A New Dawn - Chapter 21 (The Wager)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#24 of Malakye's Story - Part 2 (A New Dawn)

Hey everyone, so at long last (and I thank you everyone who has been waiting patiently) here is the next chapter of Malakye's Story. I will try to prevent such a long wait between chapters in the future but I can't promise that, cause I hate breaking promises!

A New Dawn is the sequel to my story 'A Place to Belong'. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the last (if not even more! :-)) and those of you who are late to the party, I recommend that you follow the link above and read the first part. Or don't, it's up to you.

The Encyclopedia I have written detailing places, races and various parts of history will come in handy if you come across a word or phrase with a * at the end of it. This symbol (*) depicts that there is an entry in the Encyclopedia so you can have a more indepth knowledge on the subject at a moments notice.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

This time round I do not have a proof reader so please let me know via note if there are any glaring (or small) mistakes so that I can fix them. And as always, constructive critisim is welcome!

"Then maybe you'd like to make a wager?"

"Sure." I said.

"Ten gold coins says Tau'ruc will win the tournament." Callidus declared, holding out his paw.

I hesitated for a moment. I didn't have that kind of cash! I'm sure Kaldor would quite happily give me that money, but I didn't want him to either. But I had to make a decision. If I backed out know I would look like a coward, and I didn't want to lose face. I glanced at my father who was watching the whole situation play out with an amused look plastered on his face.

"Ten gold says Mantou will win!" I declared taking hold of Callidus's paw; sealing the bet.

Now I could only hope that Tau'ruc didn't win. It didn't matter if Mantou won or lost, so long as Tau'ruc didn't win I wouldn't be hopelessly in debt to Callidus. As we turned our attention back to the arena the fight began.

The two dragons paced in a circle around each other, sizing each other up, both of them were being patient; neither one willing to rush in.

Barnus was the first to strike, in his usual dramatic style, he leapt up and attempted to drive his knee into his opponents muzzle, Tau'ruc weaved out of the way and imediately threw a punch catching Barnus in the side of the muzzle. There was a collective cheer from the crowd as the fight began; almost deafening. Barnus staggered from the blow and had no time to recover as his opponent stuck him again across the muzzle and then in the stomach. Tau'ruc then grappled Barnus, locking him in a headlock from behind.

Barnus wasn't going to go down so easily however. He fought back, twisting his body to create a little space between them so he could elbow his opponent in the side, over and over again until he was forced to release his hold on him.

Barnus gasped for air as Tau'ruc nursed his ribs, this only last a couple of moments before they were both back on the attack. Tau'ruc charged at Barnus, only Barnus was ready for him, leaping off the ground and drop kicked Tau'ruc square in the chest knocking him off his foot-paws.

Tau'ruc was dazed for a moment before he collected his wits enough to get back up, but Barnus was already upon him. Barnus threw several heavy punches, which sent Tau'ruc reeling, before driving his knee into his gut before he leapt up, wrapping his legs around Tau'ruc's neck and seized his arm with both paws. They tumbled to the ground, Tau'ruc trapped in a tight hold.

I stood up in my excitement, matched by that of the crowd below, it looked like I wasn't going to have to worry about losing my bet to Callidus as my fathers favoured contestant was about to win this fight. In just a few short moments Tau'ruc would either give in or be chocked out. I glanced at Callidus and saw a waver in his usual calm demeanour, a note of concern in his eyes.

When I turned my attention back to the fight Barnus still had Tau'ruc held firmly, Tau'ruc stuggling and kicking for all he was worth. I could sense their nen flaring from here, both of them using it make them stronger, faster, they had been using it from the start of the fight but now I could feel the desperation flaring through their nen. No, not their nen, through Tau'ruc's nen. It was so strong now that it nearly suffocated Barnus's. Suddenly I realised just how strong Tau'ruc really was, and it didn't surprise me when I saw him slowly over power Barnus, breaking the hold he had with his legs enough to slip his head free.

