Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 32: Places Both Known And Unknown Part I** Day 62 (Auxiliary site in the Great Forest) "Hmm...." Feleen said as she watched Dawn Stern work at the terminal that housed her program. "Wow, this...
(Chapter Five) From the frying pan...
He was like some bizarre action hero intent on rescuing the damsel in distress and putting a stop to the villains who'd kidnapped her. she also noted that he didn't waste any bullets.
Chapter 2 - Enter the Chihuahua
#3 of rescued rangers i originally started this as a story jam, but no one submitted other chapters. so, here's my own chapter two submission. anyone who wants to can jump in with a chapter of their own.
Journey to another world pt2 ch64
We would have been their sooner to rescue you, but we feared what saturn might do to you if he knew of presence."
Lohikarmen: Chapter 3 - The dragons' refuge
He had met only dragons who had to defend themselves or who were driven by a terrible revenge...similarly to the youngster we're going to rescue." around the fire, the other dragons looked each other, for the third time.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Nine
There was no way i could salvage the ship after the damage it received, so my only hope was for rescue. all i thought to do was to evade the enemy and survive. i climbed over mountains, ran across the bottom of craters rounded massive canyons.
Wolfen - Chapter 14
Verik remembered the story that keil told him about when they rescued him. he and syla were rescued, but one of they had to leave behind. when they came back, the third was gone, taken by a human. that was four years ago.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Five
_and nobody's come to rescue me yet._ part of him laughed at that. he was the juryokine. it wasn't like he was marooned here, especially not since he had his winged jacket.
The Daughter
Panic grew in his heart; the last thing this evening needed was them blowing their own rescue, but mary was dismissive and held her daughter close.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)
"attack team, chase team, rescue team! let's go!" lyre shouted from atop of the waterfall as song's ears started twitching. "what is it?" mr. goodfellow asked his adoptive mother. "lyre!"
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Pokemon heartgold pokemon rescue team: explorers of darkness professor layton and the curious village professor layton and the diabolical box power rangers: super legends radiant historia rondo of swords rune factory 2 shin megami tensei: devil
Kingdom Hearts 2: finally we get are own adventure !
#8 of kingdom hearts sora: there's nobody here donald: you mean there's nobody to rescue ? sora: (sigh) voice 1: did somebody say rescue ? voice: 2: shhh!