Another way/Changing paths Chapter 17: My will…

Story by Pod155 on SoFurry

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#17 of Another way/Changing paths...

The final training conflict the brothers go all out on each other, feeling and emotions build...but will it go to far?

Another way/Changing paths

Chapter 17: My will...

(Brandon's POV)

After watching the two large Pokémon collide with each other for a while. I could feel the steam rise off of Ruption's Flame Wheel as Osha was trying with all of her might to cut through his barrier. He was beginning to push her back with his overwhelming force that he applied to the attack.

Osha was a force to be reckoned with even before she evolved. Her expertise in swordsmanship and overall fighting style were truly great when she was a Dewott. Now that she's a Samurott she can now add an enormous amount power into her attacks and not just of the type advantage, but within the last week I've been able to see her split a fully grown oak tree right down the middle with her Razor Shell.

I had to make sure that Ruption work on his attack power a tad bit more with passing week. It was one of my saving graces, but it wasn't my only one. I had a number of tricks that Ruption could use to help defeat her, but with her being so strong wouldn't help out in the matter.

I could hear something approaching from behind me, I safely assumed that it was Kelly, and decided not to pay any mind to it. I could feel her small hand lightly gasp me on the shoulder, and then something unexpected started to happen. I felt like I could do anything, I felt as if though I could take on the universe and not be stopped.

"Ruption, Flamethrower!" I blurted out without even realizing it.

Not even sure he had heard me or not, but the next thing I know that Osha entire upper torso was covered in an intense flame. He still continued to hold up the Flame Wheel wall as well.

Osha then stumbled backwards from the onslaught of flames and fell to the ground, but she wasn't unconscious.

Without my order, Ruption tucked in his arms and began to expand the force of the Flame Wheel , but by now it had evolved way pass that point. The flame that was building around it made the entire area heat up, the air was becoming very thin to the point where I couldn't almost breathe.

That didn't make me want to tell him to stop though. It was as if he knew what I was thinking, but I wasn't thinking like myself. The Only thing that was going through my mind was victory...winning at any cost. I don't know what the hell had come over me, but I like it...

"Ruption keep going don't let up!" I yelled.

Suddenly I could feel something, like another presence was around me. Surrounding me examining me in and out and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Though then I didn't really want to all I wanted to do was win this battle.

"Osha Hydro Pump , max power and don't let up until I tell you to." Brian calmly said.

With that command Osha was already on her feet again, as Ruption started making his way over to her. She took a deep breath and fired a very high pressured blast of water. Ruption was too close to try and dodge, but I don't think he would have even if I told him to.

The water collided with Ruption's massive fire over-shield, and made a very thick layer of steam flow through the area. Blinding me of what was happening on the field.

As the smoke started to clear up the first thing I saw was Ruption standing up on his hind legs with his arms crossed in front of his face. He was panting heavily and was soaking wet.

From the looks of it he didn't have much energy left in him...dammit I should have been more careful. I knew that Brian was waiting for something that gives him the edge, but I didn't think Osha would recover that fast from that Flamethrower to the face. On top of that she was able to produce enough from that attack to douse his flames and push him back on the defensive.

Osha finally appeared from the smoke and like Ruption was to panting very heavily.

With the sight of that, gave me a new hope of actually beating her. I have to remember that Ruption evolved before she did, he also adapted to his situation much faster than she did as well, courtesy of Brian and using my Pokémon for shields all the time. It'll be very ironic if that would be his down fall for this battle. Though if I know Brian he's going to have a way of getting out of it and somehow ending up victorious, but something in my body was telling me to fight on and don't give up no matter what!

"Osha, finish this off with your Double-Bladed Razor Shell!" Brian yelled.

Osha, though still was showing signs of exhaustion as she took hold of her shelled blades and flipped them until they were hanging upside down. I noticed that there was a small hook attached at the back of each blade. She attached them to each other, just like she had done back when she was a Dewott.

I knew unless I did something fast I would lose my heavy hitter early in the match.

She then began to run her water energy through the blades. Thus produced a very large water double sword that for the most part looked as intimidating as it sounds.

"Ruption, evade her and use Fire Blast!" I yelled back.