He rolled onto his side and began to lay a barrage of blows onto Barnus's head, Barnus relenting and forced to release his hold on Tau'ruc's other arm. Tau'ruc rolled away, clutching at his arm while Barnus just lay on the ground, bloody and beaten. After a few long moments Barnus slowly began to roll on to his knees. However Tau'ruc was already standing, still nursing his left arm, and looked pissed. I heard him yelling but couldn't make out what he was saying. What ever Barnus said in response seemed to not sit well and Tau'ruc responded with a mighty punch to the side of Barnus's head.

Everyone in the arena knew that that was the end to the match, even before Barnus slumped unconscious against the ground. I slumped back into my seat and sulked over Tau'ruc's victory. He was now one step closer to winning this tournament and losing me a fortune to Callidus. Why did I take that bet? After feeling the strength of Tau'ruc's nen I had doubts that he could lose. It was easily twice as strong as any of the other competitors had displayed throughout the tournament. I could only hope that Mantou had been holding back like Tau'ruc had been.

"I told you that Tau'ruc would beat him." Callidus said matter-of-factly to my father.

"He put up a good fight though."

"I'll give him that much." Callidus agreed with a tone of superiority. "I guess we will have to see how your pick does in his next fight then, won't we?" He smirked, casting a glance over his shoulder at me.

Just then any hopes I had for winning seemed to shatter at his confidence, I had a real bad feeling that I was not just about to lose our bet, but my loss was already guaranteed.


Chapter 21


I watched in silent apprehension as Mantou and his opponent, a burly looking Zangarian called Karnal who even at this distance looked huge! Mantou was far from small, the same size or perhaps bigger than myself, but standing across from Karnal he looked like I did next to Kaldor. I already felt like Mantou couldn't beat Tau'ruc, let alone this giant!

They bowed to each other and readied themselves, I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I stared at the two dragons. I sat stock still as I stared at them, I probably couldn't have moved if I wanted to, my mind focused completely on the two combatants.

I felt both their nens flare, signalling the start of the fight. Karnal charged headlong at Mantou, obviously hoping to use his size and strength to his advantage and over power him; just as he had done to his other opponents. Mantou ducked past Karnal, using his superior speed against the burly giant. Karnal stopped, turned and charged again.

I knew what I would do in that situation and willed Mantou to do the same, to my surprise he did exactly that. He stepped forward towards the charging dragon and with fluid motion grabbed his arm, twisted his hips launched Karnal off his feet with a perfectly executed hip toss.

I swear I could hear the impact of Karnal's body against the ground over the distance and cries of the crowd. Karnal was still for a few moments before he began to move. I was surprised that Mantou remained where he was, waiting for Karnal to get back up. Was he crazy? He should be all over him, seizing his victory. Why would he wait for his opponent to get back up?

Karnal slowly got back up on his foot-paws and he looked visibly shaken and hurt. He was slightly hunched, his ribs hurting from the impact. But he was still willing to fight, only he on the defensive now.

Mantou took a step forward and Karnal took a step back. I think at this point everyone in the arena knew who the winner of this match was, and while that made me a little happy, that feeling was over shadowed by the fact that Mantou had shown no evidence that his nen came close to matching that of Tau'ruc.

With Karnal unwilling to attack now Mantou took the offensive. As Mantou closed the distance, Karnal threw a punch, Mantou easily dodged it and landed a fast jab on the square of his snout. Karnal swung again but Mantou simply repeated the action but then followed up with a blow to his opponents stomach and then a powerful punch across Karnal's jaw.

The giant dragon staggered back, dazed and in pain, the blow to his midsection had hurt him the most. He was nursing the spot where Mantou had stuck him, he also seemed to be struggling to breath. There was a good chance that he had a serious injury.

In a surprise move Karnal held his paws up, knelt, and bowed his head to Mantou. It was obvious what had happened, he had surrendered. The crowd cheered and Mantou helped him back up to his foot paws.

"Well that was a little unexpected." I said.

"But a wise move on Karnal's part." Callidus said. "He is fighting in tomorrows tournament as well, so it is better for him not to sustain too many injuries when he already knows he's lost the fight."

