Turning to face the front of me, I saw something in the distance. A figure awaited in the darkness. A cloak and mask shrouded their identity and created a disguise that filled my curiousity. They raised a single paw at me, it glitched as if we were in a video game. With two slender fingers, it beckoned me onward, and swiflty turned away. I followed, perplexed, but not frightened. That's when a sting penetrated my calf. I cried out, but no sound emitted. The figure did not turn but I heard a sigh escape it's daunting lips.

There is more to come, my other half.

I felt a long sticky limb grab hold of my leg, and then my other leg. It soon travelled up my body till only my face was apparent. I ripped my arm away, reaching out towards the figure, pleading for relief and help. Everything turned and I got incredibly dizzy. The whole figure's body glitched as it turned. I felt hot tears running down my face like acid. The stranger placed their paw on the mask and slowly began to remove it. Just as I was about to see their face, I blacked out.