" Fire Blast?" Brian repeated. "Sounds like someone has been working on some new moves."

For a second I thought he was giving me a compliment, but something was telling me that he was only messing with my head.

Osha then leap forward while twirling her bladed staff in a heavy fury. She was spinning her blade around so fast that mini water blades were leaving the tip end of her sword and began hitting Ruption, and leaving large welts that went across his face and chest.

Ruption started charging for the Fire Blast attack, even while taking the onslaught of her water whips. Once the charge was complete, he ran directly towards Osha at full speed.

That's when I notice that Brian was one step ahead of eyes widen as I soon realized what he was doing. I was distracted with the water works as well as the water blades that I didn't notice the water building up at her feet. I knew what was coming the only thing I could do was try and stop Ruption before it was too late.

"Ruption stop!" I yelled, but was muffled by all the noise the two of them were making.

Ruption continued his pursuit towards Osha with no signs of stopping. I could only hold my breath and prayed for the best.

"Osha, Aqua Jet let's go!" Brian yelled, but he sounded a bit more hesitate than normal with that command.

Osha the flashed pass Ruption in a blink of an eye only stopping a few feet in front me with an inflamed expression on her face. Her chest was heaving her chest up and down as if she was having a heart attack. One of the edges of her double bladed sword was pointed upwards side angle that was on the completely opposite side of her from where Ruption was.

Looking closely at her swords I could see that they were dripping with a red stain on them. I my eyes went from a look of anxiety to one of horror. Taking my eyes off of her I peered over to Ruption to see that he was facing towards Brian. Both tips of her swords' were drenched in the blood of my Pokémon.

Ruption then turned around towards Osha quickly and fired the stored Fire Blast. The five charges of super-heated energy made quick work of the ground that separated the two of them. Osha tried to turn around quickly to avoid it, but it was too late she was once again engulfed in an explosion flames.

Looking at Ruption again I could see the damage that she had done to him. It took everything I had to not recall him into his ball and rush to the nearest hospital. Though something in my mind was definitely telling me to do so, but I knew that Ruption would never forgive me. He had a large thirty degree angle slashed across his chest. He was bleeding profusely; I could see that he was on his final leg.

Once the flames had settled down, the only thing I could see was a smoking black blotch area that stained the forest of Route one. There in the center of the smoking area was Osha, but something was off...she wasn't burn as bad as the explosion had made it seem. It didn't make any sense, she stumbling to her feet, but even so she shouldn't be getting up at all.

After that Ruption completely passed out and hit the ground very roughly.

A small flame of hated for my brother started to build in me. I didn't know where this was coming from, I normally didn't care about whether I win or lose when it came to my brother. But this time...this time I wanted to win at matter the cost, my brother's feelings didn't matter to me at the moment.

I closed my eyes tightly; I wanted to see what was going on in my brother's head. A smirk made its way on my face, as I soon opened my eyes. It would seem that Brian has prepared for everything. When I looked into his mind I was able to see what he was remembering about the technique that he taught Osha. It was brilliant, and I should expect anything less from my brother.

What she actually did was, after the Aqua Jet/Razor Shell attack, he taught her keep moving and not let up with her defense. She was taught to spin around with her blade throw up a quick Counter-Shield , though in this case she was a bit to close but manage to negate most of the damage.

Suddenly, Osha burst into flames and then began screaming at the top of her lungs. The flames went out as fast as they appeared, and so did she.

I knew that she was on her last leg just as Ruption was, but the way she fainted was almost comical. She might have been able to do some real damage to my other Pokémon, but luck not being on her side today and she received a burn effect from Ruption's attack. For it to happen to a water type is crazy.

Pulling out my Pokéball I recalled Ruption back into his ball, and Brian recalled Osha into her ball as well.

Without any words, we both clipped on the Pokéball's to our belts and pulled out the second Pokémon we possessed. My seconded Pokémon was an obvious choice, just like how I knew that he was going to pick Diamond.

We both whipped our balls around quickly and tossed them into the air. From the explosion of energy rain down the form of our two Pokémon Diamond and Foo.