"I suppose." I said glumly. The feeling of hopelessness strangling any hope I could have felt at that moment. Could Mantou beat Tau'ruc?


There was a short intermission before the final fight. Kaldor had asked me to go and grab some food for them. I headed downstairs towards the stand selling various foods. There was an assortment of breads and meats available. I asked him for a selection, he wrapped up some rolls that already had fillings and I was on my way. He had given me a dozen rolls, a little excessive I thought but then I remembered how much Kaldor ate.

When I got back Kaldor and Callidus suddenly ceased the conversation they were having, Kaldor quickly getting up to grab several rolls from me. I shook off the feeling that they were talking about me, Kaldor's interest in the food over conversation seemed genuine.

"Mmmm... That's the stuff!" Kaldor mumbled through a maw-full of food, consuming the large large roll in three bites already unwrapping the next. I placed the rolls on table and took my seat again.

"Really now... one of these days you are going to choke if you keep eating like that!" Callidus sighed.

"Yesh Mother!" Kaldor mumbled, crumbs flying from my maw as he spoke, some of them landing on Callidus which seemed to annoy him all the more.

I stifled a laugh and took a bite of my own roll. The crusty roll was light and fluffy inside and the meat juices had sunk into the roll. I didn't know what meat it was but it was juicy and tender with a slight gamy taste. The food helped me forget my previous feeling of dread over the upcoming fight. By the time I had finished my roll the final fight was announced to be starting.

I watched Mantou and Tau'ruc emerge from their respective doors. Time seemed to slow and everything around me seemed to fade away. I could no longer hear the crowd below me and my body was stock still, I don't think I could've moved if I had wanted to. I began to chant a silent prayer in my head to what ever deity could hear me, wishing to give Mantou the strength he needed to defeat Tau'ruc.

They seemed to stand staring at each other for what seemed like for ever, but it was only a handful of seconds before they both dashed forward. This suddenly explosion of movement took me by surprise, both of them had always fought cautiously and defensively at the beginning of their fights, but now they were both on the offensive.

They both reached out and grappled the other, their nens flaring wildly as they tried to overpower the other. Mantou got the upper hand and dragged Tau'ruc to the ground. He got in a couple of punches into his opponents side before rolling away.

Both of them were back on their foot-paws in and instant and on the attack again. Tau'ruc landed a solid punch across Mantou's snout and followed up with a knee to his midsection. Mantou reeled from the blow but recovered immediately, blocking Tau'ruc's next attack and lashing out with his own punch. This went on for a while, I was left amazed at the endurance and intensity of the fight. It was almost like they had done this a hundred times.

I was beginning to feel hope that Mantou could win this! A hope quickly crushed when I felt Tau'ruc's nen flare up again, after that Tau'ruc just seemed to slowly overwhelm Mantou. Tau'ruc landed another knee to Mantou's midsection, only this time it sent him tumbling back several yards. Mantou rolled to a stop, sprawled across the ground and gasping for air. This was it, Mantou was about to lose!

Tau'ruc stood above Mantou and reached down to finish his opponent. A flare of nen and a flash of movement later I watched as Tau'ruc was kicked in the muzzle and then his legs swept out from under him. Mantou leapt back up and looked like he was in perfect health. He had been playing possum! This surprise result had me standing up and cheering, not only that but now Mantou's nen was equal in strength to Tau'ruc's. He could do this!

Tau'ruc got back up and he looked pissed, rubbing his snout before readying himself. Their nens flared up and again they charged at each other. This time they didn't even bother to block the others blow. They both reeled back from the simultaneous punch and then began to throw punch after punch. I could feel the power behind each blow, each one capable of knocking out or killing the other, but they both endured. It was then I realised that this was no longer just a fight, it was a fight for supremacy.

It was obvious now that there was a history to these two, a history driving them to the brink, a history that could end up killing both of them. A history that anyone watching could feel as they fought. Blow after blow, punch after punch, kick after kick, they went after each other.

At first it seemed like they would never stop, but eventually I noticed a subtle change in momemtum, Tau'ruc was beginning to slow down. It was his arm! There was no way he couldn't have walked away unscathed from his fight with Barnus, and now it was beginning to show.

