LLST #10 ~ In Dreams

Toiling away in the low light of a single lamp, Sab pinched dried plants and powders from the small glass jars dotting the table. Many more lined the racks mounted on the walls of the cramped workspace. The...

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NM #2 ~ Sitting

The night sky was clear, innumerable stars flickering on a canvas of black as Niv stared past them all. The porch steps weren't the most comfortable place to sit, but it was the quietest and had the best view. He didn't have to crane his neck. ...

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LAWT #8 ~ Engage [Encounter Pt.2]

Alex stared out the window, idly fidgeting with a polished stone and watching the traffic kick up clouds of mist on the wet street. The drizzle outside made a dull patter on the roof, smoothing over the...

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NM #1 ~ Comfort

The door clicked as Mela unlocked it and stepped into the house. She set her duffle bag on the floor before announcing herself. "Honey I'm home!" she called facetiously. Making her way to the kitchen, she peeked into the living room to see Niv...

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LAWT #9 ~ Tail Tricks

"Heyo." Alex announced himself, half-heartedly, as he entered the room. He'd just come off his workday and found his friends having a quiet chat at the kitchen table. Lorrie gave him a little wave while, at...

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LLST #8 ~ Hot Shot

A crowd gathered to one side of the grassy clearing, eagerly anticipating the show with excited murmurs. Looking over all the faces, Emaatet couldn't help a satisfied smirk. _Excellent_, she thought. The wolf...

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