I felt that Foo would have been a better rep for this battle than Swipe would have been, not just for effectiveness of type, but I've been working really hard with him for this past week and he's been learning a thing or two about effectively utilizing his fighting style and technique into perfect harmony with each other. He's going to need every bit of focus and knowledge when it comes to this, 'Ice queen'.

Foo immediately began to Focus, so whatever she threw at him could easily be countered and toss it right back at her. I could only hope that he remembers that she was a long range special attacker.

"Diamond, let's start this off with an Ice Beam!" He barked.

I knew that it was just a reaction shot to try and break Foo and I focus. Basically he'll be trying to dodge and I'll be telling him to dodge, within those precious seconds he'd line us up for another attack. I'm not going to fall for that, instead I taught him to take beam attacks head on.

"Foo, Focal Point." I said calmly.

I knew that it wasn't an actual move. All that it meant was that he concentrate some energy at the tip of his digits and make a small barrier to split off the beam around him so that he wouldn't get hit.

Within that instance Diamond shot a very large Ice Beam that was twice the size of any other that I've ever seen her produce before. It traveled at a much faster rate as well, making very quick work of the distances that separated the two.

I could see Foo tense up a little harder to prepare for the impact of the beam. As the beam collided with the small Pokémon and split off into two directions around him as planned, but as soon as the onslaught of ice stop Foo's entire left paw was frozen.

He tried to wave it off, but it wouldn't come off. Diamond started running towards Foo at full speed. Her mouth began to glow ice white, I could tell that she was taking advantage of her Foo's confusion with the ice on his hand to attack him with an Ice Fang.

'She never uses physical attacks's some sort of trick!' I thought to myself rapidly.

"Foo, watch out for Diamond, and becareful for what she throws at you." I said not really sure what kind of move I should make.

It was too late Diamond was already in front of Foo, but she didn't use Ice Fang, but was instead used another move I haven't seen before. It was like she was breathing fire, but a frosty mist was coming pouring out. _ _

Foo let out a terrifying shriek of pain, it was as if though someone just stabbed him and slowly twisted the knife. I could only imagine what he must be going through right now, but to my surprise he began to fight through the pain and pushed forward towards Diamond. Once he got close enough to her, he jumped straight at her and kicked her right into the mouth.

She flew upwards in the air for about a meter or two and hit the ground very roughly.

"Diamond!" Brian cried. "Get up now!"

The feel of the atmosphere changed suddenly to a very dark and intense one. I could tell that Brian was going over board, but I couldn't understand why. I mean I'm normally the one who's getting bent out of shape about winning, not him; he's the one always doing the winning.

Diamond slowly began to stumble to her feet. Shaking her head vigorously she narrowed her eyes on Foo. She had a slight wiggle in her bottom jaw, which lead me to believe that it could be possible dislocated.

"Hey, Brian I think Diamond may be hurt. Let's call it quits for now..." I was cut off by one of the most disturbing I have yet to witness.

Tilting her head to one side, Diamond then snapped her head sharply to the other, popping her jaw quickly into place. She opened and closed her mouth for good measure and to make sure it was in place. Once she was done she continued her menacing stare at Foo.

"Looks fine to me, Brandon now shall we continue?" He said.

"What the...?"

Before I was able to mutter my final word, Diamond leap towards Foo quickly. She dashed towards him at blinding speeds, to the point where I couldn't keep up with her any more. She zipped pass him and hit him so quickly it spun him around.

I could see that the extra weight that the ice formed around his hand wasn't helping things either.

She continued her assault with Quick Attack, that Foo had absolutely no chance in stopping her. I had to do something to help him out.

"Come Diamond don't let up now add, Ice Fang into it!" He yelled sadistically.

"Brian..." I was cut off again by the screams of Foo.

All I could do was sit there and watch him be knocked around back and forward with his arms flailing about in a useless attempt to shield himself. She was too quick for him and this was starting to look like a one sided mess...even for Diamond.

Diamond never attack physically, she's more of a long ranger even if it's one on one. Her attack pattern is to force her opponent backwards away from her. Also she never goes on the offensive first, she's more like Brian wait and stakes out her opponents first bait them out to attack first, and then she will counterattack them. That way her opponent will have used up twice the energy trying to keep up with her, and often times it will only take one attack from her to finish the fight. Her Special Attack rating was off the charts, so much so that she could instantly freeze an opponent just by touching them no matter what type they are.