Mantou seemed to notice this too, and soon was targeting that arm, in a few moves he had turned the stalemate into a one sided fight. He landed several good punches to Tau'ruc's shoulder and now he was nursing it. Tau'ruc backed away but Mantou was relentless. Mantou landed several strong blows and then with incredible agility he landed a spin kick into the square of Tau'ruc's chest.

Tau'ruc was blown off his foot-paws and through the air, crashing to the ground clumsily and hard. That had to be it, that had to have been the finishing blow! I leapt up and cheered with the rest of the crowd, for the first time sparing Callidus a glance. He seemed concerned, I suppose that it was his family, Tau'ruc could be seriously hurt. A surge of nen dragged my attention back to the fight, when I looked all I saw was Mantou flying through the air as Tau'ruc struck him with a powerful uppercut.

The crowd went silent at this sudden turn of events. As Mantou came crashing to the ground Tau'ruc also collapsed. It had been a desperate attack but it had had the desired effect. Mantou was motionless while Tau'ruc writhed on the ground in pain.

One of the observing officials who had watched the fight from a distance ran over to the pair. He examined Mantou first. He made a motion of some kind up towards my father and Callidus. My father nodded and the official made his way over to Tau'ruc.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mantou is alive but badly hurt." Kaldor said. "As is Tau'ruc." He added as the official made the same motion after checking Tau'ruc.

"So what happens now?"

"We wait to find out who our winner is."


"Who ever stands up unassisted first wins." Callidus said coldly.

"But... their hurt!"

"This is the way it is." Callidus responded.

"But he's your family!"

"You think I don't know that!?" Callidus snapped. "If I intervene in anyway Tau'ruc will be declared the loser! I won't do that to him!"

"But..." I stopped. It may have seemed illogical to me but I could hear the pain in Callidus's voice. He wanted to help but he knew he couldn't. I don't know why but I knew that there was no way I could convince him otherwise.

I looked out towards the two injured dragons, Mantou was stock still but Tau'ruc hadn't even made an attempt to stand yet.

After a minute or so some one in the crowd below yelled out words of encouragement. And slowly others began to do the same until the entire arena was stamping and yelling in unison. I saw Tau'ruc begin to push himself up, before he got to his knees he collapsed back to the ground. At this point I saw the first signs of life from Mantou. He was trying to roll over onto his stomach.

This is what it came down to, who could stand up first, and bet or no bet this was more exciting than the entire tournament put together. Even Kaldor yelled and stamped in time with the crowd, Callidus retained his composure, but he was obviously restraining himself.

Tau'ruc had collapsed another couple of times before Mantou had even managed to roll onto his stomach. Mantou was moving slowly but he seemed steadier that Tau'ruc. I would be surprised if Tau'ruc's ribs weren't broken from how he clutched his side.

Both dragons were now on their knees, both of them willing their bodies to bear through the pain just long enough to be declared the winner. Mantou made an effort to stand, the entire arena cheering. He was on his foot-paws, but was swaying wildly and staggered a few steps before falling back to the ground.

I felt my heart sink, he had not managed to stand up. In just a few seconds after he fell Tau'ruc had managed to push himself off the ground, clutching his rubs and hunched over in pain, but obviously standing firm under his own power. The official walked over to Tau'ruc and carefully raised his arm in the air in victory. The crowd cheered while I slumped back in my seat.

"I guess that's it then." Kaldor smiled. "It was a good fight."

"Yes, and I think that means I've won the bet." Callidus smiled over his shoulder to me.

"I'll get you your money..." I sulked.

"Don't worry, I'll..."

"NO!" I interrupted Kaldor. I knew just what he was going to say and I didn't want his charity.

"I will find a way to earn the money myself."

"I guess that's the second bet I've won today then." Callidus smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"I bet your father that you would refuse his help to pay off the bet." He explained. "I guess I'm a better judge of character. But don't worry about paying back the gold, I have a way for you to pay back your debt."


