The Finals and Aftermath (Chapter 10 and final chapter of my Yu-Gi-Oh series)
The fox didn't like losing, but took every match, win or lose, as something to learn from. he hoped that the cards he was given by the feline would be his rival's downfall. the panther finished shuffling his deck and activated his duel disk.
Chapter 11: Calm
"and just for the record, i don't care if you win or lose. as long as you try your best and have fun, then that's all that matters." jack giggled and nodded. "that's what coach says too." he smirked mischievously.
The Tortoise and the Hare
It doesn't \*mean\* anything when this thing wins or loses. it's just on whoever programmed it. what \*is\* that, even?" "are you concerned the race wouldn't be \*fair\*?"
Splintered Light, Ch 2.4: Unforeseen Circumstances
As i said, i trust my men, and the successes or failures ahead of them are theirs to win or lose." tobias rolled his eyes. "you sound as zen as my brother." the tiger reached out and clasped him on the shoulder with a gloved paw.
The Test
He was sure he could fight any foe that was standing in front of him, win or lose, but how could he fight a place? "it should know that we're on its side, sensei...doesn't it remember you?"
The Game
No one mentioned who was winning or losing, they were simply enjoying the company of one another. eventually, the rain stopped and the cubs helped clean up.
A New Dawn - Chapter 21 (The Wager)
win or lose i would have at least worked off part of my debt to callidus, but i would fight my hardest, aceh had spent a lot of time training me and i would not let him down.
Next Level Prologue: Triple-S
win or lose, i've never seen solar get so excited...that was kind of scary for a minute."
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Five
"it's not about which side wins or loses!" granger snapped. "it's about doing what's best for the greater good! why can't we fight and die just because it's the right thing to do, regardless of whether it will lead to victory or not?"
The Mourning After - Chapter 23 (More Q's than A's)
But win or lose i was proud of him! he had become a warrior equal to any other! his potential was still great, a potential i had seen in him since the moment i had seen that determination in his eye when he had asked me to train him.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 45
winning or losing didn't matter, only that the people saw the truth. wardo was not a chieftain - he was a pathetic wretch who constantly hid behind the strength of others.
Another way/Changing paths Chapter 17: My will…
I didn't know where this was coming from, i normally didn't care about whether i win or lose when it came to my brother. but this time...this time i wanted to win at matter the cost, my brother's feelings didn't matter to me at the moment.