The Test
The Test: A Prologue to Dragon's Love and Project1
By: Karai Crocuta
"...A forgotten world where beasts roam that should never have existed. We see it in our dreams--perhaps the future, perhaps the past--no one seems to know the answer. I have seen armageddon more than once in these dreams--a violent end perpetuated by the horrific masses. Disturbing does not begin to describe it, nor does any logic explain it. Only one other person has confirmed this particular vision, and you will unfortunately never meet her.
"For now, though, we should continue with your lessons. It isn't every day that I find a cub with potential like yours, and I intend not to waste any of it.
Kieran's expression--which had up until the last sentence been rapt attention--turned into a scowl. "I thought we were going to start the physical training today like you said! I'm sick of learning about stuff I'll probably never run into, much less have to deal with."
The red wyrm before Kieran stood up on his four heavy legs and stretched. His huge, magnificent wings spread out to a full thirty-seven feet, then folded once again along the reptilian back. "I'm fully aware of what I said, but I still have some things to cover first. Weren't you wondering about what I mentioned earlier? I said I'd be taking you to a special area in the woods--one of considerable power and safety for those allies that reach it."
Kieran's scowl continued, his nose wrinkling. "Yeah, but I want to learn how to move like you do--you know, faster than the eye can one in the city would make fun of me if I learned that."
Stormfire's expression--unreadable most of the time--softened slightly at the young one's words. His eyes gleamed golden in the morning light as he once again reminded his charge of the facts: "You know that you're training has not yet progressed that far. At any rate, you need to learn to concentrate and focus your energy long before you can begin to push your body to its limits. Never forget that the first step in the training is..."
"Yeah, yeah...learning about our world and how it works and all that. I know, you tell me this every day."
"And every day you ask me the same questions. Every day you want to move ahead without fully understanding everything you are taught. I know you are eager to advance, but even you can't progress that far yet."
"Maybe not, but what if we were attacked now? I wouldn't be any help, and you'd have to fight alone. I hate being useless, but it's all I am right now." The cub was eyeing the ground, now, his eyes hooded.
"I haven't the time to argue with you, Kieran. I have already stated my reasoning, and we should continue traveling now or we may not reach the glade before nightfall. Lingering in the wood after dark is not something I would relish, not after what I have heard there at night." Stormfire snorted. Perhaps he was being melodramatic, but he knew that the boy would only realize his potential through experience. Unfortunately, Kieran was mostly right. If Demons ambushed them where they stood, Stormfire would have to do most of the fighting.
The two--one a small wolf cub, barely five feet in height, with brown fur, amber eyes, and a typical air of impatience for one his age, the other a towering, crimson-scaled wyrm--stood at the very edge of a dense forest. A strange darkness lay below the canopy, making it difficult to see inside. Kieran feel a rare tinge of fear. What could lie in the woods that holds power enough to be respected by the dragon?
Stormfire noticed the cub's hesitation, "You need not fear the forest while I am here. Come, I know where there is a stream of clear water to drink from."
With that, the two entered the wood, Kieran's fears leaving for a time. It was true that his mentor, Stormfire the legendary Red Wyrm, was older than any other mortal being on the planet, and the most powerful besides. Indeed, he felt safe when traveling with the dragon--at least as safe as he could ever feel with the Demons attacking his world.
They continued along the faint trail that led between the trees, Stormfire's heavy footfalls punctuating the strange silence that pervaded the area. Kie noticed it, too, and it disturbed him. Why were none of the forest creatures making any sounds? Even the wind was silent, as if all activity had stopped at their arrival. He mentioned it aloud.
"This place is very old...I don't doubt that it may have a form of sentience, so I am not so surprised that in these times it may not like visitors," Stormfire replied.
Kieran's ears flattened temporarily. He didn't like the idea of a forest being at odds with him at all. He was sure he could fight any foe that was standing in front of him, win or lose, but how could he fight a place? "It should know that we're on its side, Sensei...doesn't it remember you?"
The dragon's pace did not slow, though Kieran had the feeling that he was being observed. He could tell when the master was watching him through magical means--though he never let on.
"I never said that I had set foot here before. Although the forest should really try to keep up with the latest gossip concerning its future saviours."
Kie rolled his eyes--mostly to act like he didn't know about the 'video camera' being magically trained upon him. In a way it was irritating to be watched secretly, but perhaps when the dragon found out the truth it would be worth the act. The cub also felt a bit of pride in being able to sense when Sensei was using magic--though it reminded him that he had learned nothing even remotely interesting or useful (to him) since he became an apprentice.