"Well, I was going to have you fight Tau'ruc... but he is much to injured to do that." He mused. "But I still want to see this fighting prowess I've heard so much about, so I will give you a chance to pay back your debt to me by taking part in a fight here, right now in front of this crowd, against an opponent of my choosing."

"All I have to do is fight?"

"Oh yes, if you win your debt will be settled."

"And if I lose?" I asked, suspecting that there was a catch.

"Even if you lose, I'll cut your debt in half." Callidus smirked.

Win or lose I would at the very least cut my debt in half, I had nothing to lose by taking Callidus's offer; except maybe a bit of pride if I got my ass handed to me in front of everyone here. But five gold coins less to pay back was worth a bit of pride wasn't it? No, wait I had to stop thinking like that! I couldn't go into a fight expecting to lose, that would be giving up before I had even begun! And I owed Aceh to do my utmost to win! He had spent so much time training me I couldn't let him down like that.

"I accept your offer." I said, trying to sound as confident as I could.

"Excellent!" Kaldor bellowed. "Jovani!"

"Yes Master?" Jovani said as he stepped up from behind me.

"Please show Malakye to the chambers."

"And give Malnark this note would you?" Callidus asked handing a piece of paper to Jovani.

"Of course. This way young Master."

As I left with Jovani I heard my father address the crowd, congratulating the winner and informing them of the upcoming fight. There was a cheer but I could no longer make out what my father was saying. I followed Jovani through the hallways towards the entrance to the arena. There I met Kassius, he smiled at me as I approached and nodded to Jovani, Jovani curtly bowed and took his leave leaving me with Kassius.

"So I hear you're going to fight against Tau'ruc's brother." He said.

"His brother?"

"Yes Tal'nar, his older brother by two winters, a strong fellow, a fine warrior."

"Do I have a chance?" I asked nervously turning to look at the large set of steel double doors that led into the arena itself. If Tau'ruc's brother was as strong him, I doubt I would last very long in a fight against him.

"Perhaps, but if I may I wish to impart a few token words of advice to you as my pupil."

"Please." I said nervously, turning my attention back to him.

"This is battle of fists, no weapons or bending, but it is also a battle of nen." He explained. I nodded in understanding, I had sensed the use of nen and I understood it could be used to make them stronger. I had experienced it first paw when I had arm wrestled Malnark. "In terms of controlling your nen you can't match Tal'nar, but in terms of strength of your nen, you might just have a chance."

"My nen is stronger?"

"From what I've heard from Malnark and what I saw, your nen probably rivals your fathers. If you ever learn to master control over it... you will become a force to be reckoned with." His words helped to ease my nervousness, but I knew that there was only a slim chance I would win.

"Thanks." I said graciously.

Win or lose I would have at least worked off part of my debt to Callidus, but I would fight my hardest, Aceh had spent a lot of time training me and I would not let him down. I would make him proud and prove to him that his time training me was well spent. Just then there was a clang that echoed through the corridors.

"It's time." Kassius said, resting his paw on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

I nodded and he moved to open the door. As the door swung open the crowds cheers washed over me. I stepped out, my stomach full of butterflies, I steeled myself and tried not to show my nervousness in my expression; trying to copy Aceh's stoic yet stern expression when he trained me.

Directly ahead of me there was another dragon walking into the arena, Tal'nar, my opponent. I walked to the center where were stared each other in the eye. He was slightly shorter than me, well muscled and wore a red and white Shirt and matching loincloth.

"So you are Lord Anaris's son." He said matter-of-factly. "I will be your opponent today, understand that this is not personal."

I didn't respond, I didn't trust myself not to sound nervous. I stared at him and focused on maintaining my imitation of Aceh's scowl. He smirked and nodded, taking a few steps back and readyied himself, I did the same.

I slipped into the first stance of Tigers Palm, I would let him attack first, I couldn't be careless with this guy, he was a seasoned fighter and one mistake could be all it would take for him to finish tit. I felt his nen begin to flow through his body, it was like a river of nen flowing through his body. I called on my own nen, unlike Tal'nar's it flowed out of my body and encompassed the area around us. A passing thought of one of Xavier's lessons passed through my mind, how the nature of everyones nen was different, I dismissed it and returned my full attention to the fight.

