Acadia's Curse: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Friends and Foes I pushed the antique door open, and a little bell jingled signifying my arrival. The blue sparrow, whom I presumed was Midge's brother, looked up, a straight line and no sign of emotion on his face. He was a scrawny...

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Acadia's Curse: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Locals Half asleep, I felt the train lurch and then shudder as it came to a rest at the Acadia Train Station. My heavy eyelids parted to a fuzzy world. I felt a gentle but probing tap on my shoulder and I turned my head to face them. ...

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Acadia's Curse: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Moving Day! "Please don't go!" Mitzi squeaked, wrapping her small body around my leg like a snake. I tired pulling her off but she continued to latch on and cry. With a grunt of force, I kicked my leg out, which sent her tumbling and...


Acadia's Curse: Prologue

Prologue: Summer Nightmares A strange sensation fluttered throughout my body, sending an armada of goosebumps onto my limbs in it's wake. I had brushed past a bush full of thorns. The cobblestone path was rugged and worn; it was silver basked in...

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