"Brian, stop this now!" I yelled loudly.

Blood started flowing from Foo's small body. I knew that he would not be able to take this anymore, hell I couldn't stand to watch him like this anymore. Pulling out his Pokéball I was going to recall him, but suddenly my arm was jerk backwards.

Snapping my head around to see that it was Kelly holding my arm down. She had a smile on her face, one that I've never seen before. It almost gave me more worry than the beating my Mienfoo was receiving.

"Shut up and watch." She said in a whisper.

Foo had bloody ice shards growing all over his body; he finally swayed and fell straight to the ground. With blood slowly leaking out of his many wounds I was doing my best to not recall him and kick Diamond's ass myself.

Kelly seems to have seen something that I didn't and the way she said, "Shut up and watch," was an entirely different manner on its own. She's never talked to me like that unless she was mad at me.

"Diamond, what are you doing finish him off!" Brian said slurring his words together.

"Oh shit, I have to stop this right now." I said turning my attention back to Foo.

Yet again I was stopped by Kelly, this time when she jerked my arm it felt like she almost ripped it off.

"Kelly, you're hurting my arm." I said struggling to break her grip.

"Didn't I," she began as her voice changing to a small squeak. "Tell you to shut up and watch?"


Again looking at Foo I noticed that his body was beginning to turn white, glowing white! He was Evolving!

His small body began to glow bright white, so bright I had to shield my face from the radiant light. There is only way he could emit that kind of light...he's evolving.

After the bright flash of light I was finally able to lower my arm and gazed upon. I saw the new form of my little Foo, but he wasn't little anymore...he was large. He's my new Pokémon my new Mienshao! Is this what Victini meant when it told me to watch?

He slowly stood up stumbling a bit as he gazed around his surroundings. Some of his wounds had closed up and most of his bleeding has stopped, but I could tell that he was still pretty tired. If I remember correctly how Osha was when she evolved she was exhausted, to the point where she passed out on her feet.

But I can't afford that luxury Brian has completely lost his mind and Diamond has as well. I don't know what could have done this to them. If I don't keep fighting until I defeat her, Foo and myself could possibly be killed.

"What's this shit? Like that'll help, Diamond kick his ass, but make it slow." He said with a condescending grin.

'Dammit, all I can do is tell him to do is keep his guard up until I figure something out. I'm almost completely out of options here.' I thought to myself as could still feel of Kelly arms wrapping around me. She looked over my shoulder at the action unfolding before me; the sound of her breathing began to alarm me. It sounded like a muffled wheeze as if something blocking her breathing.

That's when I finally realized the horrible truth, that this wasn't Kelly anymore it was all Victini...

This girl that has been a part of my life for the last two weeks I would have consider someone that I truly loved. Not just because of the sex or the relationship that we had, but she was truly a girl I could relate to. But she would sacrifice everything just to be number one.

By this time I'm more than sure she's not even herself anymore. God knows how long Victini has been controlling her...

"Oh...shit..." I mumbled to myself as something just came to me.

Foo on the other hand had found his balance and before Diamond was able to strike him able. He expertly managed to whip her in the face, with the whip-like growths on his arms. Quickly jumping backwards on my side of the field he panted lightly, but I knew him. He could keep going as long as I was will to do so. I would never disappoint one of my best friends.

But thinking about Kelly again, just made me realized what could have happened, but I was too stupid to see it. Now my brother, all of our Pokémon and me are now endanger because of it.

"You thought correctly interesting one ; this one is only a vessel." The Victini squeaked. "I only used this one to get to a more interesting one."

I almost forgot that it was a psychic, one of the most powerful in the world at that. I shouldn't take this thing lightly or that will spell the end for all of us. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to extend my will to you, but your brother seems to make a much better candidate don't you think interesting one?" It sounded more twisted by the second the more I listened to it.

In order for me to survive I'm going to have to do something and quick. Out here in the woods without any help for miles don't help either, but as long as there's breath in my body, this bitch won't have its way.