"Are you ready little Lord?" Tal'nar asked with a smirk. He was trying to get under my scales, I simply nodded.

With my nod of approval the fight had begun, Tal'nar quick to go on the offensive. He rushed forward and threw a few punches, I back stepped deflected them. He seemed pleased by this and began to pace round me, I returned the gesture, holding my posture as we walked in a large circle, taking measure of one another.

He was testing me, Callidus had wanted to see my fighting ability and no doubt had ordered Tal'nar to test my abilities to the fullest, and not to end the fight too quickly. With any luck I would be the one ending this fight, not him.

Tal'nar took the offensive once again, again throwing a few punches in my direction, again I easily deflected them. He was fast, but no where near the speed of Aceh. He followed it up his punches by stepping in and attempted to trip me up by dragging my front foot-paw out from under me with his own, a simple but effective manouver, but he wasn't as fast as Aceh and I easily escaped his attempt to trip me and landed a good solid punch to the side of his muzzle.

The punch seemed to take him by surprise, but it was a message from me, don't take me lightly. So far his attacks had been half hearted, and obvious show that he was underestimating my ability. I was not one to be underestimated and I could see this realisation in his eyes. He had gotten that message, and while him underestimating me may have helped me win this fight it was not the way I wanted to win. I wanted to show everyone here just how strong I was, to make both Aceh and Kaldor proud of me.

Tal'nar attacked again, only this time there was a lot more power in his punches, he moved faster and sneered each time he threw a punch. Using the first stance I managed to deflect most of his attacks, but he was faster than I expected, when I attempted to counter attack he stopped me dead with a fierce knee to my gut and fist across my jaw.

I staggered, only just stopping myself from falling. Before I had fully regained my balance he was already atop me, landing several punches across my muzzle. I shoved him away and back stepped to create a little distance, taking a second to spit out a glob of bloody saliva.

Just as he had underestimated me I had underestimated him after his first couple of weak attacks, and now I was hurting for it. He had shown me that he was a force to be reckoned with and now I needed to do the same. I slipped into the sixth stance, I was going to have to take the fight to him, to show him the same that which he had shown me.

I stepped forward, Tal'nar doing the same, as he threw his fist I spun, his fist missing me by a large margin. Using the momentum of the spun I brought my leg up and kicked his in the side, he staggered away, just managing to stay on his foot-paws. Before he could recover I dashed towards him and leapt up driving my foot-paw into his chest. He crashed and rolled across the ground, the crowd cheered and for a brief moment I thought that the fight could be over, but in mere moments he was back up looking no worse for wear.

How could he take a knock like that and stand back up like it was nothing? I thought back to the moment I struck him, I had kicked him squarely in the chest, my attack had been perfect. Yes.. it wasn't my attack, I hadn't noticed it at the time but his nen had shifted, a large amount of it cumulating in his chest before I struck him. Could it be that nen could be used to not only make you stronger, but defend against attacks as well?

Kassius said that this was also a battle of nen, this must be what he meant. To be able to manipulate your own nen to both attack and defend. Now I understood how Tau'ruc and Mantou could exchange blows like they had, and respected them even more for it. I couldn't sense the movements of their nen from the stands, only feel the amount they were using.

Tal'nar charged at me, I sensed his nen surge to greater heights, I blocked his first punch which sent jolts of pain through my forearm. His second punch narrowly missed my muzzle, he was faster than before and stronger, I managed to block and the parry his following attacks but a swift knee to my torso stopped any defence I could have mustered. I was bent over in pain from the blow and was defenceless to the second knee to the side of my head.

I rolled several times before my body came to a stop, my head was pounding and my vision spinning, it took me several moments to gather my wits. Tal'nar was too strong, even using my nen I couldn't even hurt him. I should just stop this fight before I got seriously hurt.


What was I thinking? I swore myself to never be afraid, I swore to be strong! How could I keep that promise if I gave up so easily? I would not be a coward! All my life I had been the victim of ridicule and violence, all my life I had fought just to survive another day. NO MORE! I would be strong! I would protect those that I cared for and damn anyone who tried to stop me!