True, he was still a cub, having lived not quite thirteen seasons. He felt as though he should learn fighting techniques first, though, if he was to be a Demonslayer. He could already feel their presence, and even keep them from changing shape if he concentrated hard. These things he had practiced on a captured Demon that Stormfire had subdued. Kieran had wanted to slay it, but by the time he had used the technique, it died on its own--something about being 'disconnected' from its fellows. At any rate, Kie decided that he would keep pushing for combat training--it would certainly bore him less.
It was not long before they both could finally hear the babbling of water up ahead. They reached the stream without incident, and Kieran drank while Stormfire found his bearings. The wood was having odd effects on the dragon's sense of direction, but he could still sense the power that dwelt in it. He hoped that the boy was ready--he had done all he could so far.
* * *
They set up camp that night (Or so they estimated, as the canopy completely blocked any sunlight or lack thereof from reaching the forest floor), and Kieran decided to take first watch. Even the dragon had to sleep sometime, and both of them agreed that the young wolf's senses were well-developed. He could hear an approaching threat oftentimes from almost a league away, smell one from four times that distance, and see it from half on a clear night. Also, he was rather restless after such an uneventful day. Stormfire hadn't even made him perform any exercises--aside from the usual meditation, and he wanted to work off some nervous energy. So he waited until he knew the dragon was sleeping, and looking up at the ceiling of dark leaves, he decided to go for a climb.
The cub was rather fast already for his age. In this way he often underestimated himself. He leapt onto a low-hanging branch with ease, then from trunk to trunk upward with each bound. Before long, he began encountering dense foliage, so he continued by climbing. It was several minutes before he began to sense a trickle of moonlight piercing through the canpoy--some 100 yards or so from the ground, and it encouraged him.
Finally, he broke through the top, and instantly dropped back under cover. He had seen something floating or flying in the air, aligned with the path of moonlight from mother Luna. He knew, or at least thought that it musn't be a demon, but he knew of no other being or entity that could fly and emit strange lights like this thing had...
Carefully, he slid a broad leaf aside, allowing him to take another look. His eyes glowed, reflecting the moonlight as he gazed upon a strange, unreal sight. He could not tell if it was male or female. Its body was shaped like most beings who stood on two legs, but its build was slight, and it was covered in black garments. Kieran noticed that it seemed to have no fur, only pale skin was exposed on its hands and face. Stranger still, its face was flat--no muzzle--and it had an odd, pointed nose and thin lips on its snoutless mouth. Its ears were large and pointed, and it had strange, long hair coming from the top of its head that flowed outward behind it, obsidian in color and shining. An aura of pale blue energy surrounded the figure, and as Kieran watched, mesmerized, it turned to him, its lips forming a smile through which shone cruel, pointed teeth.
The young wolf snapped out of the trance, and dove down through the vegetation, hoping to reach and warn the dragon before they were attacked. He reached the ground fast, landing on all four paws with a thud, but he didn't see any sign of his mentor. Where was Stormfire? He managed to fight the panic washing over him. The thing that he saw up there seemed so unnatural, and it was filled with malice. It possessed immense power of a dark nature that felt eerily like that of a demon. He didn't think he could fight it alone. So, using his abilities, he attempted to quickly sense the dragon's power.
The youth darted off as soon as he got a reading. It was tinym but definitely Stormfire's. It was distressingly far off, but the cub could move like the wind when he felt like it. Within a few seconds he came to a clearing and skidded to a stop unexpectedly. His eyes went wide, and it took a moment for him to register what was happening. Two more beings like the one he had glimpsed in the sky were hovering ominously, side by side in the middle of the glade. Between them floated a tiny red dragon, curled up in sleep, surrounded in a yellow field of energy.
Kieran's eyes glowed red suddenly--an outward sign of his anger and surprise. "Let him go! I won't let you take him!" The cub's energy surrounded him in crimson, lighting up the area.
The two figures wore the same smile as the first one Kieran had encountered as they watched the display. They turned to one another, nodding, and the dragon fell to the ground, rolling like a discus and settling.
Kieran concentrated, focusing his energy like Sensei had spoken about. Even though he had never felt power this strong come from him, he somehow found that he could grasp it intuitively. He absorbed the power into his muscles and limbs, feeling the burning sensation that was his outrage spreading throughout his body. With an unearthly cry, he charged the monstrosity on the left, planning to tear it apart.