I felt a power surge from within me, pouring out of me like a howling gale, it made my muscles burn with power. I pushed myself up from the ground and glared at Tal'nar who looked a little surprised that I had stood up. It was time to show everyone just how strong I truly was! I dug deeper into the source of this new found strength and pulled on it more, letting it fill me up and engulf the area around me. The two braziers that burned nearby flared and the fire grew and burned hotter. I heard the crowd gasp.

"There is no bending allowed!" Tal'nar growled.

"I'm sorry, I can't control my nen very well." I replied and I watched as the realisation dawned in Tal'nar's eyes; he was witnessing my full power and now he was to be on the receiving end of it.

Whether it was out of fear, courage or desperation, Tal'nar charged me once again, this time I made no attempt to block his first strike as he struck me across the muzzle with a solid punch. I barely felt a thing. I looked him in the eye, I saw the fear shimmer in his eyes. I felt his nen shift into his right fist as he threw another punch, this time I blocked it, it was more powerful than the last, he was focusing more nen into his attacks to overcome my defence. But by doing this I knew exactly what he was going to do before he did it.

When the next punch came my way I caught his arm and tossed him to the ground with a hip throw. He quickly scrambled back up but this time he kept his distance and waited for me to attack; now it was my turn.

I smiled at the dramatic shift in the fight and made my attack. I had to give him his due as he dodged my blows with surprising speed and agility, but he made no attempt to attack me. He was simply running, trying to drag the fight out. But he couldn't escape me forever. I caught him in the shoulder with a punch as he attempted to dodge, this threw him off balance and caused him to stumble. I used that moment to catch him and land some of my own punches to his face and torso.

He tumbled to the ground after the fifth blow, trying to crawl away, one paw raised in a desperate attempt to defend himself. I reached down to pull him up, when I grabbed him by the neck I felt his nen shift into his right arm, and I knew I had made a mistake. He grabbed me with his other paw to prevent my escape and brought his right fist to bear across my snout. That one I did feel. I was sent sprawling across the ground, my head was spinning.

Tal'nar had put everything into that last attack, every ounce of nen he could draw poured into his fist, and it had been enough to smash through the defence of my own nen. I rolled onto my stomach to try and push myself up. My arms shook with the effort, my head spun, my vision blurred and I felt queasy at the attempt to move. My arms gave way under the weight of my own body and I was laying flat on the ground again. I knew that I wouldn't be getting up soon.

Two foot-paws came into my field of view, I looked up, my vision having cleared enough to make out who it was. It was Tal'nar. He was looking a little worse for wear but he was still standing. He reached down and helped me up, letting me support myself on his shoulder. The fight was over, Tal'nar had won.

"You're hellish strong you know that?" He said with a chuckle.

"Thanks... but you're stronger." I admitted.

"I got lucky. I'll have to get better or I won't be able to beat you, even on my best day."

I smiled, I didn't know if he was trying to make me feel better or if he was speaking the truth, but it helped my wounded pride. I had lost the fight, I just hope Aceh and my father weren't disappointed with my efforts. I hadn't expected to win, but at the end I had thought I'd had it won; it left a bitter taste in my mouth.


With todays tournament over and tomorrows still to come most of the spectators left pretty quickly. A few of the remaining dragons gave me their commiserations for losing the match, but always adding that I had done well. Apparently Tal'nar was a bit of a big shot around here, and tipped to be one of the next to become a Master Bender; rumour had it.

As I made my way to the exit with Jovani, my body sore and becoming a stiff from the fight, I saw Kaldor and Callidus standing talking to a small crowd. Seeing Callidus reminded me that I was still in debt to him by five gold coins. I pushed that thought to the side, I could worry about it later, just now I just wanted to get home and rest.

"There you are Malakye!" Kaldor called when he say me approaching.

I forced a smile and tried to walk as normally as possible considering the pain in my muscles. The small crowd of dragons he was talking to turned their attention to me. A well dressed dragoness stepped up and blocked my path. She wore a purple dress which hugged her body and showed off her wide hips and ample bosom.

She looked me up and down and then walked round me, making noises that made me feel like a piece of livestock. Everyone was silent and watched as the dragoness assessed me. I felt incredibly uncomfortable. Just what the hell was going on? The dragoness got closer and stared me in the eye with a wicked smile that made me gulp.

"Very nice." She said before walking away, taking her place next to an ageing dragon dressed in warrior gear, but from the looks of his outfit he was fairly well off. Fine fur and gold trim made up most of his outfit. "Can I have him Daddy?"

"Well that's a discussion for later I think." Her father chuckled, turning to my father who also laughed.

The dragoness, her father and the rest of their group, three older dragonesses, a young dragoness a good few winters younger than myself, and a male who looked a few winters my senior, said their goodbyes to Callidus and my father and left.

"What was all that about?" I asked.

"Oh... Ortavia's daughter is looking to marry. It seems she has her eye on you." Kaldor smiled.

"You're arranging a wife for me!?"

"Not at all. I had no idea she was interested in you till then, but she is looking to marry but as his only daughter Ortavia is rather protective of her. He won't let any riff-raff lay a paw on his daughter. His words, not mine." Kaldor explained.

"Ortavia is the commander and highest ranking dragon in Zangar's ranks, under Master Kaldor and Lord Callidus of course." Jovani chimed in.

"Okay... but does that mean he will be trying to get me to marry his daughter... What is her name anyway?" I asked.

"Luna." Jovani answered. "Luna Ortavia, one of the most sought after females in Zangar."

"Ortavia will only marry her off to someone of status, so I should probably warn you that you do qualify in that regard." Callidus chimed in. "But he does have a few other requirements before he agrees to pick her a suitor."

"Might one of the tournament winners ask for her paw in marriage?" I asked. Remembering the story of how one tournament winner asked for the same thing of my father.

"Oh... you heard about that then?" Kaldor chuckled. "It's certainly possible, but I hope they don't." He laughed. "To say that Ortavia would kill anyone who so much as tried to lay a paw on his daughter without his agreement would be an understatement."

"Likely he would peel their scales from their flesh before killing them." Callidus added, sending a shiver down my spine at the thought.

"Okay, lets just get off of the whole Luna topic." I said. "Can we go home? I think I'm just going to collapse in bed."


After we made out way back home, and after politely refusing the meal that Harold had prepared I made my way to my room, where I had every intention to fall muzzle first into my pillow and let my aching muscles and bruises heal with a good nights rest. Only my plans were interrupted by the knock at my bedroom door the moment I was about to fall onto said pillow. Grudgingly I went to the door to see who it was, not caring that I was completely stark naked.

As I opened the door I as assaulted by a pair of lighting fast furry arms which snaked their way round my body and the furry mass they were attached to collided with me in a rather intense hug. I was so startled by this, and with the dim light in the room, it took me a moment to realise who it was.

"I was worried about you!!" He cried. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt!?" He asked, not giving me a chance to answer and squeezed me even tighter. Not that I would have minded if it wasn't for the sore spots he was crushing with his hug.

"I'm fine." I huffed, trying to hide the fact he was hurting me. Thankfully with me words of assurance he managed to pry himself off me.

"Are you sure!? That was a pretty rough fight!"

"I'm fine, nothing a little sleep won't cure." I smiled.

He breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to calm down a little. I could still see the worry shimmering in his eyes however. I guess my night of rest wasn't going to be a solitary one, not if I wanted make sure Cody didn't worry about me.

"I was just going to go to bed, you can join me if you want." No sooner had the words left my muzzle than a smile beamed across his muzzle.

He zipped past me and jumped on my bed, his top already on the floor and he was nearly out of his pants by the time I had closed the door. I chuckled and climbed under the blanket with him, his arms wrapping round me again, not so tight as to hurt my many sore spots this time thankfully. I was a little grateful that he didn't seem to want sex, something that required energy I didn't posses at this moment in time. I murred as I felt Cody's warm body snuggle into my own and let everything else just fall away.