He struck only air, though, and almost tumbled forward as he attempted to halt his momentum. Surprise, followed by more anger made his teeth clench as he beheld the ghastly pair, laughing at his inferiority. They made no sound, which unnerved Kieran even more. He hadn't even seen the movement of the one that avoided his charge, it just disappeared, and reappeared out of harm's way.
The wolf that was hardly more than a cub raised a fist, and plunged it into the ground in frustration. The energy in his eyes turned a dark purple, a sudden wave of force exploding from the point at which his paw made contact with the earth. Kieran panted, winded all of a sudden, without knowing why. The silence around him soon became oppressive again, and he finally looked up, expecting to either be killed or laughed at again for his lack of fighting ability. What he saw stunned him.
Two beings--not entirely unlike the ones he had attacked just seconds earlier--were standing in the grass. Their dark garments and twisted faces were replaced by a radiance; sublime like Luna herself. Their skin a pale gray, their eyes like a clear night sky, they beheld the boy with unreadable expressions. When they spoke, their words appeared in the mind's eye. Their lips moved, but no actual sound issued forth.
"We are not laughing now, as you can see, mortal. Indeed, we expected much less from a mere boy and a wyrm who does not even come from this world, but expects to save it," the two said in unison, suddenly being joined by the third, "Now we are forced to accept the possibility that a half-cursed soul may be the only savior this world has. Does that make you feel good?"
Kieran, struck dumb by their radiance, could only nod, confused as he was.
"I would not be so quick to assume the title of hero, young one. It carries great pain along with it: The anguish of many battles, and the loss of friends. In the end, you may be the only one left to fight, the only one left to congratulate yourself if you win against the impossible odds set before you. We accept you as a power greater than ourselves, but that doesn't mean you stand a chance against the Scourge."
Tears suddenly sprang from the cub's eyes, and he felt a heavy weight descending onto him; his burden, accepted immediately and without regret. He felt a strange despair--not from his own memories, but something from outside. Was it theirs? Was it his own destiny? He was chosen. He alone was to combat the invading entities threatening to destroy his home. He, one born of shadow and light, wolf and demon-wolf.
The illuminating radiance faded, becoming darkness as the three figures slowly disappeared. The light of morning unexpectedly shone from above, through the hole in the canopy above. Kieran had fallen to his paws and knees, not remembering why he was crying, or why he was so weary. Suddenly, there were arms around him. There was the dragon's comforting scent surrounding him like it had when he was first found seven years ago, battered and alone after the demon attack that had claimed the lives of his family members.
Stormfire knew that something had happened while he was dozing. He cursed his laziness. He had already shrunken to a smaller size, becoming more bipedal like he always did in order to give a proper hug. Now, though, he was cradling his charge in powerful arms while the cub wiped his eyes, just now having stopped sobbing. He pressed the small, furry body to him, wondering what could have possibly occurred to make Kieran weep for the first time since they day they had met.
The cub's eyes dried after a moment, and he blinked slowly, then squirmed as he realized that the dragon was holding him close.
"Sensei, let go of's embarrasing..."
Stormfire snorted, giving the cub another squeeze before releasing him. "You ask that, though you know full well that I am like a father to you, and that any father feels the need to comfort a cub who is weeping..."
Kieran stepped back, remembering the tears that he had shed, but still not their source. He scowled, like he always did when the dragon spoke of him in this way. "I'm sorry, ok? It's not like I'm still a little cub anymore."
Stormfire only nodded, remembering how young ones of this place act at this age. It still stung to have the Kieran reject his hug, though, especially after how the cub had needed them at first. "Alright,, can you tell me what gave you tears? Was it another dream?"
The wolf cub shook his head, looking around as his eyes adjusted to the light. "I don't remember...but I never sleep while it's my watch."
The dragon slowly increased in size, becoming his former, quadrupedal self. He looked concerned, his scaly brow furrowed. "It's alright. I seem to have overslept as well. Perhaps we were more tired than I imagined. We may have spent far more time traveling than we thought."
From that moment on, the forest took on a more friendly air, literally becoming brighter and more alive than before. Neither student or teacher could figure out why, but it seemed that they were welcome here now. They traveled on, not realizing the test that Kieran had passed, or what the future had in store for them.
///Updated 12/31/05